Alvaro Herrera wrote: > Here's a slightly smaller test case; basically I removed the tsearch2 > cruft and extra columns in the table. One thing of note is that if the > COPY commands is reduced to occupy less than one page in the target > table, the problem does not occur.
And here's an even smaller one that doesn't involve plpython. create or replace function upd() returns trigger language plpgsql as $$ declare rec record; begin new.description = 'updated in trigger'; return new; end; $$; create table onetest ( id int, filler text, description text ); create trigger onetest_t before update on onetest for each row execute procedure upd(); insert into onetest select a, repeat('xyzxz', 100), 'new' from generate_series(1, 50) a; BEGIN; SET transaction isolation level SERIALIZABLE; UPDATE onetest SET description = 'no no', id = 1 where id = 1; commit; -- Alvaro Herrera PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list ( To make changes to your subscription: