Re: How to configure applications to use CUPS ?

2003-01-20 Thread Cliff Kent
>> I think the gimp also has it's own print interface and drivers << Thanks, I needed that bit. Now I have an idea which manual to read. ck -- Psyche-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: ntpd doesn't or does it?

2003-01-28 Thread Cliff Kent
Mike, >> However, the more I read the more I think I should just put a ntpdate script in cron.daily. I do not want to be a server, just sync my server on a regular basis. Maybe ntpd is overkill? << Don't know about overkill. But, on several machines, I have a 2 line script in /etc/cron.daily

Re: Can't Ping

2003-02-01 Thread Cliff Kent
>> The target host may have a firewall rule that forbids replying to echo requests. << That was my first thought too. I have a server that does not reply to echo requests. So, I tried to ping it. But, I did not get a "host unreachable" error. Ping just sat waiting for a reply that never came.

Re: Disk space usage analysis

2003-02-04 Thread Cliff Kent
>> kdirstat << I did not locate this in my workstation install. I don't see it as a separate rh package. I do find it many times with google. Any suggestions on a source? ck -- Psyche-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Disk space usage analysis

2003-02-05 Thread Cliff Kent
> There is no Red Hat rpm for the latest version; you'll have to build > it from source: > > So much to learn... so little time... Thank you. I'm off to learn some more. ck -- Psyche-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] https://

Re: Disk space usage analysis

2003-02-06 Thread Cliff Kent
Gotta love the pace of open source progress and google as a way to find things. At, near the bottom of the page: > 2002-10-23 New RPM for RedHat 8.0 > > Daniel Tschan kindly provided a KDirStat 2.2.0 RPM for RedHat Linux > 8.0: http://kdirstat.sour

Re: GRUB problems

2003-02-13 Thread Cliff Kent
> 6. For more information, go to > In practice, I found the pdf at: I hope that saves others some bother. Thank you Nick for the heads up, Cliff -- Psyche-list mailing list [EMAIL PRO

Unexpected IGMP network traffic

2003-02-25 Thread Cliff Kent
what I might have running that's creating all the chatter? Thanks, Cliff Kent -- Psyche-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Unexpected IGMP network traffic

2003-02-25 Thread Cliff Kent
Thanks Ralf, >> Are you sure that this traffic is generated by the linux box? << No, I'm not sure of much at this point. Now that you mention it... I think I'll go back and clear the router config and do it over. That router's been in place for a year or two. >> Maybe it is just the receiver?

Re: Unexpected IGMP network traffic

2003-02-26 Thread Cliff Kent
>> Does your client use a fixed or a dynamic IP? << Internet connection is Adelphia cable modem. Dynamic IP via DHCP - though the actual IP address hasn't changed in a year. Cable modem connects to the private network through a Linksys cable/DSL router that SHOULD be blocking all such unrequest

Re: Unexpected IGMP network traffic

2003-02-26 Thread Cliff Kent
>> look at the count of packets using the package "iptraf". << Thanks, I will. Cliff -- Psyche-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Unexpected IGMP network traffic

2003-02-26 Thread Cliff Kent
>> One IGMP packet every 2 minutes. << I have more like one packet every 2 seconds. Not enough to bother the normal operation. Maybe as much as 500 bits per second. (I think) >> I just drop them and haven't had any problems. << I'll recheck the Linksys router config. But, I THINK I'm already b

Re: Unexpected IGMP network traffic

2003-02-26 Thread Cliff Kent
>> for launching an insider denial of service attack << Wow, there's a nasty concept. Especially in this case. The only insiders are Red Hat and me. Still, it's worth a look. This is a two month old "fresh install" on new hardware. It has all of the patches up through the end of January. And I

Re: Unexpected IGMP network traffic

2003-02-26 Thread Cliff Kent
Ralf, I reviewed the setup on the Linksys and it looks like it's still right. I ran "tcpdump -X proto 2" as root for about 2 minutes today and produced a 76 Kb text file. (The same command on a RH8 box here produced nothing in and hour.) I'm sure that the list doesn't need the full text of the

Re: Unexpected IGMP network traffic

2003-02-26 Thread Cliff Kent
Oops... One More Time... Ralf, I reviewed the setup on the Linksys and it looks like it's still right. I ran "tcpdump -X proto 2" as root for about 2 minutes today and produced a 76 Kb text file. (The same command on a RH8 box here produced nothing in and hour.) I'm sure that the list doesn't

Re: Unexpected IGMP network traffic

2003-02-27 Thread Cliff Kent
Hi Jay, I've just forwarded my tcpdump file to Ralf and await his interpretation. Thanks for posting your dump. I don't really know what to look for in my dump file. But, your file shows what I expected to find, but didn't. That is, I don't have anything like: ... > ... I di

Re: Linux Slapper worm - New variants ?

