Hello Chap, I work on various projects. Several of them would *greatly* benefit from input from another programmer. You can see them at :
http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/index.shtml Specifically, I have three projects that I'm looking for someone to work on, but they are all on the 'small' scale. I couldn't tell whether you would be happy with that, or if you wanted to join a larger team. I have listed them in order of difficulty (easiest first). With all of them I would work with you or offer whatever level of support you want. 1) My dateutils module is out of date and needs work on it. http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/modules.shtml#dateutils [1] 2) I need an online bookmarks manager. This is a CGI script that will allow you to keep/manage an online bookmarks page. [2] 3) Simple Version Control program for single programmer. A very simple way of doing version control/releases for small projects with only a single programmer. [3] If any of these interest you then please contact me - fuzzyman _AT_ voidspace _DOT_ org _DOT_ uk (in preference to my gmail account). Whatever you decide to do, good luck with your pythoneering. Regards, Fuzzyman [1] Several of the functions shadow functions in the standard library calender.py. Some of the return values are in illogical orders and a couple don't behave *exactly* as documented (when adding months to a date that is at the end of a month). Basically it's in need of an update/clean up. It is incorporated into a couple of other projects - and it works fine for those, so *I* don't need it cleaned up. However, it's one of my most popular downloads - so it's obviously something people want and would appreciate an updated version. [2] I work in several locations and really *need* a single bookmarks repository. I have a clear idea of what I would like *and* how to do ti. I just don't have the time to work on it. None of the existing perl/php ones I explored did quite what I hoped. The advantage of this project is that you could start simple and just incrementally add features. You could have something working *very* quickly. Basically phase 1 - a simple bookmark manager with add/delete links. Phase 2 - parse IE/Firefox/opera bookmark files and check for duplicates (including sections). Phase 3 - multiple users, client prorgram with automatic synchronization. (plus lots more) [3] I think lots of people would find this useful. A version control system for projects where CVS/Subversion is overkill. This would be based on DirWatcher/FSDM ( http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/programs.shtml#dirwatcher ) - All the code for finding which files have changed is already there, and there is an existing Tkinter GUI for Dirwatcher. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list