Miki Tebeka wrote:
> Hello Fuzzyman,
> > 3) Simple Version Control program for single programmer. A very
> > way of doing version control/releases for small projects with only
> > single programmer. [3]
> Subversion (and CVS) are dead simple to install and use.

I've heard *lots* of people say exactly the opposite.

> IMO in the long run you'll find yourself implementing most of their
> features anyway.
> > [3] I think lots of people would find this useful. A version
> > system for projects where CVS/Subversion is overkill. This would be
> > based on DirWatcher/FSDM (
> > http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/programs.shtml#dirwatcher ) -
> > the code for finding which files have changed is already there, and
> > there is an existing Tkinter GUI for Dirwatcher.
> Adding changes to version control should be done as an explicit
action by
> the developer. Anything else is on the road to disaster, you'll find
> yourself spending too much time backing out of changes you didn't
want in.

Yeah, my idea is pretty flexible. You could snapshot a 'release state',
and roll back changes on individual files in between releases. You
basically maintain it on your file system in the normal way and keep an
archive of releases/changes.

I think this probably works well with the may most small projects are
actually managed.



> Bye.
> --
> Miki Tebeka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> http://tebeka.bizhat.com
> The only difference between children and adults is the price of the


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