> Python supporters on this list don't really care about
> Python -- only money, and depravity.  you and i and the
> other few, pure of heart, must fight for Python!!

Unfortunatly no others besides yourself have come forward. This is not
a fight for my ideas anymore as a test of the community! You make a
good point, money is the great corruptor. Guido gave a large portion
of his life to bring about python. And for these people to say in one
breath "Yea, I use free Python" and in the next say "No I will not
support free Python" desicrates the work that Guido and the DEV TEAM
have done! Guido GAVE python to the world for FREE. Guido has done his
job, now it is time to step up and be counted! I came here to seek
support for python and to my dismay have incountered huge resistance,
NOT to my ideas, but to support for Python. What future is there for
python when comp.lang.python will not support Python! Sure my idea is
ambitious, but does that mean we should not try?

Try to give back some time and you will see a change in your life for
the better. There are greater things in life than money. Take Guido's

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