port finds it
instead of the system's pydoc module. On Linux, the pyvenv pydoc script
doesn't have an extension - so import finds the system's pydoc module.
I believe the Windows pyvenv pydoc.py script should be renamed to pydocs.py.
Has anyone else hit this issue?
Agreed. I did submit a bug report. If the core developers fix this, I suspect
they will do so in a manner that does not break existing docs. However, my
workaround (rename the pyvenv created scripts\pydoc.py file) should suffice for
those who need the problem solved now.
Take care,
pointed to some documentation which might help clarify what I
need to do.
Also if there is anything else that could be improved on with the code happy to
be contacted off list.
On Saturday, 13 July 2013 17:28:50 UTC+10, Peter Otten wrote:
> Every time when you have to look up something you should think 'dict', and I
> expect that pretty that will happen automatically.
> Also, to split a tuple into its items you can "unpack&
On Saturday, 13 July 2013 18:11:18 UTC+10, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Fri, 12 Jul 2013 23:43:55 -0700, peter wrote:
> >
> > I am new to Python and wondering if there is a better python way to do
> A Python bash script? What does that mean? Python and bash are
One of my favourite questions when interviewing - and it was 100% reliable :-)
- "what are your hobbies?"
If the answer included programming then they were hired, if not, then they went
to the "B" list.
In my experience, anybody who is really interested in programming will have it
as a hobby (
If your desire is to "learn" Python then I would stick to 2.7
My reasoning would be that there are still a significant number of packages
that have not been ported to 3.x (and may never be ported).
Not having looked at the changes in 3.x (so don't flame me! :-)), it would seem
that anything yo
On 12/06/2012 08:47 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
On Thu, 06 Dec 2012 09:49:26 +0100, Bruno Dupuis wrote:
The point is Exceptions are made for error handling, not for normal
That's certainly not the case in Python. Using exceptions for flow
control is a standard part of the language.
On 12/06/2012 10:58 AM, Chris Angelico wrote:
On Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 12:33 AM, Thomas Rachel
Am 06.12.2012 09:49 schrieb Bruno Dupuis:
The point is Exceptions are made for error handling, not for normal
workflow. I hate when i read that for example:
On 12/07/2012 11:17 AM, gialloporpora wrote:
Risposta al messaggio di gialloporpora :
This is the code in my test.py:
Sorry, I have wrongly pasted the code:
class msgmarker(object):
def __init__(self, msgid, msgstr, index, encoding="utf-8"):
self._encoding =encoding
On 12/10/2012 12:42 PM, andrea crotti wrote:
So I implemented a simple decorator to run a function in a forked
process, as below.
It works well but the problem is that the childs end up as zombies on
one machine, while strangely
I can't reproduce the same on mine..
I know that this is not the p
On 12/11/2012 08:47 AM, andrea crotti wrote:
Yes I wanted to avoid to do something too complex, anyway I'll just
comment it well and add a link to the original code..
But this is now failing to me:
def daemonize(stdin='/dev/null', stdout='/dev/null', stderr='/dev/null'):
# Perform first fo
On 12/11/2012 10:25 AM, andrea crotti wrote:
Ah sure that makes sense!
But actually why do I need to move away from the current directory of
the parent process?
In my case it's actually useful to be in the same directory, so maybe
I can skip that part,
or otherwise I need another chdir after..
On 12/11/2012 10:57 AM, andrea crotti wrote:
where in [] I have the PID of the process.
In this suggested way I should use some other files as standard output
and error, but for that I already have the logging module that logs
in the right place..
It's not realy neccesary do use the stderr and st
Samba4 first release, with python interface for the internals api,
and a implementation of the DC in python :).
Viva la python
On 12/12/2012 02:38 PM, peter wrote:
Samba4 first release, with python interface for the internals api,
and a implementation of the DC in python :).
Viva la python
I forgot to put the link of the good news
On 12/26/2012 03:17 AM, Kevin Anthony wrote:
I'm writing a file processing script(Linux), and i would like to have
a progress bar. But i would also like to be able to print messages.
Is there a simple way of doing this without implementing something
like ncurses?
Kevin Ant
On 12/27/2012 05:01 PM, mogul wrote:
I'm new to python, got 10-20 years perl and C experience, all gained on unix
alike machines hacking happily in vi, and later on in vim.
Now it's python, and currently mainly on my kubuntu desktop.
Do I really need a real IDE, as the windows guys ar
Real mature lot of responses here guys - shows how much you have grown up.
Reading this thread looked more like observing a bunch of 3rd grader - somebody
offers an opinion and all you can do is ridicule it?
Real mature - certainly gives Python a good name having followers like this...
But then
Yes, raw sockets need admin privileges, I knew that. The app I'm writing runs
as root so that's not a problem. It runs during the %pre script stage of a
kickstart controlled install.
On Tuesday, January 22, 2013 1:58:07 PM UTC-8, Rob Williscroft wrote:
> Try
> s = socket.socket( socket
On Feb 4, 11:47 pm, Jean Dupont wrote:
> I need to set the following options I found in a Perl-script in Python for
> serial communication with a device (a voltmeter):
> $port->handshake("none");
> $port->rts_active(0);
> $port->dtr_active(1);
> I have thus far the following statements but I
_init__(self, year, month, day)
and get the same error message.
What am I doing wrong here?
Thanks for any help,
Or wxPython is another good alternative. Download the demo and have a look at
the widgets people have already used/created. I think there are some good
choices for instrumentation (from memory).
though I am on my first wxPython GUI, I am extremely happy that I made the
switch - I am already using basic wxPython widgets that were just not available
under TkInter/ttk, creating a much more intuitive interface (IMO :-)) for my
Best of luck in your choices,
e box.
Is this correct? If so is there any other Tkinter based solution, or
do I need to learn a new GUI?
I'm using Python 2.6.1 under WindowsXP
eting (wouldn't be the first time!)
On Aug 17, 3:16 pm, Hans Mulder wrote:
> On 17/08/11 10:03:00, peter wrote:
> > Is there an equivalent to msvcrt for Linux users? I haven't found
> > one, and have resorted to some very clumsy code which turns off
> > keyboard excho then reads stdin. Seems such an
Toolbar.TCheckbutton \
-relief flat
style map Toolbar.TCheckbutton -relief {
disabled flat
selected sunken
pressed sunken
active raised
Hopefully somebody else in this group has "done" this and can post
their "solution"?
No responses? Nobody with knowledge of modifying styles etc?
On Mar 14, 2:08 pm, Peter wrote:
> Hi I'm struggling to get a good understanding of styles as used in
> ttk. I have read the tutorial section on using styles but haven't been
> able to solve this problem.
g everything
purely ttk - modifying the style to change the background of the Frame
statements would have made it an even better example!
I will repost the answer if I can work it out using this example code
- thanks again! :-)
On Mar 18, 9:14 am, pyt...@bdurham.com wrote:
> Peter,
On Mar 17, 5:22 pm, Kee Nethery wrote:
> My favorite approximation is: 355/113 (visualize 113355 split into two 113
> 355 and then do the division). The first 6 decimal places are the same.
> 3.141592920353982 = 355/113
> vs
> 3.1415926535897931
> Kee Nethery
Or (more for fun than any pract
Here is what I came up with - hopefully I have understood the process
correctly and therefore that the comments are correct :-)
I am not sure I have the color of the indicator when it is (de)pressed
correct, but to my eyes the color 'snow' looks like the same color
used with a Tkinter Checkbutton
he benefit here.
Me ither.
I am no english professor, but isn't the word "i" usualy pointed at
something you will, have, can, or can't do in english?
"me" or "self" or "this" or "my" or "cls" or "inst" are refering to just
the object, nothing more, nothing less (except for "my" which is like
referring to "something i own") and are much more human-comprehendable.
>Terry Hancock ( hancock at anansispaceworks.com )
>Anansi Spaceworks http://www.anansispaceworks.com
e you could do
something like
# --
tm = time.localtime(time.time() + ((60 * 60) * 24))
print strftime("%Y-%m-%d", tm)
# -
Which gets the date of tommarow.
>Bytecode files extracted should be decompilable to something resembling
>>original python code by a python decompiler (quick Googling finds
>>"decompyle": http://www.crazy-compilers.com/).
>Best Regards,
>Leo Jay
ng sorted, but
>they are only being sorted AFTER the 0 of the initial array creation.
