am Tue, dem 22.05.2007, um 16:19:55 -0400 mailte Pablo Hume folgendes:
> Hi, sorry for my english, i?m from Paraguay.
> I need to know if exists a way to call a program like CMD (command prompt)
> from
> a procedure or a trigger, and execute an external application.
Yes, this is possible. You
am Mon, dem 21.05.2007, um 18:29:46 -0700 mailte camb folgendes:
> Hey all,
> Is there any way to add some kind of sequence of auto-incrementing
> column to the result set returned by a SELECT?
You can use an sequence similar this:
test=# select * from foo;
col1 | col2 | col3
am Tue, dem 29.05.2007, um 10:48:21 -0400 mailte Robert James folgendes:
> I'd like to be able to detect if a record has associations. I don't want to
> actually delete it, just know if it could be deleted. (This is to build an
> intelligent menu on a GUI)
Set a savepoint, try to delete the recor
am Sun, dem 03.06.2007, um 10:34:47 +0200 mailte Badawy, Mohamed folgendes:
> Hi all
> am very new to postgres & actually am just collecting information about but I
> having a problem with time so I was asking if someone could help me with quick
> anserws about these features in postgres.
am Tue, dem 05.06.2007, um 11:49:20 +0200 mailte Marc Compte folgendes:
> Dear list,
> This might be too basic for a question but I just couldn't find the
> answer so far.
> Does PostgreSQL create an implicit index also for foreign keys?
No, only for primary keys to enforce the uniqueness.
am Sun, dem 10.06.2007, um 13:41:27 +0200 mailte Andrej Kastrin folgendes:
> Dear all,
> I need to count all pairs of instances which occure under given ID
> number, e.g.:
> ID word
> -
> 1 car
> 1 fruit
> 2 car
> 2 fruit
> 2 vegetable
> 3 car
> 3 vegetable
> A
am Mon, dem 11.06.2007, um 21:23:59 - mailte [EMAIL PROTECTED] folgendes:
> My original table is like that:
> IDA1 A2 A3 cnt
> 1234 1 0 0 4
> 1234 1 0 1 8
> 1234 1 1 1 5
> 1235 1 0 0 6
> 1235 1
am Thu, dem 14.06.2007, um 10:57:43 -0700 mailte Lza folgendes:
> Can anyone help me with this problem?
> I have a table in my database that holds information on policies and
> this table is linked to a number of other tables. I need to be able to
> keep a history of all changes to a policy ove
am Fri, dem 15.06.2007, um 10:24:26 +0200 mailte Adrian von Bidder folgendes:
> Hi,
> I want to tighten down my db schema as much as possible against accidential
> corruption. For this, I'd like to have fields that can only inserted and
> not later changed (think some sort of "id", account n
am Fri, dem 15.06.2007, um 8:21:45 -0400 mailte Francisco Reyes folgendes:
> Lza writes:
> >I have a table in my database that holds information on policies and
> >this table is linked to a number of other tables. I need to be able to
> >keep a history of all changes to a policy over time. The
am Mon, dem 18.06.2007, um 10:14:32 -0300 mailte Ranieri Mazili folgendes:
> Hello,
> I'm creating a function that will create a select statement into a
> while, this select will be stored into a text variable, after while ends
> I need to execute this query stored into variable, on SQLSERVER
am Mon, dem 18.06.2007, um 14:59:34 +0200 mailte Stefan Schwarzer folgendes:
> Hi there,
> my app is creating views for a certain task; now, I would like to run
> on a regular basis a script which deletes these views. As they are
> named with the date/hour/min/sec-appendix to make each view
am Tue, dem 19.06.2007, um 12:23:51 +0200 mailte Philippe Lang folgendes:
> I'd like to prevent any kind of modification (insert, update, delete) in
> a order (and its lines, and steps) if all the steps in the lines of the
> order are "checked". If that condition is not true, a modification is
am Thu, dem 28.06.2007, um 16:04:48 -0400 mailte Jasbinder Singh Bali
> Hi,
> I have a timestamp field in my talbe.
> I need to check its difference in days with the current date.
> field name is time_stamp and I did it as follows:
> select age(timestamp '2000-06-28 15:39:47.2
am Fri, dem 29.06.2007, um 13:31:03 +0530 mailte Ashish Karalkar folgendes:
> Hello All,
> I am trying to create a user and i dont understand why it is showing me any
> massage even after giving parameter -e to the command.
