What are you trying to record by open mike?
Doc Wright
If we can't look at ourselves, and ask, why?
then where does the learning start?
- Original Message -
From: "Andy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, Oct
Hi all. In the course of discussions about DVD's, people were wondering what would be
next after gigabites. I think I heard that next, you would be in terabyte territory.
Maybe eventually, the sky's the limit.
PC-Audio List Help, Guidelines, Arch
Hi Mimi. Yes, I use Nero for burning CD's and CDex for ripping. They both
work good together.
- Original Message -
From: "mimi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 12:24 PM
Subject: Re: CD Question
I don't use Nero
Hi Mimi. Thanks for that.
- Original Message -
From: "mimi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 12:27 PM
Subject: Re: putting mp3's on a dvd
I can get 100 oldtime radio shows in mp3
onto a CD. That's half-hour sho
CDRWIN and Easy CDDA Extractor also allow this with no difficulty, as does
Gold Wave.
Bruce Toews
E-mail and MSN/Windows Messenger: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Web Site (including info on my weekly commentaries): http://www.ogts.net
For the best oldies anywhere visit http://www.treasureislandoldie
Hi there. Actually, no, you shouldn't need a preamp just for plugging a
mixer into your sound card. I have one hooked into my PC with nothing extra
to make it work. A couple of possibilities occur. For instance, was the
mixer properly hooked up. A patch cord needs to go from the mixer's "out"
Hi Doc.
Thanks for that. I didn't even know of the other available options, once
the ALT was pressed. However, despite going through this and setting my mic
level at 60, the recordings I end up with are terrible. Very quiet and
noisy. I'm sure it's a settings thing as this is a Packard Bell
Hi Frank,
FM transmitters range $40 up.HTH,
Richard Justice
- Original Message -
From: "Frank Deweese" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 11:28 PM
Subject: Re: fm transmitters again
> Hi gang,
> Would some one be
Hi Dan.
Sure, Goldwave and it's only about $40. Why not try out a demo at
Best wishes.
Andy from sunny Kilcreggan.
Drop me a line at, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- Original Message -
From: "Dan Kerstetter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <[EMAIL PROTEC
The Ahead home page has references to Ultra and Nero 6 is part of that.
I think.
- Original Message -
From: "Kevin Lloyd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 4:06 PM
Subject: Re: Nero 6
Hi Richard.
Just d
OK, to each their own!
- Original Message -
From: "doc"
To: "PC audio discussion list. "
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 3:22
Subject: Re: CD Question
> I rip with EZ cd creator. Cdex I
found to be a memory hog. Nor did I
> it
Wish you could do that with Nero. It's the only thing I can't figure out
how to do that I want to do. There tech support can't cut it.
- Original Message -
From: "Kevin Lloyd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 3:2
Open Nero, and close the wizard. Choose Recorder and Save Track. There's a
All Tracks button or you can select individual tracks. There's also a
customize option where you can set the mp3 incoding you want. You should
pick Choose Recorder before this, just in case you have to pick a cd drive
Hi gang,
Would some one be kind enough to let me know how expensive radio
transmitters are?
- Original Message -
From: "Kathy Szinnyey/Fred Otto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 4:11 PM
Subject: Re: fm trans
I record mine in alphabetical order according to artist then album. Dave
- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, October 11, 2004 9:09 PM
Subject: Organizing lots of music
Greetings. I'm curious how people that have m
Thanks Doc, forgot about that part.
--- doc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> He will need to first go into the menu and be sure
> that "advance" is checked
> in the first place.
> Press the alt key once
> arrow up to advance and press enter if it is not
> checked.
> Doc Wright
> http://wrightp
i have you tried gold wave?
- Original Message -
From: "Dan Kerstetter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 7:06 PM
Subject: MP3 Album Wraps
Is there a program which will split an album wrap into separate tracks?
Hi again Shawn.
I've got a funny feeling that it all depends upon the particular soundcard
installed. I've a Packard Bell computer with perhaps a budget sound card.