>I'm pretty sure it's to do with comparing a string against an integer
>but can't for the life of me see where to force the comparrison to check
>against two integers.
Humm. This is a harder problem. I will copy this text into JEdit to
highlight the text and see if i cannot find the problem.
>Apologies for going over old ground and if I'm not understanding, I'm
>getting there honest ;)
Peter wrote:
>Jason wrote:
>>A week ago I posted a simple little hi-score routine that I was using to
>>learn Python.
>>I've only just managed to examine the code, and the responses that
>>people gave, and I'm now seriously s
> print "%s - %s" % (name,score)
>The % operator binds more tightly than the comma, so you need to put
>parentheses around the argument to % (as in the last line above).
Well said. :)
- Peter
Peter wrote:
> Peter wrote:
>> Jason wrote:
>>> A week ago I posted a simple little hi-score routine that I was
>>> using to learn Python.
>>> I've only just managed to examine the code, and the responses th
\g gets the value of a named backreference (but only in the
re.sub(r"""<(?PH[1-5]) style="(.*)">(?P.*)""",
r"""\g | <\1 style="\2">\3<\1>""",
u want it to work before you create an instance, then you can do
that with
class foo:
def bar(self):
print "Hello, World!"
or the older (but exactly the same):
class foo:
def bar(self):
print "Hello, World!"
bar = classmethod(bar)
>thanks in advance,
I always pronounced it double-you-ex-python. I am almost positive this
is the way it is pronounced.
Although the wxPyWiki seems to be pronounced wix-pee-wi-kee (as it says
on the front page) so maybe it is pronounced wix-Python... you never know...
Alex wrote:
>My native langu
>>def handler(req):
>> req.content_type = 'text/plain'
>> req.send_http_header()
>> req.write('mptest.py\n')
>> return apache.OK
>>Is this code enough for testing?
>i believe so.
>also check this:
>"Getting mod_python Working"
73, 5)))"
I tend to like "array(i for i in (-1, 2, -4, 5, 55, 9, -73, 5) if i <
0)" better though. (And its even shorter).
## Example 3
# With line-continuation:
>>> print """Hello, \
... World!"""
Hello, World!
# Without line-continuation:
>>> print """Hello,
... World!"""
# -
## Example 4
# With line-continuation:
>>> [1,\
... 2,\
... 3]
[1, 2, 3]
# Without line-continuation:
>>> [1,
... 2,
... 3]
[1, 2, 3]
/ End examples
If you are trying to close a file with f.close without parenthasies,
then i _realy_ hope that this did not work, as f.close is nothing but a
class method and should be treated like one except when called.
You may want to check out the Python tutorial at python.org
hat the user used to upload the file or '' (maybe None) when
the FieldStorage object was not created for a File upload. The
getfirst call returns the data of the file, but you need to access the
FieldStorage object directly forthe filename (as you did).
mark wrote:
> How d
fully. Then I
copied the PIL library from the installation directory where it was
built to the Python site-packages location. And then everything worked.
For some reason it was not enough to do python setup.py install but
this is probably an artifact of previous failures.
Hope this helps som
any ideas why I can't access it - or any alternative URL's, or indeed
any other suggestions at all! Grateful for any reply.
The email address is the one I registered under Google, and is now
it seems to be less trivial than you mentioned...
hopefully this will be introduced fast in python
': 'project_dev'}
also package_dir = {'project_dev':'project_user'}
both without any success. (relatively unintuitive option this is)
Can anybody give the correct way to achieve a directory-renaming when
creating an installer?
kind regards
ou have an idea what could have happened here?
kind regards
complete error
running sdist
warning: sdist: missing required meta-data: url
warning: sdist: missing meta-data: either (author and author_email) or
er and maintainer_email) must be supplied
warning: sdist: ma
hello Robert
I've tried your setup.py file and now it seems to work...
I've made the following fault in the setup:
I did use:
setup(..., packages = ['project_dev'], ...) instead of the correct one:
setup(..., packages = ['project_user'], ...)
you have been
Hi hi.
I'm trying to do sequential decompression of a bzipped XML file and
feed it to a SAX parser with the following code.
remotefh = urllib.urlopen('file:///home/peter/catalog.rdf.bz2')
decompressor = bz2.BZ2Decompressor()
handler = CatalogueDocumentHandler(sys.stdout)
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> > The API reference isn't clear on whether parseString can only handle
> > discrete bits of valid XML
> the documentation says that "parse" expects an XML document,
> and that "parseString" is the same thing, but parses from a buffer.
to fA.
Essentially this gives a new function fA which can call the old
function fA
thanks a lot for reading so far
following idea does not work!
# fA = old fA, already defined
def tempFunc(*args):
# do something with fA
fA = tempFunc # gives infinite loop, recursive mails
Hello all,
Recently I've started to refactor my code ...(I'm using python 2.3.4)
I tried to add extra functionality to old functions non-intrusively.
When I used a construct, which involves renaming functions etc... I
came across some recursive problems. (a basic construct can be found
under the
I indeed also rely on your idea.
My problem however is: is has to be non-intrusively in both ways.
In your example, it would indeed not break the old code which relies on
but my problems is: I also do not want to change the code of the
'before' myfunction.
so my problem in fact
thx a lot for the information on decorators
this will be very usefull... (sounds like a little step towards aspect
orientated programming,:) )
Because I use libraries which rely on boost-python I can not jump into
python 2.4
but I understand the main idea and can also use it in python 2.3
(it w
see the topic:
adding new functionality to a function non-intrusively! and decorators
if you want to add functionality to a function!
return fA(input)
fA = newFA
gives an infinite recursive loop?
kind regards
Antoon Pardon wrote:
> Op 2005-02-16, peter schreef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > Recently I've started to refactor my code ...(I'm using p
brain reset and understood
thx a lot for all your answers
indeed it does, so basically everything works except my original
def myfunction(a,b):
return a+b
def _myfunction(a,b):
return myfunction(a,b)
myfunction = _myfunction
oh well, it was enough to puzzle my tiny brain
I released a new version of the Windows installer for Python 2.3 that
includes the missing _TTSFast.pyd file.
Peter Hansen wrote:
> Mike P. wrote:
> > I was wondering if anyone has had any luck with the python text to
> > (pyTTS) module available on Sourceforge:
> > h
Linux kernel 2.6.9
Slackware 10
Python version 2.3.4
wxPython version
I compiled and installed wxPython.
There is no uninstall script that I can find for the py components. The
library component has a make uninstall.
What is the proper way to uninstall packages? I searched everywhere, bu
Peter Hansen wrote:
> Peter wrote:
>> Linux kernel 2.6.9
>> Slackware 10
>> Python version 2.3.4
>> wxPython version
>> I compiled and installed wxPython.
>> There is no uninstall script that I can find for the py compon
opefully this information is useful to other Python, Vim, and Mercurial
Peter Santoro
I stuck with Tkinter combined with PMW for a very long time, but the lack of
extra widgets finally drove me to look elsewhere.
I tried PyQT but didn't have a good experience. I can't remember details, but
things just seemed to have little "gotchas" - which the mailing list were very
helpful wit
stdout, *, opath=None):
if opath is None:
for line in stdout.splitlines():
yield line.strip()
with open(opath) as f:
for line in f:
yield line.strip()
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Peter Santoro
with open(opath) as f:
for line in f:
yield line.strip()
ce penalty was infinitesimal, so I was just adding complexity for the
sake of the abstract concept of a more 'pythonic' style.
Obviously this isn't going to change, but for concatenating short strings a and
b is there any practical reason to avoid a+b?
y option with a specific width instruction. But this is a bit
less flexible than my original method. Is there any Tkinter command
which will return the actual dimensions of a widget which has had the
grid sticky option applied?
nal program, rename the new class file and have two complete
copies of the program but that is not ideal :-)
On Jan 4, 9:34 am, wesley chun wrote:
> fwiw, i've given a related talk a couple of times on this subject, the
> most recent of which was at EuroPython this
> summer:http://ep2011.europython.eu/conference/talks/writing-books-using-pyth...
> the content includes a couple of the tools mentioned i
On Jan 4, 12:06 pm, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Tue, 03 Jan 2012 14:21:36 -0800, Peter wrote:
> > I have a program that talks to a device via a serial interface.
> > Structurally it looks like this:
> > Program A -> module B -> Serial
> I don't u
an alternative inheritance approach while waiting an answer,
but the answer to the question interested me (even if I do a redesign
and come up with a more "elegant" approach to the problem).
