ANN: mock 0.8 final released

2012-02-16 Thread Fuzzyman
After more than six months development work mock 0.8 has been released. 0.8 is a big release with many new features, general improvements and bugfixes. You can download mock 0.8.0 final from the PyPI page or install it with: pip install -U mock mock is a library for testing in Python. It all

Re: __set__ method is not called for class attribute access

2011-08-10 Thread Fuzzyman
On Aug 5, 12:29 pm, Ryan wrote: > In the context of descriptors, the __set__ method is not called for > class attribute access. __set__ is only > called to set the attribute on an instance instance of the owner class > to a new value, value. WHY? It's an unfortunate asymmetry in the descriptor pr

Re: __set__ method is not called for class attribute access

2011-08-10 Thread Fuzzyman
On Aug 5, 1:16 pm, Duncan Booth wrote: > Ryan wrote: > > In the context of descriptors, the __set__ method is not called for > > class attribute access. __set__ is only > > called to set the attribute on an instance instance of the owner class > > to a new value, value. WHY? Is there some other m

Re: how to dynamically generate __name__ for an object?

2011-08-10 Thread Fuzzyman
On Aug 7, 4:06 am, Eric Snow wrote: > Thought I knew how to provide a dynamic __name__ on instances of a > class.  My first try was to use a non-data descriptor: > > # module > > class _NameProxy(object): >     def __init__(self, oldname): >         self.oldname = oldname >     def __get__

Re: how to dynamically generate __name__ for an object?

2011-08-10 Thread Fuzzyman
On Aug 10, 4:25 pm, Ian Kelly wrote: > On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 8:48 AM, Fuzzyman wrote: > > __name__ can be a descriptor, so you just need to write a descriptor > > that can be fetched from classes as well as instances. > > > Here's an example with a property (insta

Re: __set__ method is not called for class attribute access

2011-08-10 Thread Fuzzyman
On Aug 10, 5:27 pm, Eric Snow wrote: > On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 8:33 AM, Fuzzyman wrote: > > On Aug 5, 12:29 pm, Ryan wrote: > >> In the context of descriptors, the __set__ method is not called for > >> class attribute access. __set__ is only > >> called

ANN: Voidspace Updates - Jalopy, logintools, textmacros, downman (etc)

2005-09-23 Thread Fuzzyman
I've (finally) updated the prebuild windows binary of PyCrypto (Python 2.4) to the 2.0.1 version. All the best, Fuzzyman All the Voidspace modules and applications are available under the OSI Approved Open Source BSD License -

Re: File Upload Script

2005-09-30 Thread Fuzzyman
7;m looking for. >Any help would be greatly appreciated. > An http CGI upload ? All the best, Fuzzyman >Thanks, >Chuck --

Re: RELEASED Python 2.4.2 (final)

2005-09-30 Thread Fuzzyman
al. This does mean that even a *minor* version upgrade is a PITA. To do it cleanly all extension modules have to be uninstalled and re-installed. *sigh* Fuzzyman >Thanks! --

ANN: ConfigObj 4.0.0 Final and Pythonutils 0.2.3

2005-10-18 Thread Fuzzyman
ns for handling URLs * odict - Ordered Dictionary Class All the best, Fuzzyman --

Re: Python as a HTTP Client

2005-11-10 Thread Fuzzyman
``urllib2`` is the standard library module you need. I've written a guide to using it (although it's very easy - but some attributes of the errors it can raise aren't documented) : All the best, Fuzzyman http://www.v

Re: modify dictionary while iterating

2005-11-11 Thread Fuzzyman
Iterate over the keys ( for entry in adict.keys(): ) All the best, Fuzzy --

ANN: rest2web 0.4.0alpha

2005-11-14 Thread Fuzzyman
rest2web 0.4.0 alpha is now available. What's New ? == See Lots of bugfixes and new features since the 0.3.0 release. Includes a new gallery

Re: how to bypass firewall

2005-11-16 Thread Fuzzyman
proxy. Alternatively you need an external proxy that renames files. If you're prepared to do some *work* - you could start with approx - As it's a CGI it can be used with quite a cheap hosting account All the best, Fuzzyman htt

Re: Reinvent no more forever

2005-11-16 Thread Fuzzyman
Ben Finney wrote: > Howdy all, > Hello, > On[0], PJE wrote: > > "Why is Python "blessed" with so much reinvention? Because it's > often cheaper to rewrite than to reuse. Python code is easy to > write, but hard to depend on. You pretty much have to: > > 1. limit

Re: Why are there no ordered dictionaries?

