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Hi Cederik,

you should have a look at http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~panuw/zeromq
ZeroMQ is a networking library. Nice thing about it is that all the networking related workload is dealt with in a second process. That can save you some resources within Smalltalk.

There is a lot of documentation around and it should be easy for you to dive into this. http://zguide.zeromq.org/page:all


On 2017-10-25 05:21 AM, Cédrick Béler wrote:
Hi all,

I want to connect two applications (1 by image, each one on a different computer) so as as to exchange information (data) between them.

So my question is about the best (smalltalk) practices to connect two app/image and exchange data.

I imagine either with a direct connection through a network (TCP Socket, Web socket, pure HTTP with Zinc) and/or with a serial connection. At first, without any « security ». But later, information exchanges will be encrypted.

I’ve seen some information on how to use SerialPort, or even FileStream.
I could do it (or at least simulate it with HTTP). What are the other options ? Socket ?
Do we have P2P libs (I couldn’t find) with eventually discovery features ?

Any comment / suggestion / pointers are greatly welcome.



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