am  Fri, dem 05.10.2007, um  8:20:32 +0200 mailte Stefan Schwarzer folgendes:
> Before I was used that the yearly values were all to be found in a  
> single SQL row; now for each year of each country I have a separate  
> row. How do I convert that into a single (HTML) row again?

You can use conditionals like in my simple example:

test=*# select * from vals;
 year |  val
 1998 |  10.00
 1998 |  20.00
 1998 |  25.00
 1999 |  30.00
 1999 |  39.00
 2000 | 100.00
 2000 |  99.00
 2000 |  98.00
(8 rows)

test=*# select 
  sum(case when year=1998 then val else 0 end) as "1998", 
  sum(case when year=1999 then val else 0 end) as "1999", 
  sum(case when year=2000 then val else 0 end) as "2000" 
  from vals;
 1998  | 1999  |  2000
 55.00 | 69.00 | 297.00
(1 row)

> And the next question coming up is: How should my query look like so  
> that I can sort the (HTML) table by a specific year in ascending or  
> descending order? So, that it doesn't display it by the country names  
> alphabetical order, but by, say 1998?

If you have only one row, how would you sort this result? ;-)

Andreas Kretschmer
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