Peter Hansen wrote:

> Peter wrote:
>> Linux kernel 2.6.9
>> Slackware 10
>> Python version 2.3.4
>> wxPython version
>> I compiled and installed wxPython.
>> There is no uninstall script that I can find for the py components. The
>> library component has a make uninstall.
>> What is the proper way to uninstall packages? I searched everywhere, but
>> there seems to be no clearcut explanation.
>> Can I just remove the site-package directories it created? Or is there a
>> central config file for python?
> Generally speaking, just removing the subfolder(s) from site-packages
> will completely remove an extension.  Some few extensions will also
> create a .pth file in the site-packages folder, so check for that
> as well.  No doubt there are exceptions, but I believe this will
> cover 95% of the cases.
> -Peter

That's what I thought. Just wanted to be sure. I think this program actually
created two separate site-packages folder, wxPython and wx. I need to check
the install script and see what was doing.


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