--- Begin Message ---Hi all!There is this strong movement within Pharo now, that allows developers to expand the individual development process with the help of moldable dev tools based on GlamourToolkit (GT).This allows for a much more effective communication between stakeholders and developers resulting in a more cost effective development.While the ambitions behind GT seem to be developer centric, I wonder if there is also research or development done to support non-developer pharo users. Are there projects that try to integrate/interface "modeling" into/with GT? (e.g. like STELLA [1])I am also wondering if aspect oriented programming could help closing the full cycle of an adaptive development/management process. Anybody researching on something like this?Thank you for any hint! Sebastian [1] https://www.iseesystems.com/
--- End Message ---
[Pharo-users] [GT] moldable tools for non-developers
Sebastian Heidbrink via Pharo-users Fri, 27 Oct 2017 08:50:06 -0700
- [Pharo-users] [GT] moldable tools for ... Sebastian Heidbrink via Pharo-users
- Re: [Pharo-users] [GT] moldable t... Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
- Re: [Pharo-users] [GT] moldab... Sebastian Heidbrink via Pharo-users
- Re: [Pharo-users] [GT] mo... Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
- Re: [Pharo-users] [GT... Stephane Ducasse
- Re: [Pharo-users... Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas