longer used for issue tracking.
Issues are now tracked at...
Could you try creating your issue there?
cheers -ben
On Sun, 14 Jun 2020 at 13:35, Sebastian Heidbrink via Pharo-users
mailto:pharo-users@lists.pharo.org>> wrote:
--- Begin Message ---
I am unfortunately not able to register at https://pharo.fogbugz.com/
because "/issues-register-service not found".
This is why I post the following bug here:
I attached a test case and how that somebody can recreate it.
I just downloaded a Pharo 8.0 64Bit image
--- Begin Message ---
Hi Jerry,
it might be a little ot of date, but it is a start.
On 2020-02-26 7:05 p.m., Jerry Kott wrote:
I know people have used Pharo for REST APIs - has anyone used Pharo as
a client for Swagger?
--- Begin Message ---
A book that looks explores implementations like that and that always had
a place on my desk is this
I can highly recommend it.
On 2019-07-24 8:32 a.m., Marcus Denker wrote:
On 24 Jul 2019, a
--- Begin Message ---
A friend of mine just just pointed this entry out to me
I spent quite some time with Alexandre Bergel's NeuralNetwork
implementation and stumbled across many implementations that cause
general pe
--- Begin Message ---
Hi Hamdi,
one API that you can use to learn more about OpenAPI is the REST
Interface to Bitmex.
They offer a testing account which would allow you to run the API
explorer against your account without the need of real money.
--- Begin Message ---
Thank you, Norbert!
Cool! No Facebook products here
CU Monday!
On 2018-09-08 9:55 a.m., Norbert Hartl wrote:
Everyone can join
There are people in cagliari already. Sadly I won‘t be there before monday
--- Begin Message ---
I just found out that there is a dedicated ESUG mailing list ta taa!
I arrived in Cagliari for ESUG 2018 and I am wondering where
CampSmalltalk will take place this weekend.
Anybody in town already?
Kind wishes,
--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Hey Marten,
I have the same system and I encountered similar issues.
Search your folders of debug logs. Sometimes the launcher expects the
image an a different path, or a sources file was unzipped into the wrong
folder, or the extracted files of vms or images have the wro
--- Begin Message ---
I just browsed to
And got an amber debugger.
ShTimelineEvent class
from: json
^(self withAllSubclasses
detect: [:each | each type = (json at: 'type')]
ifNone: [self]) fromJson: json
json is nil here!
schrieb Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas:
On 27/10/17 10:48, Sebastian Heidbrink via Pharo-users wrote:
While the ambitions behind GT seem to be developer centric, I wonder
if there is also research or development done to support non-developer
pharo users.
Yes. We're trying to bridge th
--- Begin Message ---
Hi all!
There is this strong movement within Pharo now, that allows developers
to expand the individual development process with the help of moldable
dev tools based on GlamourToolkit (GT).
This allows for a much more effective communication between stakeholders
and dev
--- Begin Message ---
Hi Cederik,
you should have a look at http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~panuw/zeromq
ZeroMQ is a networking library. Nice thing about it is that all the
networking related workload is dealt with in a second process. That can
save you some resources within Smalltalk.
There is a
--- Begin Message ---
Hi Paulo,
I think this is not the right question to ask.
The problem is not "Where to find Smalltalk developers?", the problem is
"How much effort does it take to help a good experienced OO developer to
transition to Smalltalk?"
OO developers have to steadily gain
--- Begin Message ---
Hi all!
Does anybody have an advice on how to color Kiviat diagram nodes and
edges based on a nodes property/attribute?
For example, if I wanted to create a Kiviat diagram with weather
information and color all days (nodes and edges) with temperatures above
0 degrees in
installations work right now.
Am 01.08.2017 um 00:57 schrieb Christophe Demarey:
Hi Sebastian,
Le 30 juil. 2017 à 18:12, Sebastian Heidbrink via Pharo-users
mailto:pharo-users@lists.pharo.org>> a
écrit :
*De: *Sebastian Heidbrink mailto:shei...@yahoo.de>
--- Begin Message ---
I used Pharo launcher on Windows and Ubuntu before and never had any
Now, I am trying to used it on Linux Mint without success.
Once I start the freshly created image the appropriate VM is downloaded
but the image is not started.
A PharoDebug.log is crea
--- Begin Message ---
Hi Hilaire,
I had this once, too. No time to refactor or rethink my subclass structure.
Now I am wondering what you guys are meaning by "hooks"?
Something like this? A ClassExtension?
- methodIWantToReach
- myExtendedMethod
^self methodIWan
--- Begin Message ---
Hi Bruce,
in hsort again ;-)
This was your code:
Teapot on GET: '/welcome' -> 'Hello World!'; start.
Imagine it this way with brackets:
Teapot on GET: ('/welcome' -> 'Hello World!'); start.
This is the same as writing:
Teapot on GET: ( Associtation key: '/welcome' valu
--- Begin Message ---
Hi Bruce,
good to see you around, again!
The arrow is an Association in short...
Am 29.11.2016 um 18:48 schrieb Bruce Prior:
I have been away from smalltalk coding for a while. On returning to
the fold, I often see the use of a right arrow in code. Is this
--- Begin Message ---
Hi Alexandre,
I do not have access to a pharo image right now. But I had a look into
your csv file.
There are rows that do not include any or to few data. I think
NeoCSVReader can not handle that and expects a "proper" file
I will check tonight, in case nobody else comes
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