- Original Message -
From: "shawn klein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Hi there Shawn
I still cannot find it mate. Am I looking in the right place, Volume
Control Sheet within, settings//programmes/accessories/entertainment/volume
I've got a Sigmatel Audio Sound Card in my XP home computer and within the
properties of Recording, the Recording Level Sheet
Is there a program which will split an album wrap into separate tracks?
I've tried MP3 Clips and, even after reading its documentation, had little success.
Dan Kerstetter
PC-Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and more...
A pre-amp would be handy. If the mixer has a record section he should be
able to use the record out to the line in on the computer's soundcard.
Doc Wright
If we can't look at ourselves, and ask, why?
then where does the learning start?
- Original Message -
If you are running XP you may have an option in your record section of
volume control called "what you hear". If so check it and set goldwave for
the amount of time you wish to record. Unless you plan on extensive editing
I would be sure that all sound effects are turned off including screen
He will need to first go into the menu and be sure that "advance" is checked
in the first place.
Press the alt key once
arrow up to advance and press enter if it is not checked.
Doc Wright
If we can't look at ourselves, and ask, why?
then where does the learning start?
I rip with EZ cd creator. Cdex I found to be a memory hog. Nor did I like
it creating folders on my drive.
Doc Wright
If we can't look at ourselves, and ask, why?
then where does the learning start?
- Original Message -
From: "mimi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC
Hmm, that's an interesting thought.
- Original Message -
From: "Gary Wood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. "
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 1:20
Subject: Re: putting mp3's on a dvd
> Hi Mimi. Maybe next we go to
> - Ori
If your church has some serious sound reinforcing equipment, like Peavy,
Soundcraft, Tascam, or Sun, your friend had better be extremely careful how
he goes about getting his sound signal. Mixing boards like the
aforementioned don't have line level outputs anywhere on them. More like
10 dbv
Funnily enough, for me that button is in the playback
tab, not record. Weird, but that's where it is.
--- Judy W <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Andy,
> go to the audio tab and start pressing the tab key.
> in the recording
> settings, when you tab past the mic volume setting,
> you
The microphone boost is in the volume controls, among
the track bars and check boxes as you tab, it's the
only button, called advanced controls. Enter on that
and check the box in there that says microphone boost
and hit OK.
--- Harry Bassler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Andy, sometimes the
Hi, Kevin.
Concurrent with posting to pc-audio, I had sent an e-mail to Nero tech
support. They sent an automated e-mail thus far, which promised me that a
living, breathing human being plans to read my question and eventually
respond. Twenty four hours down, and counting. Tick, tick, tick.
Hi Kevin,
That does seem strange!
Richard Justice
- Original Message -
From: "Kevin Lloyd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 4:06 PM
Subject: Re: Nero 6
> Hi Richard.
> Just don't see any reference to "ultra editi
Hi, Kevin.
From the Nero home page, click on the downloads link, then the trial
versions link. The Nero 6 Ultra Edition stuff is there. That's what I
downloaded. Apparently, The incorporation of Backitup, Nero Wave Editor,
some of their vidwo and photo stuff, and some other features having be
Hi Andy,
go to the audio tab and start pressing the tab key. in the recording
settings, when you tab past the mic volume setting, you should find a
control labeled advance control. Hit enter on it and you should get a 20 db
mic gain to check. After checking it, tab to close and then see if it
Hi Judy
I am using Windows XP Home and my Sound Card is a Sigmatell Audio. I went
into Sounds and Audio Devices, Properties Sheets and had a look at the
properties of the Sound Recording Device. The only option I found there for
adjusting the volume was was a link for Sound Recording Level, th
Andy, sometimes the only way is to set the Mic at 60 percent or so;
I know it sounds stupid but that's the way they made it.
You need to try various percentages & see which gives the highest volume
- Original Message -
From: "Andy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Wow! Cool!
- Original Message -
From: "russell Bourgoin"
To: "PC audio discussion list. "
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 7:54
Subject: Re: putting mp3's on a dvd
> I read that four hundred gig hard
drives, or, as they were called i
I don't use Nero for ripping. I use
Cdex. That's what most Cdex users do.
We rip with Cdex and burn with Nero.
That's two different functions.
