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Hi Paulo,

I think this is not the right question to ask.
The problem is not "Where to find Smalltalk developers?", the problem is rather "How much effort does it take to help a good experienced OO developer to transition to Smalltalk?"

OO developers have to steadily gain and learn new technologies and frameworks...
So why not Smalltalk?
Those developers that are not willing to learn a new language just because they consider the trade-offs of not finding a job in that field that easily, might not be the best choice for your team anyway...

That is my experience... I know more developers missing the "Smalltalk experience" than those hating Smalltalk once they left a team...


On 2017-10-19 12:04 AM, Paulo R. Dellani wrote:
Dear all,

after using Smalltalk for several years I developed a passion for the
language (how not to?), and Pharo is just so great to develop with.
So thank you guys for keeping this wonderful project running.

Unfortunately, it is not easy to always point out why Smalltalk
should be employed as "main development language" in a team
or for a project. In the last discussion of this sort I was confronted
with the question "where are we going to get new smalltalk
developers if our startup grows or if you go?". Well, I had no
good answer to that. What would have you answered?



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