Alvaro Herrera
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support
*** src/backend/commands/portalcmds.c 11 Jun 2009 14:48:56 - 1.79
--- src/backend/commands/portalcmds.c 1 Oct 2009 23:24:33
Alvaro Herrera escribió:
> This one really works and includes a basic test case. You were right
> that the extra Register was bogus :-( I had to expose CopySnapshot,
> which I still don't like but ... (I could have added an extra
> Unregister somewhere during portal clos
ile this way:
cc $(pg_config --cflags) -I$(pg_config --includedir)/server -c main.c
You need pg_config to be in PATH for this to work.
PS: I suggest you use the pgsql-es-ayuda list for spanish help. There's
people from there too.
Alvaro Herrera
committed patch touches anything involved in what
you're testing, but if you could grab CVS tip from the 8.4 branch (or
the snapshot from ) and give
it a try, that'd be great.
Alvaro Herrerahttp://www.CommandP
Stuart Bishop wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 11:00 PM, Alvaro Herrera
> wrote:
> >Stuart Bishop wrote:
> >>On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 4:22 PM, Alban Hertroys
> >> wrote:
> >
> >>> A similar issue was discussed just recently here:
ifferent arguments).
> >
> > The names won’t enable inter-function calling
> Inter-function calling could be handy, too.
I agree. This would mean that the function name mangling would have to
be more predictable ... maybe using the argument types instead of OID?
Alvaro H
Stuart Bishop wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 8:28 PM, Alvaro Herrera
> wrote:
> > mmkay. So, any luck in constructing a test case?
> Yes. Just no luck getting it sent to the mailing list - seems to
> silently drop emails with attachments on me :-P
> The test
Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> Stuart Bishop wrote:
> > The test case ( and required dump (foodump.sql - 60k) are
> > at
> Got it, thanks, looking.
Here's a slightly smaller test case; basically I removed the tsearch2
Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> Here's a slightly smaller test case; basically I removed the tsearch2
> cruft and extra columns in the table. One thing of note is that if the
> COPY commands is reduced to occupy less than one page in the target
> table, the problem does not occur.
se they're obviously no longer
necessary. The new regression test that it added still passes with this
new patch. I will add a new one for this new problem.
(This new patch restores CopySnapshot as a static function too).
Alvaro Herrerahttp://www.CommandP
Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> create trigger onetest_t before update on onetest for each row
> execute procedure upd();
> insert into onetest select a, repeat('xyzxz', 100), 'new' from
> generate_series(1, 50) a;
> SET transaction is
s, because the user would have to install
the modules separately. Maybe we could have a different language (say
plperl2 for lack of a better name) that could work this way; if you
really wanted to do this, you could.
Having plperl functions as separate files would be great for stuff
Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> I think the previous patch to snapmgr.c was mistaken. Instead of fixing
> a single trouble spot, we're better off fixing PushActiveSnapshot so
> that any use of it that involves a snapshot that's subject to a future
> command counter update should cre
x27;d be great.
> I trigger the same error with a freshly built snapshot.
If you're up for a bit of patching, please test with the attached patch
Alvaro Herrera
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Pro
Krzysztof Barlik wrote:
> Hi,
> is it possible to force pg_dumpall to ask for
> password only once (connecting as superuser 'postgres') ?
> Entering it for every database is a bit annoying.
What version are you running? IIRC it should remember the password
has got a graphical query builder.
Alvaro Herrera
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (
To make changes to your subscription:
to tell where one
ends and the other starts.
If you really want two separate lists, you need to pass them as array
references (i.e. \...@myarray). I guess you could also pass an element
count but that's not very perlish.
Alvaro Herrerahttp://www.CommandProm
e pg_hba.conf files, same
> script parameters, same versions of Postgres, same everything.
Maybe you have a .pgpass file storing a password for one of them and not
the other?