2005-11-21 Thread Fuzzyman
ong as you want to use the dictionary less than six times - it's faster to store/access it as a list of tuples. ;-) Everytime you want to access (or assign to) the data structure as a dictionary, you have to re-create the index. Fuzzyman > --

Re: Web-based client code execution

2005-11-21 Thread Fuzzyman
oject. I guess each time it's needed the requirements will be slightly different though - but there are a lot of general principles. All the best, Fuzzyman --

Re: Why are there no ordered dictionaries?

2005-11-22 Thread Fuzzyman
like > that: > > def __init__(self, init_val = ()): > dict.__init__(self, init_val) > self.sequence = [x[0] for x in init_val] > But that doesn't allow you to create an ordered dict from another ordered dict. It also allows duplicates in the sequence attribut

Re: Why are there no ordered dictionaries?

2005-11-22 Thread Fuzzyman
actually use this site? While the Vaults offered a nice > place and a nice interface the Cheese Shop has the appeal of a code > slum. > Hmmm.. it's *the* repository for Python code. I expect quite a few people use it... :-) Fuzzyman

Re: Why are there no ordered dictionaries?

2005-11-22 Thread Fuzzyman
least Nicola Larosa will do it and I'll criticise it). All for another day though... Fuzzyman --

Re: Why are there no ordered dictionaries?

2005-11-23 Thread Fuzzyman
r a dictionary. Perhaps a subclass that uses integers as indexes instead... You can always perform list operations on the ``sequence`` attribute of course. All the best, Fuzzyman > -- Christoph --

Re: Why are there no ordered dictionaries?

2005-11-23 Thread Fuzzyman
Bengt Richter wrote: > On 22 Nov 2005 02:16:22 -0800, "Fuzzyman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > >Kay Schluehr wrote: > >> Christoph Zwerschke wrote: > >> > >> > That would be also biased (in favour of Python) by the fact th

Re: Why are there no ordered dictionaries?

2005-11-23 Thread Fuzzyman
t( (1, 11), (4, 14), (2, 12), 3, 13) ) > Also an interesting idea. > etc. > > But no other way to directly manipulate the keys should be provided. > Why - don't trust yourself with it ? All the best, Fuzzyman > -- Christoph --

Re: Why are there no ordered dictionaries?

2005-11-23 Thread Fuzzyman
There is already an update method of course. :-) Slicing an ordered dictionary is interesting - but how many people are actually going to use it ? (What's your use case) You can already slice the sequence atribute and iterate over that. All the best, Fuzzyman http://www.voidspace.o

Re: Why are there no ordered dictionaries?

2005-11-23 Thread Fuzzyman
While we're on the subject, it would be useful to be able to paste in a changelog as well as a description. Currently when updating versions you have to include the changelog in the description - or not at all... All the best, Fuzzyman --

Re: How can I package a python script and modules into a single script?

2005-11-23 Thread Fuzzyman
source of the included module and *removes* the import statement. This makes it possible to maintain modules separately, but distribute as a single script. All the best, Fuzzyman --

Re: Why are there no ordered dictionaries?

2005-11-23 Thread Fuzzyman
Rick Wotnaz wrote: > "Fuzzyman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in > news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]: > > > > > Christoph Zwerschke wrote: > >> - the internal keys list should be hidden > > > > I disagree. It is exposed so that you can manually change

Re: Why are there no ordered dictionaries?

2005-11-24 Thread Fuzzyman
Alex Martelli wrote: > Fuzzyman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >... > > > - the internal keys list should be hidden > > > > I disagree. It is exposed so that you can manually change the order > > (e.g. to create a "sorted" dict, rather than one o

Re: Why are there no ordered dictionaries?

2005-11-24 Thread Fuzzyman
Ok. That answers a question in the post I've just made. This thread is hard to follow. Thanks Fuzzyman --

Re: Why are there no ordered dictionaries?

2005-11-24 Thread Fuzzyman
Christoph Zwerschke wrote: > Fuzzyman wrote: > > > So what do you want returned when you ask for d1[1] ? The member keyed > > by 1, or the item in position 1 ? > > In case of conflict, the ordered dictionary should behave like a > dictionary, not like a list. So d1[1]

Re: Why are there no ordered dictionaries?

2005-11-24 Thread Fuzzyman
'm *not* going to allow indexing, but I will allow slicing. You can also do d[d.keys()[i]] This provides two ways of fetching values by index, so I don't want to add another. All the best, Fuzzyman > -Carsten --

Re: Opening for Python Programmers at Japan

2005-11-24 Thread Fuzzyman
I'll do the job from the UK for you. ;-) Fuzzyman --

Re: Why are there no ordered dictionaries?

2005-11-24 Thread Fuzzyman
By the way, Nicola and I will be working on an improving odict in line with several of the suggestions in this thread. See : All the best, Fuzzyman --

Re: Why are there no ordered dictionaries?

2005-11-24 Thread Fuzzyman
d1.keys(keys) Admittedly this is a lot slower than : d1 = OrderedDict(some_sequence_of_items) d1.sequence.sort() *but* it frees the squence attribute from any implementation details. All the best, Fuzzyman > I think the way to do it is to

Re: Why are there no ordered dictionaries?

2005-11-24 Thread Fuzzyman
d.keys() will still return a copy of the list, so d.keys()[i] will still be slower than d.sequence[i] Slicing shouldn't be too much slower though. All the best, Fuzzyman --

Re: Help me to catch this exception :-)

2005-11-24 Thread Fuzzyman
I don't know the answer, but I like the problem. :-) What happens with the standard CGIHttpServer ? Fuzzyman --

Re: Understanding Python Documentation

2005-11-24 Thread Fuzzyman
pydoc - sorry to be terse... I'm sure others will expand. :-) There was also a project, recently, that generated the sort of api documentation for the whole standard library. Fuzzyman --

Re: Why are there no ordered dictionaries?

2005-11-24 Thread Fuzzyman
then the odict effectively already does this. All the best, Fuzzyman > Detailed requirements are most of the work ;-) > I'm thinking now to try subclassing list in a constrained way instead of > dict, but well see. > > Regar

Re: Why are there no ordered dictionaries?

2005-11-25 Thread Fuzzyman
Christoph Zwerschke wrote: > Fuzzyman schrieb: > > d.keys() will still return a copy of the list, so d.keys()[i] will > > still be slower than d.sequence[i] > > Right, I forgot that. Bengt suggested to implement __call__ as well as > __getitem__ and __setitem__ for keys,

Re: Why are there no ordered dictionaries?

2005-11-25 Thread Fuzzyman
Sure - that was just an example of mutating the keys list without having direct access to it. If keys was implemented as an object (with a ``__call__`` method) then we could also implement sequence methods on it - making it easier to mutate the keys/values/items directly. All the best, Fuzzyman

Re: Why are there no ordered dictionaries?

2005-11-25 Thread Fuzzyman
Alex Martelli wrote: > Fuzzyman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > There is already an update method of course. :-) > > > > Slicing an ordered dictionary is interesting - but how many people are > > actually going to use it ? (What's your use case) >

Re: Why are there no ordered dictionaries?

2005-11-25 Thread Fuzzyman
Sure - that was just an example of mutating the keys list without having direct access to it. If keys was implemented as an object (with a ``__call__`` method) then we could also implement sequence methods on it - making it easier to mutate the keys/values/items directly. All the best, Fuzzyman

Re: Why are there no ordered dictionaries?

