On Jan 15, 11:13 am, Paul Rubin <http://phr...@nospam.invalid> wrote:
> Roy Smith <r...@panix.com> writes:
> > C is not evil.  It's a tool.  Would you call a hammer evil because it's not
> > very good at driving screws?  
> I would call a hammer evil if it were built in a way that made it
> unnecessarily likely to hit your thumb.
> > C is a very good tool for doing the kind of thing it was designed
> > for, which is highly efficient, low-level, portable programming.
> > The fact that C has been used to write all sorts of large-scale
> > applications doesn't mean that it's good at that kind of stuff.  It just
> > means that all the alternatives suck more than it does for that kind of
> > stuff.
> I don't think so:  http://www.adaic.org/whyada/ada-vs-c/cada_art.html

Hammers are not evil, they have no logic, interpreters and compilers
are not evil either -- you and i control there every move. The hammer
will go exactly where you guide it to -- if that happens to be you

Python does exactly what it's told, if you tell Python to smash your
thumb, Python will gladly comply :)

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