Maybe you should use -q:
Do not display
am Mon, dem 02.07.2007, um 11:13:54 +0530 mailte Ashish Karalkar folgendes:
> Hello All,
> I am trying to create databse with script.
> I run this script from root prompt with command
> $ su - postgres -c 'path to script.sql'
> In the script I follow following steps
> 1) cr
am Tue, dem 03.07.2007, um 12:11:01 -0400 mailte Mike Gould folgendes:
> Is there a way to determine the order that triggers are executed? We are
Andreas Kretschmer
Kontakt: Heynitz: 035242/47150, D1: 0160/7141639 (mehr: -> Header)
GnuPG-ID: 0x3FFF606C, privat 0
am Tue, dem 03.07.2007, um 14:27:24 -0400 mailte Emi Lu folgendes:
> Hello,
> Can I know how to get the date of each month's last Thursday please?
> For example, something like
> Query: select getDateBaseOnWeekday('2007-04-01', 'Last Thursday');
> Result: 2007-04-26
Write you own functi
am Tue, dem 03.07.2007, um 23:37:57 +0100 mailte Raymond O'Donnell folgendes:
> Hi all,
> Is it still possible to get PostgreSQL merchandise? A friend of mine is
> looking for some, but I can't seem to find where its available.
Can you or your fried visit the at Prato, Italy?
am Mon, dem 09.07.2007, um 2:53:48 -0400 mailte Jasbinder Singh Bali
> Hi,
> If I have a series of Insert statements within a loop in a function on the
> same
> table.
> Would an Insert be able to see the values of previous insert in that table ?
Inside this function, yes. Outsid
am Tue, dem 10.07.2007, um 14:32:58 +0200 mailte Zlatko Matic folgendes:
> Hello.
> Is there any free program/utility for batch imports from .csv files, that
> can be easily scheduled for daily inserts of data to PostgreSQL tables?
> Regards,
You can use the scheduler from your OS. For Unix-like
am Wed, dem 11.07.2007, um 14:15:02 +0200 mailte Zlatko Matic folgendes:
> Hello,
please don't hijack other threads. If you only change the subject for a
new question, your mail will be sorted completely wrong.
(within modern email-clients such thunderbird or mutt)
> I use MS Access for data
am Wed, dem 11.07.2007, um 14:55:28 +0200 mailte Zlatko Matic folgendes:
> I have already tried COPY.
> But, it has problems with type castings.
> For example, COPY operation fails because PostgreSQL can't copy value
> 7.844,000 into NUMERIC field...
Either copy such values into a temp. table wi
am Fri, dem 13.07.2007, um 18:50:26 +0200 mailte Zlatko Mati? folgendes:
> When using multirow INSERT INTO...VALUES command, are all rows inserted in a
> batch, or row by row?
Within one transaction, yes.
Andreas Kretschmer
Kontakt: Heynitz: 035242/47150, D1: 0160/7141639 (mehr: -
am Wed, dem 18.07.2007, um 15:39:01 +0530 mailte Ashish Karalkar folgendes:
> Hello all,
> I want to take backup from one server and save it to another machine hard
> drive.
> The backup will be taken through a shell script attached to a cron job.
> something like:
> pg_dump -d postgr
am Mon, dem 23.07.2007, um 13:58:22 -0400 mailte Robert Fitzpatrick folgendes:
> Is it possible to use COALESCE function inside a function as a cursor
> variable?
Yes, why not?
> test cursor (myvar varchar) for
> (coalesce(SELECT...,0));
I guess: wrong syntax. Try instead select co
am Mon, dem 23.07.2007, um 7:50:35 -0700 mailte [EMAIL PROTECTED] folgendes:
> Hi all,
> I would like to change a sub-string in a text-field by using
> UPDATE tablename SET
> fieldname=regexp_replace(fieldname,old_sub_string,new_sub_string)
> WHERE (fieldname like '%old_sub_string%')
> I
am Fri, dem 10.08.2007, um 17:46:11 +0800 mailte carter ck folgendes:
> Hi all,
> I am facing a performance issue here. Whenever I do a count(*) on a table
> that contains about 300K records, it takes few minutes to complete. Whereas
> my other application which is counting > 500K records jus
am Thu, dem 16.08.2007, um 10:30:01 +0200 mailte Ji?í N?mec folgendes:
> Hello,
> I would like to ask you for an advice.