2005-11-27 Thread Fuzzyman
t being replaced). I'll post it on Monday, and if people like it I'll complete it. All the best, Fuzzyman --

New Ordered Dictionery to Criticise

2005-11-28 Thread Fuzzyman
icism solicited (honestly) :-) We (Nicola Larosa and I) haven't yet made any optimisations - but there are two implementations to play with. One allows you to access the keys attribute as if it was a sequence (as well as a method). All the best, Fuzzyman

Re: New Ordered Dictionery to Criticise

2005-11-29 Thread Fuzzyman
Martin v. Löwis wrote: > Fuzzyman wrote: > > Criticism solicited (honestly) :-) > > A couple of minor points: > - I would drop 2.2 compatibility There are a lot of cheap hosting accounts where Python 2.2 is all that is available. I would only drop support if there is some *com

Re: New Ordered Dictionery to Criticise

2005-11-29 Thread Fuzzyman
Christoph Zwerschke wrote: > Fuzzyman wrote: > > Sorry for this hurried message - I've done a new implementation of out > > ordered dict. This comes out of the discussion on this newsgroup (see > > blog entry for link to archive of discussion). > > Thanks. I'

Re: HTML parsing/scraping & python

2005-12-01 Thread Fuzzyman
authentication, etc. There are several modules for automated form filling - FormEncode being one. All the best, Fuzzyman --

Re: Python CGI

2005-12-01 Thread Fuzzyman
form depending on what information is required. All the best, Fuzzyman --

Re: Why are there no ordered dictionaries?

2005-12-01 Thread Fuzzyman
ertain order of parameters and parameters blocks. > In actual fact - being able to *reorder* the dictionary is the main way I use this dictionary. All the best, Fuzzyman > -- Christoph --

Re: New Ordered Dictionery to Criticise

2005-12-01 Thread Fuzzyman
Fuzzyman wrote: > Sorry for this hurried message - I've done a new implementation of out > ordered dict. This comes out of the discussion on this newsgroup (see > blog entry for link to archive of discussion). > > See the latest blog entry to get at it : > http://www.

Re: Why are there no ordered dictionaries?

2005-12-01 Thread Fuzzyman
Hmmm... it would be interesting to see if these tests can be used with odict. The odict implementation now has full functionality by the way. Optimisations to follow and maybe a few *minor* changes. Fuzzyman --

Re: Why are there no ordered dictionaries?

2005-12-01 Thread Fuzzyman
but change the size, etc. > I have come against the same problem with slice assignment, when doing odict. :-) Allowing the size to change prevents a useful optimisation - but I dislike *preventing* programmers from doing things. All the best, Fuzzyman

Re: Death to tuples!

2005-12-01 Thread Fuzzyman
arg is None: >arg = BuildArg() > > What's the idiom to get a default argument evaluated at definition > time if it were as you suggested? > Having default arguments evaluated at definition time certainly bites a lot of newbies. It allows useful tricks with nest

Re: New Ordered Dictionery to Criticise

2005-12-02 Thread Fuzzyman
Hello Bengt, Bengt Richter wrote: > On 1 Dec 2005 03:38:37 -0800, "Fuzzyman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > >Fuzzyman wrote: > >> Sorry for this hurried message - I've done a new implementation of out > >> ordered dict. This comes out

akismet 0.1.2, cgiutils 0.3.5, pathutils 0.2.3

2005-12-05 Thread Fuzzyman
Hello All, A new release and two updates. New 0.1.2 Python Interface to the Akismet API Version 0.1.2 4th December 2005 `Akismet `_ is a web service for recognising spam comments. It pro

Re: how to handle two forms in cgi?

2005-12-05 Thread Fuzzyman
ard CGI with as little as two lines of code. It is designed for exactly the problem you have. All the best, Fuzzyman > Any help is appriciated! --

Re: ElementTree - Why not part of the core?

2005-12-08 Thread Fuzzyman
maintained pieces, the Python distributors > should be able to handle a few dozen components. > I'd like to add my vote in favour of this. There are a few popular extensions that most users would like easy access to. PIL and ElementTree both fall into this category. Thanks Fuzzyman > --

Re: How do I make Windows Application with Python ?

