Sorry, I can't answer your question about configuring the vncserver. I
did make it work a while back (7.2 maybe ?) but ran into trouble when I
went back to the physical console.
It seemed to me, without doing any research, that if the local X session
is display 0 and there is a vncserver for the same user, in the same
home directory, on display 5... well strange things might happen.
So, I went back to "the old way":
Each user has two scripts in their home directory, vnc-on and vnc-off.
For example:
# vnc-on
vncserver :5 -geometry 1152x864 -depth 24
# vnc-off
vncserver -kill :5
On my small network, I hand assign the display numbers.
Then, to make my vncserver start at boot time, I add the following to
su -l cliff -c ./vnc-on
All my machines boot to run level 3. Among other benefits, this lets me
run ./vnc-off before I startx on the console.
In practice, I also have a selection of "vnc-on" scripts with different
geometry and depth settings for when I want access from a machine with
less video hardware or bandwidth.
Cliff Kent
Psyche-list mailing list
- RE: accessing the rdh8.0 desktop via ssh Bruce Douglas
- RE: accessing the rdh8.0 desktop via ssh Greg Gatlin
- RE: accessing the rdh8.0 desktop via ssh Sean Millichamp
- RE: accessing the rdh8.0 desktop via ssh Craig White
- RE: accessing the rdh8.0 desktop via ssh Cliff Kent
- RE: accessing the rdh8.0 desktop via ssh Craig White