am Tue, dem 03.07.2007, um 14:27:24 -0400 mailte Emi Lu folgendes: > Hello, > > Can I know how to get the date of each month's last Thursday please? > > For example, something like > > Query: select getDateBaseOnWeekday('2007-04-01', 'Last Thursday'); > Result: 2007-04-26
Write you own function. You can get the last date for a month like this: select '2007-04-01'::date+'1month'::interval-'1day'::interval; You can get the weekday with: select extract('dow' from '2007-04-01'::date+'1month'::interval-'1day'::interval); Now you know the weekday. If this value = 4, its okay. If not, subtract days until the date is a Thursday. Andreas -- Andreas Kretschmer Kontakt: Heynitz: 035242/47150, D1: 0160/7141639 (mehr: -> Header) GnuPG-ID: 0x3FFF606C, privat 0x7F4584DA ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster