--- Begin Message ---Hi! A friend of mine just just pointed this entry out to mehttps://pharoweekly.wordpress.com/2019/04/02/about-performance-issues/I spent quite some time with Alexandre Bergel's NeuralNetwork implementation and stumbled across many implementations that cause general performance issues.While, I "fixed/altered" only those parts affecting my code, I would offer to search trough the image an alter the parts similar to those already altered.In such case that somebody would like to move a greater amount of code towards review and integration into current development how would the process of such contribution look like?The regular path of reporting bugs, or just forking on Github and pull request?I am extremely busy right now, but during the nights I could slowly attempt to work some performance issues out.Kind wishes, Sebastian
--- End Message ---
[Pharo-users] Comment on: Pharo performance issues
Sebastian Heidbrink via Pharo-users Tue, 02 Apr 2019 12:09:56 -0700
- [Pharo-users] Comment on: Pharo perfor... Sebastian Heidbrink via Pharo-users
- Re: [Pharo-users] Comment on: Pha... Marcus Denker