> There are two tables in my PostgreSQL database - main table with datas and
> second with translations for all languages of these records.
> When I try to UPDATE a rec
am Thu, dem 16.08.2007, um 14:11:07 +0200 mailte Ji??í N??mec folgendes:
> > see
> >
> Yes I see, but I'll try to describe it in more detail:
> I could write plpgsql trigger function which wi
am Wed, dem 15.08.2007, um 17:29:17 -0400 mailte Madison Kelly folgendes:
> What I would like to do is create a function that would do the same
> thing so I could read out the IP addresses as standard dotted-decimal
> format. Could anyone help me with this? I am quite the n00b when it
> comes
am Tue, dem 21.08.2007, um 20:20:38 +0200 mailte Robin Helgelin folgendes:
> Hi,
> I want to save history for a few tables using triggers on update and
> creation. What's the best approach to do this in a webapp environment
> where I want to save which webapp user that is doing the change, not
am Mon, dem 27.08.2007, um 9:40:45 -0300 mailte Marcelo de Moraes Serpa
> Hello list,
> I'm trying to execute the following sentences in a pl/pgsql function.
> aNomeProcAudita and pTabAudit are both variables.
Which version?
am Tue, dem 28.08.2007, um 10:56:38 +0530 mailte Ashish Karalkar folgendes:
> Hello all,
> I have a database abc with owner c .
> I want to grant only read access on this DB abc to user d.
> More specificaly to a schema abcs in the databse abc.
> Is ther any way to do so?
> I have more
am Tue, dem 28.08.2007, um 8:08:36 -0400 mailte Kynn Jones folgendes:
> I'm hoping to get some advice on a design question I'm grappling with.
> I have a database now that in many respects may be regarded as an
> collection of a few hundred much smaller "parallel databases", all
> having the sam
am Tue, dem 28.08.2007, um 14:23:00 +0200 mailte Kamil Srot folgendes:
> Kynn Jones wrote:
> >I'm hoping to get some advice on a design question I'm grappling with.
> > I have a database now that in many respects may be regarded as an
> >collection of a few hundred much smaller "parallel databa
am Wed, dem 29.08.2007, um 11:15:21 +0200 mailte Vincenzo Romano folgendes:
> This loop is increadibly slow. Infact the friendly explain tells me
> that:
> test=# explain select * from t order by f2,f3;
> --
am Thu, dem 30.08.2007, um 14:59:06 +0800 mailte Ow Mun Heng folgendes:
> Is there a way to do a dump of a database using a select statement?
A complete database or just a simple table?
> eg: \copy trd to 'file' select * from table limit 10
Since 8.2 you can use COPY (select * from table) T
am Wed, dem 05.09.2007, um 6:58:30 -0700 mailte Rob folgendes:
> What is the proper why to deal with temp tables and sequences? Why aren't they
> being dropped after the function ends? Why do I get OID errors if I delete the
> temp table/sequence at the end of the function and then try to rerun t
am Fri, dem 07.09.2007, um 12:30:06 +0200 mailte Erwin Moller folgendes:
> Hi group,
> Does anybody know of an tutorial for EXPLAIN for idiots like me?
> (I am fairly confortable with Postgres, but never used EXPLAIN before.)
> I need to optimize a few slow running queries, but I am not real
am Sat, dem 08.09.2007, um 11:44:17 +0200 mailte Thorsten Kraus folgendes:
> Hello,
> I am looking for a tool which is able to generate a database diagramm
> including the relationships from an existing database schema. The only
> tool I know for this purpose is the Clay database plugin for e
am Wed, dem 12.09.2007, um 7:32:45 -0600 mailte Dennis Muhlestein folgendes:
> I've been passively collecting data for a few months. I realized, after
> a while, that I never added a timestamp column to the table the data is
> being stored in. I've since added that.
> Is there a way to fin
am Wed, dem 12.09.2007, um 15:41:44 +0200 mailte A. Kretschmer folgendes:
> am Wed, dem 12.09.2007, um 7:32:45 -0600 mailte Dennis Muhlestein folgendes:
> > I've been passively collecting data for a few months. I realized, after
> > a while, that I never added a timestamp
am Thu, dem 13.09.2007, um 10:44:41 +0200 mailte Ottavio Campana folgendes:
> >
> since I already use triggers on that table, can I use table_log?