2005-01-04 Thread Fuzzyman
You need py2exe to bundle applications so they can be used on machines without python. When you do that you have a choice of whether or not your application should have a console box or not. In order to use buttons and other widgets you will need to choose a GUI toolkit. I recommend starting with T

Re: HTTP GET request with basic authorization?

2005-01-04 Thread Fuzzyman
There's example code with discussion at : Regards, Fuzzy --

Reaching the real world

2005-01-04 Thread Fuzzyman
I have a friend who would like to move and program lights and other electric/electro-mechanical devices by computer. I would like to help - and needless to say Python would be an ideal language for the 'programmers interface'. What I'd like is an electronic interface that connects to several relay

Re: Embedding a restricted python interpreter

2005-01-05 Thread Fuzzyman
Fredrick Lundh (at ) was working on a 'cut down python' that only implements the bits of python he likes !! It would be great if the core of that interpreter could be used as a 'restricted interpreter'. If you could externally disable os, sys, os.path modules etc and limit the set

Re: Cookbook 2nd ed Credits

2005-01-05 Thread Fuzzyman
Hmm... I'd love to see a list... just to know if I'm on it. Permission was sought for several of my recipes, but I don't know if any were actually used. I'm very curious... Regards, Fuzzy --

Re: is python more popular than coldfusion?

2005-01-05 Thread Fuzzyman
Definitely ! Fuzzy --

Re: How do I make Windows Application with Python ?

2005-01-05 Thread Fuzzyman
Couple of corrections - neither pypy nor starkiller are compilers. Starkiller isn't available yet and *may* be helpful in building compilers. Pyrex is an alternative language - a python/C hybrid that can be compiled. If you want to release an application then innosetup, starkit, and upx might help

Re: Reaching the real world

2005-01-05 Thread Fuzzyman
Thank you very much (to all who replied). There;'s more than enough here to make very good further enquiries. Much appreciated. Fuzzyman --

Re: How to make executable file ?

2005-01-05 Thread Fuzzyman
An alternative way is to use Movable Python. It's a frozen distribution of python that can run without being 'installed'. See To display things in a 'window' you'll need to use a GUI toolkit like Tkinter or wxPython. Regards, Fuzzy

Re: Python Operating System???

2005-01-06 Thread Fuzzyman
The bootloader would have to be a 'python-core'. Ideally a fast implementation of just the python syntax and language features. Now *that* would be an excellent basis for a restricted mode python interpreter - which could make 'python applets' closer to a reality. It would also make python for embe

Re: Contributor's List

2005-01-06 Thread Fuzzyman
My understanding is that the 2nd edition will *only* have new entries. this may be entirely off the wall of course. Regards, Fuzzy --

PyCrypto 2.0, pysco 1.4 - Windows Binaries for 2.4

2005-01-12 Thread Fuzzyman
The location of the prebuilt windows installer for PyCypto 2.0 (for python 2.4) has changed. Apologies for any confusion, this is because of a website reorganisation at Voidspace. The new location is : There is also a prebuilt windows in

[Ann] PyName and downman

2005-01-12 Thread Fuzzyman
n example) and downman will track the downloads. At the moment it only presents simple data - but all the raw data is collected to do per week/last month (or whatever) analysis. It will also manage links as well. See the example output at

Re: [Ann] Voidspace Pythonutils Website Change and Updates

2005-01-12 Thread Fuzzyman
Blinkin nora... I did... sorry. Better add a redirect *sigh*. Thanks Fuzzy --

Re: file uploading via urllib2 (multipart/form-data)

2005-01-14 Thread Fuzzyman
Clark C. Evans wrote: > Hello. I was wondering if anyone has built a module that works with > urllib2 to upload file content via POST multipart/form-data. I'm > aware of ASPN 146306, however, I need to use urllib2 beacuse I'm > using HTTP Digest over SSL. > > Cheers, > > Clark There is an exampl