2003-03-15 Thread Cliff Kent
. Netwatch also shows me that my server is not replying to these packets. If there's a new variant, I'm not aware of it. I hope that helps, Cliff Kent -- Psyche-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: problem upgrading to Mozilla 1.3

2003-03-16 Thread Cliff Kent
3a 1.3b 1.3rc3 Should an 1.3rc3 go to the end of the list or the beginning? If "rc3" means "release candidate 3", I think we want it at the beginning. However, your hypothesis would explain my failed install. BTW, I didn't give up yet, but further experiments will be on

Re: problem upgrading to Mozilla 1.3

2003-03-17 Thread Cliff Kent
chronology is: 1.3rc3 1.3 1.3a 1.3b But, I've only been running linux for 3 or 4 years, so my assumptions might be flawed. thanks, Cliff Kent -- Psyche-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: problem upgrading to Mozilla 1.3

2003-03-22 Thread Cliff Kent
ed that there was a "general rule" that I didn't know about. >> For other software your order is more likely correct. << It was "other software" that raised the question for me. I'll re-check the things I've done so far. Then post a question t

Re: Printer Drivers

2003-03-26 Thread Cliff Kent
I check: for printer information... before I purchase or install. Cliff Kent -- Psyche-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: smbclient frontend

2003-03-27 Thread Cliff Kent
Sorry if this is a little late... I just tried smb://server/share from konqueror on a rh8 workstation to a rh7.2 samba server. I was asked for a name and password. The share opened as expected. I also tried the same syntax from konqueror on a rh8 workstation to a win95 share. The share opened

Re: smbclient frontend

2003-03-27 Thread Cliff Kent
>> Help >> About Konqueror reports: Konqueror 3.0.3-14 Red Hat (Using KDE 3.0.3-8.3 Red Hat) rpm -q reports: kdebase-3.0.3-14 kdeaddons-konqueror-3.0.3-1 Both the rh7.3 samba server and the rh8.0 workstation are behind a (so far) effective firewall. So, updates are done "from time to time"

Re: How to copy a selected content on a .PDF file

2003-07-03 Thread Cliff Kent
RPM (or was it 2) that also installed the Mozilla plugin. best, Cliff Kent -- Psyche-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: accessing the rdh8.0 desktop via ssh

2002-12-08 Thread Cliff Kent
nc-off before I startx on the console. In practice, I also have a selection of "vnc-on" scripts with different geometry and depth settings for when I want access from a machine with less video hardware or bandwidth. Best, Cliff Kent -- Psyche-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] https://l

Re: on-board sound

2002-12-13 Thread Cliff Kent
Brian, >> AC97 Realtek ALC650 on-board sound. ... a VIA VT8233 device ... << I have Red Hat 8.0 on an MSI MS-6380E motherboard. It uses a VIA VT8233A chipset to provide, among other things, AC97 audio (aka, Realtek ALC650 6-channel audio). I've had several software installs on it. Sorry, but I

Re: Lost files...can they be recovered?

2002-12-27 Thread Cliff Kent
>> ... and went to the mnt/neil folder and did a drag and drop of files on the local laptop to the share. But the share was not actually mounted. ... << If the share is still not mounted, look in /mnt/neil. You may well find you files there. If you find your server directory structure, try to

Re: Switching to Sawfish (was: Re: Why no 'Kill App'??)

2002-12-27 Thread Cliff Kent
ample above: If "kill 4111;sleep 2;sawfish &" doesn't work, try "kill 4111;sawfish &". (I also tried "kill 4111;sleep 4;sawfish &" without luck.) FWIW, mine is a K7/1466. 2. If it works, the window title bar will change. Don't close that

Re: Mozilla & Sound

2003-01-14 Thread Cliff Kent
Hi Mike, A google for "html bgsound" lead me to: I know nothing else about the site, but it says in part: > ... Before you read any further about this tag, please read the > section about background sounds, which discusses how to combine this

Re: Mozilla & Sound

2003-01-14 Thread Cliff Kent
Mike, >> I use Gnome << As did I - until recently. It seems that if I install both desktops and the applications for both on my rh8 workstation, I'm able to pick the applications I prefer on either desktop. I don't expect them all to work, but I'm pleased with what does work. For example gal