> I mean, can I have two triggers for the same even
am Thu, dem 13.09.2007, um 11:25:39 +0200 mailte Kai Behncke folgendes:
> But always if I sent as user xy the
> "UPDATE pg_catalog.pg_class SET reltriggers = 0;"-command I get:
> "SQL error:
> ERROR: permission denied for relation pg_class"
> Why is that? MUST I be a superuser for that?
am Thu, dem 13.09.2007, um 13:06:11 +0200 mailte Kai Behncke folgendes:
> > why dont you simply alter table disable trigger?
> >
> > depesz
> >
> Could you give me an example for that please?
> Thank you very much :-), Kai
Open psql and type: \h alter table
test=*# \h alter table
am Mon, dem 17.09.2007, um 18:50:46 +0200 mailte Bima Djaloeis folgendes:
> Hi there,
> I am new to PostgreSQL, is it possible to create something so that
> 1) If I insert / update / delete an item from my DB...
> 2) ... an awk / shell / external program is executed in my UNIX System?
> I
am Mon, dem 17.09.2007, um 9:21:22 +0800 mailte Ow Mun Heng folgendes:
> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION foo_func(fromdate timestamp, todate
> timestamp, code text)
> $BODY$
> TRH.data1,
> TRH.data2,
am Wed, dem 19.09.2007, um 22:36:02 +1200 mailte [EMAIL PROTECTED] folgendes:
> Hello
> I want to know about the size of my database. For example, I want to know
> how many Mb of data for current myDatabase database in a postgres server.
am Thu, dem 20.09.2007, um 14:13:40 +1000 mailte Chester folgendes:
> Hi
> I have a question regarding foreign keys, I just cannot get it to create
> them for meI must be doing something wrong but I have no idea what
> that might be :)
> I have a table "clients"
> clientID (primary)
am Fri, dem 28.09.2007, um 11:56:46 -0400 mailte Mike Charnoky folgendes:
> Hi,
> I am still having problems performing a count(*) on a large table. This
> Now, certain count(*) queries are failing to complete for certain time
> ranges (I killed the query after about 24 hours). The table i
am Fri, dem 28.09.2007, um 12:50:34 -0400 mailte Alvaro Herrera folgendes:
> A. Kretschmer wrote:
> > am Fri, dem 28.09.2007, um 11:56:46 -0400 mailte Mike Charnoky folgendes:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > I am still having problems performing a count(*) on a
am Thu, dem 04.10.2007, um 18:47:01 +0500 mailte test tester folgendes:
> On 10/4/07, test tester <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i have version 8.1 and i want to know how to insert multiple rows in this
> version.
Please no silly top post.
You can insert multiple values with one i
am Fri, dem 05.10.2007, um 11:43:09 +0530 mailte Ashish Karalkar folgendes:
> Hello All,
> I am getting following error when trying to create new database.
> createdb: database creation failed: ERROR: could not create directory "base/
> 1923827": No space left on device
> can anybody
am Fri, dem 05.10.2007, um 8:20:32 +0200 mailte Stefan Schwarzer folgendes:
> Before I was used that the yearly values were all to be found in a
> single SQL row; now for each year of each country I have a separate
> row. How do I convert that into a single (HTML) row again?
You can use cond
am Fri, dem 05.10.2007, um 9:13:10 +0200 mailte Stefan Schwarzer folgendes:
> >>
> >>And the next question coming up is: How should my query look like so
> >>that I can sort the (HTML) table by a specific year in ascending or
> >>descending order? So, that it doesn't display it by the country nam
am Fri, dem 05.10.2007, um 10:05:32 -0400 mailte Bill Bartlett folgendes:
> Quick request to the group: we have several members who include bogus or
> "humorous" X-Message-Flag headers in their email messages. Could I
> request that you _please_ turn them off? Because they come through as
Do yo
am Mon, dem 08.10.2007, um 3:28:04 -0700 mailte marwis1978 folgendes:
> I have a following table
> -+
> day | quantity
> -+
> where day is a date and quantity is an integer value. Now I need to
> make a SELECT statement on this table which returns me a full
> informati
am Mon, dem 08.10.2007, um 13:05:50 -0400 mailte Bill Bartlett folgendes:
> > > (Makes me have to think twice about raising
> > > any _real_ issues though, like why my VACUUMs periodically keep
> getting
> > > into lock contentions with my JDBC connections and ultimately
> causing me
> > > to have
am Mon, dem 08.10.2007, um 12:00:30 -0700 mailte Richard Broersma Jr folgendes:
> --- "A. Kretschmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > at least post them and see what kind of response you get,
> > > > rather than judge the list as a whole due to th
am Mon, dem 08.10.2007, um 15:46:04 -0500 mailte Scott Marlowe folgendes:
> Actually CC to the sender is the norm on this list. I believe there
Okay, no problem. I'm knowing other lists like the german debian user
list and there is this CC to the sender unwanted.
Andreas Kretschmer
am Fri, dem 12.10.2007, um 5:06:38 +0100 mailte manju arumugam folgendes:
> Hi,
> In my site when am update the edit user info page its
> prperly works in firefox .But not works in IE...But
> the updation takes place in the database but the page
> is not displayed...Wats the reason?
IE is
am Wed, dem 17.10.2007, um 13:01:25 +0200 mailte Christian Rengstl folgendes:
> Hi list,
> Whenever I try dropping a view using DROP VIEW myschema.myview the
> query runs forever. The last time I tried was ten minutes ago and the
> query is still running even though the view queries just data o
am Wed, dem 17.10.2007, um 22:30:26 -0400 mailte Bret Schuhmacher folgendes:
> Does anyone else invoke a process on a remote server? How do you do it?
You can use any untrusted programming language like pl/perlU or plsh.
Other solution: use LISTEN/NOTIFY, see
am Tue, dem 16.10.2007, um 21:55:38 -0700 mailte Bret Schuhmacher folgendes:
> Does the PG/Tcl interface allow expect scripts? I want to create a stored
> procedure that ssh's to another server and runs a Perl script. Expect could
> do
> it, but can I load the expect module from pgtcl?
I think
am Wed, dem 24.10.2007, um 15:08:51 +0200 mailte Stefan Schwarzer folgendes:
> Now, I want to enable queries which display national as well as
> regional values. I could probably work with independent queries, but
> I think it would be "cleaner" and more efficient to get everything
> into a
am Thu, dem 25.10.2007, um 5:25:14 -0700 mailte Evandro Andersen folgendes:
> In Oracle you can use this:
> There is something in the Postgresql ?
Can you explain this a little bit more? I can't see any sense. Either i
delete rows with
am Fri, dem 26.10.2007, um 14:51:52 +0800 mailte Ow Mun Heng folgendes:
> On Fri, 2007-10-26 at 08:35 +0200, Reg Me Please wrote:
> > You could try this:
> >
> >
> > CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION foo( out procpid integer, out client_addr inet,
> > out
> > query_time interval, out current_query
am Tue, dem 30.10.2007, um 14:51:33 -0300 mailte João Paulo Zavanela folgendes:
> Hi,
> I would like to know how many active connections exist.
> Is necessary show the number ip of client.
ask pg_stat_activity
(select * from pg_stat_activity;)
Andreas Kretschmer
Kontakt: Heynitz
am Wed, dem 31.10.2007, um 17:14:02 -0400 mailte Gauthier, Dave folgendes:
> When I run a query, and the number of lines exceeds what the screen can hold,
> the results seem to get piped into ?more? (or ?less?). How can I turn that
> off
> and just have everything stream out without stopping?
am Wed, dem 31.10.2007, um 16:34:44 +0200 mailte Anton Andreev folgendes:
> Hi,
> I have records with date column. Is there a way I can get which day of
> week this date is?
Yes, no problem. select extract (dow from date).
Andreas Kretschmer
Kontakt: Heynitz: 035242/47150, D1
am Sat, dem 03.11.2007, um 11:09:05 +0400 mailte rihad folgendes:
> Hi,
> Should an index be used on a created_at timestamp column if you know you
> will be using "ORDER BY created_at ASC|DESC" from time to time?
Yes. And you should use EXPLAIN.
Andreas Kretschmer
Kontakt: Heyn
am Mon, dem 12.11.2007, um 10:54:53 -0500 mailte Gauthier, Dave folgendes:
> Is there a function that?ll return the position of the last occurance of a
> char
> in a string?
> For Example, in the string ?abc/def/ghi? I want the position of the 2^nd ?/?.
write a function to revert the
am Mon, dem 12.11.2007, um 8:48:29 -0800 mailte David Fetter folgendes:
> > > Is there a function that?ll return the position of the last
> > > occurance of a char in a string?