- Original Message -
From: "Gary Wood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. "
Sent: Tuesday, October 1
I recently mp3'd the small bunch I have
from cassettes and about half a dozen
CD's I have on hand.
M i m i
- Original Message -
From: "Leslie Underwood"
To: "PC audio discussion list. "
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 5:40
Subject: Re: O
Hi Mimi. Maybe next we go to terabits.
- Original Message -
From: "mimi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 2:08 AM
Subject: Re: putting mp3's on a dvd
Wow, Rusty! Awsome! When the drives
were megabytes, and I w
A pre-amp is not necessary when sending aline level signal from a mixer to a
sound card. Your friend probably needed to select line input in the record
section of Windows mixer.
- Original Message -
From: "Victory Associates LTD, Inc." Subject: CONNECTING A MIXER TO THE
I can get 100 oldtime radio shows in mp3
onto a CD. That's half-hour shows with
an occasional hour-long show thrown in.
I'm not into dvd's at all. I'm
concentrating strictly on audio
digitizing. I have no desire to go into
dvd's much, if at all. I don't even
watch TV.
- Original M
I use the Irock which is considerably less expensive than the C Crane but
also consierably more limited. It suits me fairly well and may not be a bad
thing if y ou're on a budget. But, I covet my neighbor's C crane and may
end up buying one as well. Wistful simle.
Kathy Szinnyey
- Origi
Hi Richard.
Just don't see any reference to "ultra edition" on that page or any
subsequent ones so at a bit of a loss with this one.
- Original Message -
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 11, 2004 9:43 PM
Were you able to burn successfully before upgrading to SP2? And, have you
been able to burn successfully since your upgrade to SP2?
I thought I'd seen somewhere that there were some issues with Nero and SP2
but thought their recent downloadds had sorted this.
- Original Message -
Try the mic gain boost in recording properties--it says advanced controls
and check the 20 db mic boost.
Hope that helps
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Andy
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 10:20 AM
Subject: M
You can rip all of your CD tracks as one continuous WAV or MP3 file using
CDEX by selecting all tracks and then hitting function key F10. Choose
which format you want from the resulting dialogue, edit the track name to
your liking and then tab to ok. Press enter and you're good to go.
If you jus
i i can use winmx with out scripts you dont' really need scripts for it just
use your jaws cursor with it and you will be fine if yoiu need help on
learning how to use it let me know and i will teach you all.
- Original Message -
From: "Andy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion
Hi all.
The subject line says it all. I have three mini-plugs on the back of my
computer. The first has my line-in attached to a minidisk. The second is
for my speakers, so I've plugged the microphone into the third socket. I've
bumped everything up to 100% in the volume control of XP and di
Hi all.
Can anyone please tell me how to record a radio broadcast using Goldwave if
possible. Thanks.
Best wishes.
Andy from sunny Kilcreggan.
Drop me a line at, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PC-Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and more...
Hi Simon.
I visited the JFWLite site and although they did have the version you speak
of, 331 , they did not have scripts for that version. They did have however
scripts for 3.30. I'm using jaws 4.5. Should I go ahead and download the
version you suggest and the 3.30 scripts?
Try the one from C-Crane. I've had it sense May, and I love it. It covers
my house perfectly, and it is relatively inexpensive.
- Original Message -
From: "Ted Phillips" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'PC audio discussion list. '" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 3:46 AM
Hi, It's my understanding, that a mixer, is a pre-amp, or has one in it.
I use one all the time to record vinyl records to my computer, I'm
suggesting that the problem, is not going from the mixer, to the computer
with a patch cord.
Possibly it might be, volumes, the line-in wasn't turned on, or s
I did the screw thing. Just gave it enough of a boost to make the
> At 11:41 AM 10/13/2004, Slaton, Ray spake thusly:-
Russ did you leave it as is or did you turn the screw on the bottom to
increase the range?
Ray Slaton
Tallahassee Florida
-Original Message--
Hi Everyone:
Ok, a general explanation is necessary before I paucit the question:
Yesterday in church, one of my colleagues was trying to record the service
via the computer using a software he called Music Studio 2005; he ran a
one-eight inch patch cord from the Maki mixer to the LINE-IN on the
Russ did you leave it as is or did you turn the screw on the bottom to
increase the range?