Alvaro Herrera
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom De
Leonardo M. Ramé escribió:
> select
> idturno,
> infres::text
> from turno
> where
> infres::text ~~ $$%diagn'f3stico%$$;
Just make sure you don't have $$ in the search pattern ...
Alvaro Herrerahttp://www.C
posted from other three different email addresses.
Following the "see this post in context" link at the bottom would show
you more, if you care about that sort of stuff.
Alvaro Herrera
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Cus
See here:
You probably want to use ~ instead of SIMILAR TO.
(SIMILAR TO is a weird beast that the SQL committee came up with,
vaguely based on regular expressions.)
Alvaro Herrera
check using SQL if transaction ID is close to wraparound?
See age(datfrozenxid) FROM pg_database, but ignore system databases.
Alvaro Herrera
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.
Sent via pgsql-general mailing lis
point? What can
> you do with a subtransaction that you can't do with a savepoint?
What Bill wants is an "autonomous" transaction. We don't have those yet
(except thru use of dblink or database connections inside a function.)
Alvaro Herrera
d success (exit code 0).
Alvaro Herrera
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (
To make changes to your subscription:
t; finished ? I assume not since no table data is actually being
> rewritten.
It will block until it is finished (just like any other ALTER TABLE),
but unless there's something else blocking the table for a long time, it
should be very short. No data is being rewritten.
Alvaro Herrera
n't know how they do it but the pgcon 2009 page has links to videos
of the presentations that have the slides changing in coordination.
It's pretty good.
Alvaro Herrera
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 2
d in any user table.
Alvaro Herrera
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (
To make changes to your subscription:
> that be the exception to catch? It doesn't sound right.
Alvaro Herrera
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support
Sent via pgs
for functions, none of them mandated by SQL,
and there is no reason to create a syntax exception for any of them.
I am sure that when we get SQL/PSM support, the interest in getting
standards-conformant procedure creation statements is going to get a lot
PL/pgSQL is not SQL/PSM.
tail the differences you talk about that you see here ?
I'm not that familiar with SQL/PSM, sorry. Pavel Stehule is da man.
Alvaro Herrera
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support
Sent via p
Timothy Madden escribió:
> On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 12:42 AM, Alvaro Herrera > wrote:
> > Timothy Madden escribió:
> >
> > > Anyway Posgres offers a CREATE FUNCTION statement that resembles
> > > or should resemble that in the standard, and that is what I
/LIMIT. Afaik cursor always fetches everything.
> Well, in my experiments they always perform the same. I suspect that
> the way SELECT/OFFSET is implemented is not much different than
> cursor/MOVE.
The cursor could choose a different plan due to the "fast
ve any explicit setting of this parameter.
> The documentation deprecates setting this variable to true. Why does
> pg_dump do it?
To dump tables that were created WITH OIDS.
Alvaro Herrera
The PostgreSQL Company - Co
Tim Landscheidt wrote:
> Hi,
> how can I list the user-specific configuration parameters,
> i. e. those set by "ALTER ROLE name SET ..."?
Get them from the pg_authid catalog.
8.5 alpha2 has a new \drds command in psql for that purpose.
Alvaro Herrera
Raimon Fernandez wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to implement the front-end protocol with TCP from
> REALbasic to PostgreSQL.
That sounds the most difficult way to do it. Can't you just embed
Alvaro Herrera
it will be MUCH easier/
cheaper to do than working with the FE/BE protocol yourself.
Alvaro Herrera
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.
ause the length is an int32. There are 3 zeros because the packet
length is less than 256.
Alvaro Herrera
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@
t; Int32
> Length of message contents in bytes, including self.
> String
> The name of the run-time parameter being reported.
> String
> The current value of the parameter.
Alvaro Herrera
The PostgreSQL Company - Command
Raimon Fernandez wrote:
> how I know where the length ends ?
You count 4 bytes.
Alvaro Herrera
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (
To make chan
s has anything to do with your old TRUNCATE either. My guess
is that somebody else ran TRUNCATE and forgot to tell you; or maybe an
automatic external process (cron or some such).
