> I'm someone who hasn't adjusted to Metacity yet, so to whoever needs
> assistance with this - as I recall the method for swapping over to
> sawfish is:
> rpm -q sawfish
> // make sure that you have sawfish installed
> // if not "up2date sawfish" should be enough to install
> ps -ef | grep metacity
> allena28 4111 4009 0 17:31 pts/6 00:00:00 metacity...
> // the 4111 is the process id of metacity
> kill 4111;sleep 2;sawfish &
> // the process id 4111 will differ for your example.
> make sure you save your session when exiting otherwise metacity will
> be the window manager next time.
Thanks for that. I've read a number of messages, but I think yours is
the first set of "complete instructions". (maybe I missed some in the
archive files)
I'd add two comments:
1. From the example above: If "kill 4111;sleep 2;sawfish &"
doesn't work, try "kill 4111;sawfish &".
(I also tried "kill 4111;sleep 4;sawfish &" without luck.)
FWIW, mine is a K7/1466.
2. If it works, the window title bar will change. Don't close that
window. Exit gnome and save settings.
Now all I need is to bring back gnomecc...
For now however, KDE seems to get the job done for me.
Cliff Kent
Psyche-list mailing list
- Re: Why no 'Kill App'?? rchrismon
- Switching to Sawfish (was: Re: Why no 'Kill App'??) Mr. Adam ALLEN
- Re: Why no 'Kill App'?? Cliff Kent
- Re: Why no 'Kill App'?? David Durst