Ray Slaton
Tallahassee Florida
-Original Message-
From: russell Bourgoin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 11:00 AM
To: PC audio discussion list.
Subject: Re: fm transm
I read that four hundred gig hard drives, or, as they were called in the
old days when ten megs first hit the ibm pc, winchester drives, are
available. I also saw a thing about a sony one thousand gig
machine. Pretty soon, we'll all be walking around with the library of
congress in our back p
I use the c crane digital fm transmeter. I liked it so well I
bought a second one. It was seventy-nine dollars from c crane company, 800
522 8863. This little champ suites my needs entirely. I can receive the
signal out in the driveway in my car. Don't worry, I don't drive it
ThanksI'll take a serious look at this card's specs.
On Wed, 13 Oct 2004, Jerry Richer wrote:
Will I use my Edirol UA3-FX for software speech. It is considered high
end by most standards. It has low latency drivers that professional music
and audio applications require. I sell it fo
I would also like to take a look at your tutorial. Thanks.
Leslie E. Underwood, MSW
Northeastern Association of the Blind
of Albany
301 Washington Ave.
Albany, NY 12206
(518) 463-1211 Ext. 232
Assistive Technology Education
and braille transcription services
- Original
Memee where do you get your folk music from?
Leslie E. Underwood, MSW
Northeastern Association of the Blind
of Albany
301 Washington Ave.
Albany, NY 12206
(518) 463-1211 Ext. 232
Assistive Technology Education
and braille transcription services
- Original Message -
hi Andy, if you want to use quick mx and leach hammer go for the 331 version. as of
yet the latest version 3.53 doesn't support quickMX,.
quickMX is a program that works along side winMX it is constantly searching for
incomplete downloads.
- Original Message -
From: Andy
To: [
Odd thing with my two sound cards
Hi, groovy people! Maybe there's some obscure setting I still need to
change, but here's what seems to be happening. I've set up JAWS to run
through my on-board sound card and (theoretically) everything else to run
through my usb Audigy sound card. When I boo
So Jerry, is the other disk in the package those drivers or what is the
other disk?
Mary Ellen Earls
Remember! Today is the Tomorrow you thought about yesterday.
- Original Message -
From: "Jerry Richer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednes
I see a lot of discussion about accessibility of sound cards. What
sorts of things do you want to control? Most of the time I use an Edirol
UA-3FX, most everything is controlled with sliders and knobs.
Chirp|Chirp|Chirp: It's the Bat, Bat Arhonious Software
! New DEC-TALK USB: $650.00, www.c
Susan unless you're working with a professional music or audio
production application you do not want a Delta. You would know if you are
because you would have paid at least a couple of hundred dollars for it.
Besides the Deltas are no good for software speech. The most inexpensive
Delta is
Susan! Any onboard sound card or most any inexpensive $20-$100 sound
card should be fine for software speech. The choice of the other card
depends on what you want to do with it audiowise. Most people would be
happy with any sound card bought in any department store but there are
Mimi! I use the Edirol UA3-FX but I'm perfectly happy most of the time
with the onboard sound card. I don't know of anything that's fully
accessible but what sorts of things would you want to control? With every
onboard sound card I've ever seen you can bring up the volume control. What
Will I use my Edirol UA3-FX for software speech. It is considered high
end by most standards. It has low latency drivers that professional music
and audio applications require. I sell it for $172.
Chirp|Chirp|Chirp: It's the Bat, Bat Arhonious Software
! New DEC-TALK USB: $650.00, www.chirp
Anders! I use the two USB sound cards. One is an Edirol UA-3FX, $172.
It has line and mic inputs and lots of effects. It's billed as a guitar
effects unit. That's what I use for most everything. Then I have a Tascam
US-122, $200 for on location recording. It takes any sort of microphones
Hi listers. I remember seeing this thread in the past, but did not read it
because I had no interest in a transmitter at tha time. What FM transmitter
is the best, and easiest to use? Any and all info welcome.
Ted Phillips
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