Alvaro Herrera
PostgreSQL Replication, Cons
Pavel Stehule escribió:
> 2009/10/27 Alvaro Herrera :
> > JC Praud escribió:
> >
> >> So my question are: can the autovacuum daemon perform vacuum full ? Or
> >> another internal postgres process ? Could it come from the TRUNCATE I run
> >> and canceled 4
Rhys A.D. Stewart escribió:
> i did some seraching about outliers and most of hits are about R or
> spss or some other statistical looking for a way to do
> it wholly in pgsql.
Well, then, maybe PL/R?
Alvaro Herrerahttp://www.CommandP
have, so what you describe is what we would expect.
Alvaro Herrera
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (
To make changes to your
JC Praud escribió:
> On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 12:29 AM, Alvaro Herrera > This bit does not make much sense to me. A transaction waiting will not
> > show up in the log. Were they cancelled? Can you paste an extract from
> > the log?
> No, the transactions were not ca
This is not a Postgres error message. Ask EDB.
Alvaro Herrera
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (
To make changes to your sub
already (or have other reasons not to).
Alvaro Herrera
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (
To make changes to your subscription:
dly fixed in 8.3.8. Update and let us know
if it reocurrs.
Alvaro Herrera
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (
To make cha
Sam Mason wrote:
> + Datum
> + interval_abs(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
> + {
> + Interval *interval1 = PG_GETARG_INTERVAL_P(0);
> + Interval *interval2 = PG_GETARG_INTERVAL_P(1);
Surely it must receive a single argument?
Alvaro Herrera
Raphael Araújo e Silva escribió:
> My doubt: Is there some way to get all sequences attributes at once
> without execute repeatedly SELECT * FROM [sequence_name]?
I don't think there is, yet.
> Also, I'm wondering if there is some way to resolve a sequence OID into
> it's real representation. L
Oliver Kohll - Mailing Lists wrote:
> Hello,
> Given a string with certain words surrounded by stars, e.g.
> The *quick* *brown* fox jumped over the *lazy* dog
> can you transform the words surrounded by stars with uppercase versions, i.e.
Maybe you can turn that into a resultset, then upp
Dave Cramer escribió:
> OK,
> I have a little more information.
> Yes, in isolation I can import these lines, however something happens after
> 69000 lines. These lines cause an error.
Stray quotes in previous lines? Perhaps check whether line 65999 was
imported correctly.
Álvaro Herre
Giuseppe Broccolo wrote:
> The format of the script file has to be one SQL command per line;
> multiline SQL commands are not supported, and empty lines are
> ignored. This could bring to errors. Could this be your case?
Multiline SQL commands are not supported? Well that sucks, because only
Evan Jones wrote:
> I *know* that without an ORDER BY clause, the database is free to
> reorder results in any way it likes. However, I recently ran into a
> case where the *SAME* query was returning results in a different order
> *within* a single transaction, which surprised me (we fixed it by
On Mon, Oct 07, 2013 at 09:33:44AM +, Françoise Singer wrote:
> Dear Sirs,
> Could you please take my e-mail adress out of your conversations?
I don't see this address ( subscribed to, but I do see singer.franco...@medicalservices.b
Adrian Klaver escribió:
> On 10/11/2013 03:51 AM, hiroyuki shiga wrote:
> >Thank you for reply.
> >
> >but I can't provide a self-contained test case.
> >
> So what are you doing when you get the core dump?
The query is in the backtrace:
Janek Sendrowski wrote:
> Hi,
> I like to try some things with C and I need certain postgres libraries for it.
> This time, I'm including postgres.h for example, but postgres.h doesn't
> include it's files.
> How do I include the whole tree, or is there a certain directory I can use.
