Sergey Konoplev escribió:

> >> I understand the POV of both Evan and you here. However, I think that
> >> there might be a good solution for this particular case - to allow
> >> dropping functions by name only if it has the only signature, but if
> >> there are 2 or more signatures then print an error specifying all the
> >> forms of the function, eg.:
> >>
> >> ERROR: Can not drop function 'foo' because it has more then one
> >> signature: foo(integer), foo(text).

> I was writing about some kind of a compromise.

I wonder if it'd work to have some way to specify wildcards for function
arguments.  For instance, if you say
        DROP FUNCTION foo('*');
all versions with a single argument are dropped; 
        DROP FUNCTION foo('*', '*');
drops all versions with two arguments.  If you do
        DROP FUNCTION foo('*+');
then all versions are dropped regardless of number of arguments.

Maybe some kind of keyword instead of the funny-looking operators would
work better --- not proposing that exact syntax, only the general idea.

Álvaro Herrera      
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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