Re: how to stop google from messing Python code

2005-01-14 Thread Fuzzyman
Xah Lee wrote: > gmane is great! its renaming of newsgroups is quite a headache. > i found that comp.lang.python corresponds to gmane.comp.python.general. > do you know which one corresponds to comp.lang.perl.misc? > there's no .misc or .general... > > -- > i thought there a strick like preceding

Re: huygens lands on titan

2005-01-14 Thread Fuzzyman
John Thingstad wrote: > -- > huygens lands on titan > Using M2, Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: I bet it didn't... Regards, Fuzzy --

Re: how to stop google from messing Python code

2005-01-17 Thread Fuzzyman
Fredrik Lundh wrote: > Fuzzyman wrote: > > > I guess that most people use google to post to newsgroups is that they > > don't have nntp access. Telling htem to use a newsreader is facetious > > and unhelpful. > > if you have internet access, you have NNTP acce

Re: Executing a script created by the end user

2005-01-17 Thread Fuzzyman
compile and eval is a good way to go. Regards, Fuzzy --

Re: Help on project, anyone?

2005-01-24 Thread Fuzzyman
oing version control/releases for small projects with only a single programmer. [3] If any of these interest you then please contact me - fuzzyman _AT_ voidspace _DOT_ org _DOT_ uk (in preference to my gmail account). Whatever you decide to do, good luck with your pythoneering. Regards, Fuzzyman

Re: What's so funny? WAS Re: rotor replacement

2005-01-24 Thread Fuzzyman
I also feel the lack of a standard cryptography module in the core... even a *basic* one. At least rotor provided that, before it was deprecated. I (along with many other python users) write CGIs where the only extension modules that I can use are either pure python, or ones my web hoster is willin

Re: Py2.4 .exe installer

2005-01-24 Thread Fuzzyman
I built Movable Python for use on a windows box where I didn't have admin rights. See : Regards, Fuzzy --

urllib2 and proxy question

2005-01-24 Thread Fuzzyman
urllib2 (under windows) will auto-detect your proxy settings and use those. Normally that's a good thing (I guess), except when it's not ! How do I switch off this behaviour ? I'm behind a censoring proxy and wanting to test things *locally*. IE is set to not use the proxy when fetching local adr

Re: urllib2 and proxy question

2005-01-24 Thread Fuzzyman
rbt wrote: > Fuzzyman wrote: > > urllib2 (under windows) will auto-detect your proxy settings and use > > those. > > > > Normally that's a good thing (I guess), except when it's not ! > > > > How do I switch off this behaviour ? I'm behind a c

Re: Help on project, anyone?

2005-01-25 Thread Fuzzyman
Miki Tebeka wrote: > Hello Fuzzyman, > > > 3) Simple Version Control program for single programmer. A very simple > > way of doing version control/releases for small projects with only a > > single programmer. [3] > Subversion (and CVS) are dead simple to install and

Re: Another scripting language implemented into Python itself?

2005-01-25 Thread Fuzzyman
An implementation of the core language semantics - without any modules or file operations would be dead useful. It could replace some of the function of the long dead rexec modules as well as support projects like this. Regards, Fuzzy -- http://ma

Re: how to ncurses on win32 platform

2005-01-25 Thread Fuzzyman
Tim Golden wrote: > [Jorgen Grahn] > | [Alan Gauld ] > | > You can use ncurses via cygwin. > | > There are DOS ports too but I couldn't get any of them to > | > work on my XP box, YMMV... > | > | Or, as Alex Martelli wrote in "Python in a nutshell": > | > |"The curses package works only on Uni

snakespell and myspell

2005-01-25 Thread Fuzzyman
I'm looking to implement a plugin spell checker. I'm probably going to go with PyEnchant, as it looks to be the most promising currently maintained spell checker. I just wondered if anyone knew what happened to snakespell and myspell. Both seem to have dissapeared from the net. People have report

Re: What's so funny? WAS Re: rotor replacement

2005-01-25 Thread Fuzzyman
I've already downloaded p3 - thanks :-) I wonder how long it took (in reality) an average hacker to break the algorithm used by rotor ? Regards, Fuzzy --

Re: Another scripting language implemented into Python itself?

2005-01-25 Thread Fuzzyman
Nick Coghlan wrote: > Fuzzyman wrote: > > An implementation of the core language semantics - without any modules > > or file operations would be dead useful. > > > > It could replace some of the function of the long dead rexec modules as > > well as support p

Re: Another scripting language implemented into Python itself?

2005-01-25 Thread Fuzzyman
Cameron Laird wrote: [snip..] > This is a serious issue. > > It's also one that brings Tcl, mentioned several > times in this thread, back into focus. Tcl presents > the notion of "safe interpreter", that is, a sub- > ordinate virtual machine which can interpret only > specific commands. It's a

Re: snakespell and myspell

2005-01-26 Thread Fuzzyman
Jarek Zgoda wrote: > Fuzzyman wrote: > > > I'm looking to implement a plugin spell checker. > > > > I'm probably going to go with PyEnchant, as it looks to be the most > > promising currently maintained spell checker. > > > > I just wondered if

Re: python without OO

2005-01-26 Thread Fuzzyman
It's perfectly possible to write good python code without using classes. (and using functions/normal control flow). You will have a problem with terrminology though - in python everything is an object (more or less). Common operations use attributes and methods of standard objects. For example :

Re: Please suggest on the book to follow

2005-01-27 Thread Fuzzyman
', although obviously there is stuff it doesn't cover (like new style classes). Regards, Fuzzyman --

[ANN] Movable Python, linky and Techie Blog

2005-01-27 Thread fuzzyman
Minor news first : 'linky' a local link checker is available. linky will check your website for dead links (within the website) as well as comparing it to the website on your filesystem, to check for case errors that might not be picked up i

Re: urllib2 and proxy question

2005-01-28 Thread Fuzzyman
rbt wrote: > Fuzzyman wrote: > > urllib2 (under windows) will auto-detect your proxy settings and use > > those. > > > > Normally that's a good thing (I guess), except when it's not ! > > > > How do I switch off this behaviour ? I'm behind a c

Re: urllib and proxy

2005-01-28 Thread Fuzzyman
See : For urllib you can pass in the 'proxies={}' keyword to the urlopen function. This disables proxy use. Unfortunately it *doesn't* work for urllib2 which is where I need it. Regards, Fuzz

Re: urllib2 and proxy question

2005-01-28 Thread Fuzzyman
rbt wrote: > Fuzzyman wrote: > > urllib2 (under windows) will auto-detect your proxy settings and use > > those. > > > > Normally that's a good thing (I guess), except when it's not ! > > > > How do I switch off this behaviour ? I'm behind a c

Re: limited python virtual machine (WAS: Another scripting language implemented into Python itself?)

2005-01-28 Thread Fuzzyman
Dieter Maurer wrote: > Steven Bethard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes on Tue, 25 Jan 2005 12:22:13 -0700: > > Fuzzyman wrote: > > ... > > > A better (and of course *vastly* more powerful but unfortunately only > > > a dream ;-) is a similarly limited python v

Re: Who should security issues be reported to?

2005-01-28 Thread Fuzzyman
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Aahz wrote: > > In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, > > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > > >Who are the appropriate people to report security problems to in > > >respect of a module included with the Python distribution? I don't > > >feel it appropriate to be reporting i

Re: Help with web dashboard

2005-01-28 Thread Fuzzyman
Ifd you want to use standard CGI I've written a CGI user authentication/management module called logintools. See Regards, Fuzzy --

Re: Help with web dashboard

2005-01-29 Thread Fuzzyman
Chris wrote: > In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, > [EMAIL PROTECTED] says... > > Ifd you want to use standard CGI I've written a CGI user > > authentication/management module called logintools. > > > > Would this be preferred (or easier) than using an application server > (ie. Zope or Webware)? > >

Re: Forcing interactive interpreter without (-i)

2005-02-01 Thread Fuzzyman
In Movable Python I use IPython and code.InteractiveConsole to provide interactive sessions. See the file '' in the source distribution to see the code. Note that to get IPython working with py2exe you must effectively do an explicit `import site`. >def interactive(localvars=None): >"

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