> I just
Pankaj Mishra escribió:
> Dera Kevin,
> If you run checkpoint in database then you can delete the pg_xlog other
> then current timestamp. We do this to our customer on regular basis when
> pg_xlog exceed more then 15 gb
That is "somewhat" correct (meaning you are less likely to see data
> On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 12:41 PM, wrote:
> > I have a 9.2 server that occasionally becomes CPU bound. Disk wait is
> > nominal and there's no memory pressure. The workload is almost all reads
> > and the cache hit rate is high.
Maybe you'd benefit from something like the patch proposed here
bricklen escribió:
> We recently experienced a hard crash of a dev server due to lack of
> resources (we think, still investigating).
> That resulted in an interesting scenario where one of the tables was
> returning 12 rows from "select * from tbl", but "select * from tbl order by
> " was only ret
Joey Quinn escribió:
> Most of the installations I have seen reach out to the Internet during the
> process. How hard is it to build a Postgres installation in a completely
> isolated environment? I have an internal network with not Internet
> connectivity that I would like to set up Postgres on.
John Sutton escribió:
> As a last resort (which surely shouldn’t be necessary) on the Ubuntu system I
> did:
> strings /usr/bin/psql | grep -i sysconf
> $ENV{'PGSYSCONFDIR'} = '/etc/postgresql-common' if !$ENV{'PGSYSCONFDIR’};
> So that’s where it needs to be: /etc/postgresql-common/psql
Bruce Momjian escribió:
> On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 07:48:33PM -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
> > Susan Cassidy writes:
> > > This is 9.2
> >
> > I'd bet a very good dinner that it isn't --- maybe your psql is,
> > but your server has to be pre-9.0. Try "select version();" to
> > see the actual version of
Andreas Lubensky wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to read/write large objects via libpq. I encapsulated the
> operations in a transaction but I wanted to put a savepoint before doing
> any operations, so I can do a rollback in case anything fails without
> breaking the current transaction. Now, when st
Sergey Konoplev escribió:
> On Mon, Feb 3, 2014 at 10:09 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
> > People periodically ask for extensions flavored more or less like this,
> > but I'm suspicious of building any such thing into the core. There's too
> > little commonality in the exact conditions they want to search
Sergey Konoplev escribió:
> >> I understand the POV of both Evan and you here. However, I think that
> >> there might be a good solution for this particular case - to allow
> >> dropping functions by name only if it has the only signature, but if
> >> there are 2 or more signatures then print an e
Sergey Konoplev escribió:
> Hi,
> Gentoo Linux, PostgreSQL 9.2.4.
> I'm trying to find out why postgres uses a specific time zone that I
> don't expect to be used, and without any success so far. The situation
> seems strange to me, but I could probably miss something.
As far as I know, GMT
Bruce Momjian wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 01:28:01AM +0200, Marti Raudsepp wrote:
> > On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 12:20 AM, Marti Raudsepp wrote:
> > > This is on Ubuntu 13.10 (kernel 3.11) with XFS (mount ed with noatime,
> > > no other customizations).
> >
> > I managed to track this down; XFS
Adarsh Sharma escribió:
> [cur:1835/26FAFEF8, xid:471303469, rmid:11(Btree), len/tot_len:18/5754,
> info:8, prev:1835/26FAFEB0] insert_leaf: s/d/r:1663/1228184/1363155 tid
> 28366/20
> Is dere any document where i can co-relate this tid with relations/indexes
> in the database. I tried but not
Scott Marlowe escribió:
> As some of you folks know I work on some pretty beefy machines. Some
> of these machines don't see rest for months or days on end. And
> autovacuum keeps cancelling. I set it more aggressive, it still never
> finishes.
No matter how heavily updated, regular activity shoul
James Harper wrote:
> Just a minor bug in the documentation -
> says that bgw_main
> takes an argument of void*, but when declared as such gcc -Wall gives a
> warning of:
> init.c:59:19: warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type
George Weaver wrote:
> Hi Ian,
> I just got that as well - awesome!