On Jan 5, 10:09 am, Ian Kelly wrote:
> Well, you could get the previous stack level using
> traceback.extract_stack() and check the filename. But it sounds like
> what you actually have are two different methods -- one that is used
> by the superclass, and one that only the subclass knows abou
I'm sure Python 3 is wonderful, but I make heavy use of the Python
Imaging Library, which as I understand it has not been adapted to
Python 3. There may be alternatives, but as I have a large amount of
working code using PIL I am reluctant to drop it just yet.
I found a minor error in the Python documentation for 2.4 which I
thought I would report. But after a while I gave up. I wonder if this
sort of reporting which is less than a bug could be made easier? The
error was that the index entry to 'print statement' sent me to
entation, please report the bug at the Python Bug Tracker at
So you need to add a bug to the Python bug tracker -- at least so it
I haven't tried to use pdb myself, but this looks fairly helpful ...
good luck
Hello all,
I'm looking for an advice.
Example (one block in ascii file):
There are many similar blocks in the file with different NAMEs and
different CODEs. What I'm looking for is a script that searchs through
whole file a
;t know how to do it. How to replace a string
in the middle of the file and than save this file.
Thanks a lot.
Amit Khemka wrote:
> On 23 Aug 2006 05:48:37 -0700, peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > I'm lookin
I've isolated the problem in the code below, which shows a single
checkbox and a label to describe its state. It works ok under Linux,
but in Windows it is always one click behind.
Any ideas? I am using
Linux: Fedora Core 3, Python 2.3.4
Windows: Windows NT, Python 2.
Thank you for those suggestions
I've tried it on Windows and it seems fine (with the minor change to
command=self.chkTest_click). I'm currently at work, with no access to
Linux, so can't test it there until this evening.
Muchas gracias!
Thank you for those suggestions
I've tried it on Windows and it seems fine (with the minor change to
command=self.chkTest_click). I'm currently at work, with no access to
Linux, so can't test it there until this evening.
Muchas gracias!
from this forum)
Good luck
if k>=97 and k<=122:
if case=='LOWER':
if k>=65 and k<=90:
# Done
return k
A bit clumsy, I know (for example it needs a a double press to
recognise the escape key), and I'
I have a weird problem in some code I am writing. The user selects a
number of files from a list and then can select an option which will
rename the selected files. Before the process starts, a yes/no dialog
box pops up just to confirm.
Most of the time this works fine, but occasionally it seem
It's a moderately large application, and so impractical to post it all.
I'll have a go at isolating circumstances where this fault occurs then
post the preceeding code - but not before this evening (London time)
when I might have some free time.
I've managed to narrow down the circimstances in which the error
The application is a file manager (not terribly original,I know, but my
main purpose is to gain experience in using Tkinter). It displays the
contents of a directory in a list box, and then applies the function
(in this cas
n I am not
aware of?
thx a lot for reading so far
In the following section I explain in detail what I've already tried.
It can easily be skipped.
Ok, an overview of the things I've already done:
first, to use mingw with the python distribution, I've first followed
normally (i.e. through return), it is
> as you say.
> Regards,
> Martin
Does the idiom:
lines = file("myfile","r").readlines()
have any better guarantee of being closed automatically?
Yes, I know the argument that it's up to me to contribute such a
module. But I'm afraid my knowledge and skill are way below the
threshold needed for such work. Which is why I need it as an addition
to the core language!
;t remember for sure but may be there is the same problem
> horizontally.
> --
> Pierre
I've had this problem horizontally, and solved it by the high tech
method of adding a leading and trailing space!!!
Just a tad arrogant, don't you think, to put a notice of some local
event on an international forum without saying where it is?
> > For me, introducing similar commands in Python would be by far the biggest
> > single improvement that could be made to the language.
> If it should be done, it should be done as a compatible subset of
> curses, IMHO. It has such a long history as the standard "GUI toolkit"
But curses does
> It says right in the subject line! DFW. If you don't know what DFW
> means, then it's probably not your local area.
OK. Not my intention to start a flame war, but as DFW did not mean a
thing to me (other than being my late father in law's initials) I was
a bit peeved about the assumption that everybody would understand it.
I think posts which are essentially local should make this clear to
all in the title.
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