am Fri, dem 05.10.2007, um 11:43:09 +0530 mailte Ashish Karalkar folgendes: > Hello All, > > I am getting following error when trying to create new database. > > > createdb: database creation failed: ERROR: could not create directory "base/ > 1923827": No space left on device > can anybody please tell me what is going wrong.
Please read the message again and check, if you have space on your hard disk device. Andreas -- Andreas Kretschmer Kontakt: Heynitz: 035242/47150, D1: 0160/7141639 (mehr: -> Header) GnuPG-ID: 0x3FFF606C, privat 0x7F4584DA ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not match