Álvaro Herrera
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (
To make ch
Israel Brewster wrote:
> So my question is, aside from someone going in and mucking about in the wee
> hours of the morning, what could possibly cause this behavior? What sort of
> event could cause all data to be deleted from the table, and the sequence to
> be reset? Especially while there is
Malik Rumi escribió:
Hello list,
> I overcame the first errors I got about the TEMP environmental variable
> thanks to the info on the wiki. Then I got two warnings after install. 1)
> is that the adminpack did not install, and it asked if I was listening on
> the port. 2) was that I needed to c
Andy Colson escribió:
> I dunno. I'm new at conspiracy theories :-). I hoped, by some
> stretch, Oracle was feeling the heat of competition from PG ... and
> decided to "solve" the problem. See?
If Oracle decided to solve the problem in these ways, I'm pretty sure
they would already have many
James Harper wrote:
> The docs say I'm supposed to call BackgroundWorkerInitializeConnection in a
> bgworker and then I can start using spi functions, but they aren't clear on
> if I should call SPI_connect too.
> If I call BackgroundWorkerInitializeConnection and then SPI_execute I get a
> r
Jerry Levan wrote:
> The other day I attempted to connect to my 9.3.2 postgresql data base and my
> connection
> attempts kept failing.
> I found about 10 lines in the log file that looked like:
> ERROR: could not seek to end of file "global/12292": Too many open files
> LOG: out of fi
Hall, Samuel L (Sam) wrote:
> ERROR: syntax error at or near "LIKE"
> LINE 2: CREATE TABLE tse_history_old (LIKE tse_history)
> ^
Note it says this is on line 2. What have you got in the previous line?
(psql has \p
Rob Sargent wrote:
> Jsyk, I'm toying with a rather large number of small valued
> datapoints per sample. I'm tying text and smallint as well.
You could try "char"[] ...
Álvaro Herrera
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services
Moshe Jacobson wrote:
> Even though I mark the trigger *functions *as owned by my extension, the
> trigger definitions themselves are still dumped by pg_dump and restored by
> pg_restore. This is a problem when pg_restore is using parallelism (-j),
> and one thread starts issuing CREATE TRIGGER co
Eliot Gable wrote:
> I have a table which is about 12 GB in size. It has had a vacuum full
> analyze run on it, and then immediately after, I run vacuum analyze and it
> takes about 90 seconds to complete. If I continue to run vacuum analyze on
> it, it continues to take about 90 seconds each time.
Elliot S wrote:
> Is there a discussion somewhere regarding this line from the docs on
> transaction isolation: "When you select the level Read Uncommitted
> you really get Read Committed, and phantom reads are not possible in
> the PostgreSQL implementation of Repeatable Read"? I get that RU is
Amit Langote wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 10:25 PM, Rob Sargent wrote:
> > And it also tells you how to stop it --bibtex iirc
> Yeah, it's a caution against a potentially harmful usage anyway. Users
> should not use it at all.
> I was just wondering if the description of the behavior, th
Dev Kumkar wrote:
> > of which OpenSSL package versions' is available at
> > ?
> >
> Ok, looked at the STRINGS versions and the "OpenSSL 1.0.1f 6 Jan 2014" is
> seen.
> Please let me know if the new binary i
Amit Langote wrote:
> On Thursday, April 24, 2014, Bhim Kumar wrote:
> > Hi sir,
> >
> > I am getting a lot of mails which are tough to handle.
> >
> > Please unsubscribe my mail id, so that I would not get unwanted mail.
> Use the subscribe/unsubscribe form here.
> http://www.postgresql.
Adrian Klaver wrote:
> On 04/24/2014 07:10 AM, Oscar Calderon wrote:
> >Hi Adrian thanks for your answer, and yees, you're right, is just that i
> >haven't received an answer from them yet, that's why i sent this email
> >to the mail list.
> The important thing to understand here is that the Pos
Tim Clarke wrote:
> Michael Tocci kindly announced these packages recently and they sound
> promising but my search-fu is failing me - anyone got a link please?