> > >
> >
> > write a function to revert the string and use strpos().
> >
> > create or replace function rev(varchar
am Wed, dem 14.11.2007, um 15:16:48 +0800 mailte froast folgendes:
> in mysql, I used :"set foreign_key_check = 0;" to disable the foreign key
> check, now I'm trying to migrate from mysql to postgres, how should I do
> to disable it?
You can define the constraints as deferrable. Later you can
am Tue, dem 27.11.2007, um 10:38:09 +0100 mailte Christian Rengstl folgendes:
> Hi list,
> act = 'DELETION of row with id: ' ||;
> act = 'UPDATE OF ' || field || ' with id: ' ||
> ...
> INSERT INTO history(aennam, action, table_name) VALUES(current_user,
> act, ta
am Thu, dem 29.11.2007, um 15:48:45 +0100 mailte Pau Marc Munoz Torres
> Hi everybody
> I'm doing a two table query as follow
> mhc2db=> select t1.sp, t1.pos,t2.p1, t2.p4, t2.p6, t2.p7, t2.p9 from local as
> t1, precalc as t2 where t1.ce='ACIAD' and t2.idr(p1, p4, p6, p7, p9,
am Fri, dem 30.11.2007, um 5:22:34 -0500 mailte Madison Kelly folgendes:
> Hi all,
> If there a ./configure switch (or config file/command line switch) to
> tell postgresql to put the lock file '.s.PGSQL..lock' and socket
> '.s.PGSQL.' in a different directory?
> Thanks all!
Option uni
am Tue, dem 04.12.2007, um 11:31:41 +0100 mailte Christian Rengstl folgendes:
> When I login as user postgres, I can copy the files without any
> problem.
> Here is the error message (translated as it appears in German in my log
> files):
> >>copy pg_xlog\myfile C:\Archive\DBArchive\myfile<< faile
am Mon, dem 03.12.2007, um 12:29:39 +0100 mailte Christian Rengstl folgendes:
> Hi list,
> a have a problem using the following archiving command on windows:
> 'copy %p C:\\Archive\\DBArchive\\%f'
According the doc, the command should be:
archive_command = 'copy "%p" /mnt/server/archivedir/"%
am Tue, dem 04.12.2007, um 12:05:41 +0100 mailte Christian Rengstl folgendes:
> >> a have a problem using the following archiving command on windows:
> >> 'copy %p C:\\Archive\\DBArchive\\%f'
> >
> > According the doc, the command should be:
> >
> > archive_command = 'copy "%p" /mnt/server/archi
am Wed, dem 05.12.2007, um 10:24:04 + mailte Ashish Karalkar folgendes:
> Hello List member,
> Iha a table containing two columns x and y . for single value of x there are
> multiple values in y e.g
> X Y
> 1 ABC
> 2 PQR
> 3 XYZ
> 4 LMN
> 1
am Wed, dem 05.12.2007, um 14:42:32 +0100 mailte Przemyslaw Bojczuk folgendes:
> Hello!
> I have a problem joining two tables. I tried various types of join and
> none seems to work as I expect
> Table 1:
> id | stuff
> ---
> 1 | sth1
> 2 | sth2
> 3 | sth3
> 4 | sth4
am Wed, dem 05.12.2007, um 3:46:26 -0800 mailte David Fetter folgendes:
> Use the array_accum aggregate from the docs as follows:
> SELECT x, array_to_string(array_accum(y),':')
> FROM your_table
Yes, no noubt a better solution as my new aggregat...
Andreas Kretsch
am Wed, dem 05.12.2007, um 10:47:44 + mailte Ashish Karalkar folgendes:
> > X Y
> >
> > 1 ABC
> > 2 PQR
> > 3 XYZ
> > 4 LMN
> > 1 LMN
> > 2 XYZ
> >
> > I want a query that will give me following output
> >
> > 1 ABC:LMN
> > 2 PQR
am Thu, dem 06.12.2007, um 10:25:26 +0100 mailte Cedric Boudin folgendes:
> Most honourable members of the list,
> this is a simple one, but I can't find the solution ( probably a
> forest/tree problem).
