rest2web 0.4.0 alpha is now available.
What's New ? ========== See Lots of bugfixes and new features since the 0.3.0 release. Includes a new gallery plugin (which will also function as a standalone HTML gallery generator). There is also an experimental windows executable version. The documentation has been greatly improved, including a tutorial which should get anyone up to scratch on the basics very quickly. What is rest2web ============= **rest2web** is a tool for autogenerating wesites, or parts of websites. It's main features are : * Integrated with docutils. * Automatically builds index pages and navigation links (sidebars and {acro;breadcrumbs;Weird name for navigation links ?}). * Embedded code in templates for unlimited expressiveness. * Flexible macro system. * Uses relative links, so sites can be viewed from the filesystem. * Unicode internally - so you don't have to be. {sm;:-p} * Includes features for multiple translations of sites. * Built-in gallery creator plugin. * The basic system is very easy to use. * Lots of powerful (optional) features. The content can be stored as HTML, or in reST format; in which case the HTML will be generated using docutils. **rest2web** inserts each page into a template, and automatically creates index pages for sections, and navigation links. --