I posted a reply to his announce but now I see it didn't make it through
the list because I used the owner addre
Souquieres Adam wrote:
> The solution must be to define a *better strategy for tables
> statistics*... we dont really need stats on all the tables because
> the most part of them is static...
Tune autovacuum so that it does the analyses for you?
Álvaro Herrerahttp://www.2ndQu
Joe Van Dyk wrote:
> Is there a way to add a NOT NULL constraint to a column without having
> to lock the table while a sequential read happens?
> Seems like it should be possible to add an index on the column for
> null values, like:
> create index on t using btree(col_name) where col_name is n
Steve Crawford wrote:
> Is there a way to force a specific index to be removed from
> consideration in planning a single query?
> Specifically, on a 60-million-row table I have an index that is a
> candidate for removal. I have identified the sets of nightly queries
> that use the index but befo
Steve Crawford wrote:
> On 05/20/2014 10:44 AM, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> >If you can afford to lock the table for a while, the easiest is
> >
> >DROP INDEX bothersome_idx;
> >EXPLAIN your_query;
> >
> Interesting. But what do
Jeff Janes wrote:
> Best case, 'A while' means however long it takes the explain (possibly
> analyze) to run, and for you to then type 'rollback;'
> worse case, someone else is already holding an incompatible lock (i.e. any
> lock) on the table, and is going to hang on to it for a long while, s
Excerpts from Stefan Kaltenbrunner's message of lun ago 06 13:21:49 -0400 2012:
> We are currently planning to finalize the ongoing work on the mailsystem
> migration we started earlier this year by migrating the
> two remaining components of the mailsystem infrastructure
> to new s
Tom Lane escribió:
> Sergey Konoplev writes:
> > On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 12:19 PM, Sahagian, David
> > wrote:
> >> Are there any "extra" costs to logging all this cool stuff ?
> >>
> >> log_line_prefix = '%m %a %u %p %c %m %v %x'
> > The formatting cost only but it is so insignificant that do
Albe Laurenz wrote:
> Arvind Singh wrote:
> > Are there any particular settings or methods available to improve Just
> insert_table operations
> The obvious ones:
> - Wrap several of them in a transaction.
> - Increase checkpoint_segments.
> - Set fsync=off and hope you don't crash.
I think it
Arvind Singh wrote:
> ok,
> thanks i will look into walbuffers
> asynchronous_commit=off is a doubt for responsive environment (pg manual).
> for ex.
> would it help if,
> a game player , has to perform next move on basis of his/her previous move
> plus other players move.
> al
> > data=# \o /tmp/datos_para_proceso.csv
> > data=# select * from datos_para_proceso;
> > /opt/PostgreSQL/9.2/bin/psql: línea 30: 9608 Terminado (killed)
> > "$PG_BIN_PATH/psql.bin" "$@"
Moshe Jacobson escribió:
> More i
Eliot Gable escribió:
> In general, autovacuum seems to work well on most of the tables I deal
> with. However, in a couple of specific cases, it seems to fail miserably. I
> would like to switch to manual vacuuming on those tables and disable
> auto-vacuuming for those tables alone. Is this possib
Shaun Thomas escribió:
> On 10/24/2012 02:57 PM, Eliot Gable wrote:
> >In general, autovacuum seems to work well on most of the tables I deal
> >with. However, in a couple of specific cases, it seems to fail
> >miserably. I would like to switch to manual vacuuming on those tables
> >and disable wrote:
> Hello,
> I have been running PostgreSQL for many months and just recently started
> getting this exception upon start up. Does anyone know what the issue
> might be?
> LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
> LOG: autovacuum launcher started
> LOG:
Mike Lewis escribió:
> I am trying to make a trigger that updates a row once and only once per
> transaction (even if this trigger gets fired multiple times). The general
> idea is that for a user we have a version number. When we modify the
> user's data, the version number is incremented then s
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