> update table set bolean_column = set_it_to_its_inverse where fk =
> some_value;
am Tue, dem 04.12.2007, um 20:19:29 -0800 mailte pc folgendes:
> Hi,
> How to redirect the output of an sql command to a file?
> Thanks in advance
within psql you can use \o , from the shell you can use this:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ echo "select now()" | psql test > now.txt
am Thu, dem 06.12.2007, um 4:16:14 -0800 mailte Yancho folgendes:
> I am trying to create a function, which takes the nearest 3 hospitals
> to a point making use of a PostGIS function), and then check each
> hospital for the exact distance on roads (by making use of a pgRouting
> function).
am Mon, dem 10.12.2007, um 12:30:14 -0800 mailte Keith Turner folgendes:
> Hi first post here, I hope you can help.
> We are running 8.1 on Windows 2003 server and have had a server crash
> over the weekend. A virus is suspected - we maintain an app server on
Please don't hijack other threads,
am Tue, dem 11.12.2007, um 14:57:57 + mailte Richard Huxton folgendes:
> Keith Turner wrote:
> >Someone scolding wrote:
I wrote this ;-)
> >
> >Please don't hijack other threads, the original thread was 'TIMESTAMP
> >difference'.
> I think it was probably intended as a *gentle* scolding.
am Wed, dem 12.12.2007, um 11:44:58 + mailte Ashish Karalkar folgendes:
> Hi,
> I am having PostgreSQL 8.2.4 on Suse 10.3
> Server is not using the index insted it chooses to take seq scan path. table
> is
> having @ 120 million rows
> here is the output from planner:
> Nested Loop IN J
am Wed, dem 12.12.2007, um 12:25:20 + mailte Ashish Karalkar folgendes:
> > here is the output from planner:
> > Nested Loop IN Join (cost=0.00..5030217.97 rows=2 width=106)
> > -> Seq Scan on sms_new (cost=0.00..5027902.00 rows=384 width=106)
> > Filter: (mobile = 919820920858
am Wed, dem 12.12.2007, um 12:44:09 + mailte Ashish Karalkar folgendes:
> > Do you have an index on "mobile"? Can you show us the table definition
> > and the output from EXPLAIN ANALYSE?
> >
> > no index on mobile
> Seq Scan on sms_new ... Filter: (mobile = 919820920858
am Wed, dem 12.12.2007, um 14:43:55 +0100 mailte Pavel Stehule folgendes:
> Hello
> you can use pg_sleep function. But using it in trigger is ugly,
> because transaction stay in open state. Look to orafce on intersession
> communication. Maybe you can use it.
other solution (vaguely): LISTEN/N
Hello @all,
i have a question (rot really for myself, a member of ther german forum
i have two tables, contains a varchar(N)-column. Now i create a VIEW
based on this tables. The resulting view contains now a varchar without
length. How can i prevent this? How can i force that the column i
am Tue, dem 18.12.2007, um 22:04:13 -0800 mailte Jane Ren folgendes:
> Hi,
> I need to write a script that creates a new user with a password
> automatically.
> Is there a way I can specify the password as a command line argument to
> createuser?
>From a unix shell? You can call psql with -
am Thu, dem 20.12.2007, um 10:36:08 + mailte Howard Cole folgendes:
> Your expression works fine Richard, as does '(^| )ho', but can you tell
> me why '[ ^]ho' doesn't work?
With ^ you means an anchor, but within the brackets it's a simple char.
Andreas Kretschmer
Kontakt: Hey
am Thu, dem 20.12.2007, um 12:03:57 +0100 mailte Martijn van Oosterhout
> On Thu, Dec 20, 2007 at 11:51:34AM +0100, A. Kretschmer wrote:
> > am Thu, dem 20.12.2007, um 10:36:08 + mailte Howard Cole folgendes:
> > > Your expression works fine Richard, as does
am Wed, dem 26.12.2007, um 10:08:13 -0500 mailte Josh Harrison folgendes:
> Hi
> I have a question about postgres long text column values.
> How does it handles these long text column values? Does it put all the long
> text columns values from all the tables in one single place or separately?
am Wed, dem 09.01.2008, um 9:02:23 -0500 mailte Josh Harrison folgendes:
> Hi,
> When restoring the pg_dumped data thro psql does the rows of the table are
> restored in the same order? ie for example if
> Table A has rows r1,r2,r3,r4,r5 in this order, then if I pg_dump and restore
> it
> to ano
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