current NetSurf
source for RISC OS without installing a complete duplicate GCCSDK
environment (I already have GCC 4.7.4 v5 installed and working for other
projects)? I couldn't see one in the docs folder on Git.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, Englan
e to place RUfl_Cache in .WWW.NetSurf.
> No, it's not choices data. Putting it !Cache is probably a better idea,
> if it is available.
I'd agree.
The patch as sumbitted is also broken, as it will cause RUfl to *read* data
from Choices$Write.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
seems not to have actually done anything to libnsutils.pc. Manually
replacing "LIBRARIES" with "-lnsutils" looks to have made things happy
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
of GCCSDK, unless anyone can shed any
light on
LINK: !NetSurf/!RunImage,ff8
arm-unknown-riscos-g++: error: LIBRARIES: No such file or directory
make: *** [!NetSurf/!RunImage,ff8] Error 1
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
g things for the RISC OS
front-end here might be best.
Longer term, you should be able to get commit access to the git repository
-- at least for /netsurf/riscos -- if you're contributing regularly. That's
up to someone else, though. :-)
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
is actually
surprisingly difficult to work out (in any RISC OS application), due to the
"afterthought" nature of menus and their interactive help support.
menus.c knows the handle of the menu that is open, but doesn't know who it
belongs to. Ideally, each struct ns_menu would contain a menu name that
could be used to index the help from; at present it doesn't, so help.c just
calls ro_gui_iconbar_check_menu() and functions like it which are provided
by all of the bits of the front-end that have their own menus defined. Once
something admits to owning the menu, then the help can be sorted out.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
ng spaces and then right-aligns them automatically.
Unfortunately, as "Red", "Blue" and "Green" are names of keys in RISC OS 5,
this can have some slightly unexpected consequences for a menu item like
"See Red"...
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
For consistency, I /think/ my preference would be to create two new tokens hotlist... global history...
and update the iconbar menu to use these. That's consistent with AppHelp,
and indicates the Application (ie. iconbar) Menu.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
On 2 Mar, Rob Kendrick wrote in message
> On Mon, Mar 02, 2015 at 10:39:23PM +0000, Steve Fryatt wrote:
> > Since there's been some discussion over in the ROOL forums about the
> > RISC OS front-end, it might b
nt.c, mouse.c, menus.c or messages.c
for dispatch on to those modules' clients; user messages also have a lot of
legacy things hanging off ro_gui_user_message(), which probably ought to be
clients of message.c in an ideal world.
riscos_poll() also calls schedule_run() to allow scheduled events to take
place. This allows both the front-end and the core to do "background" tasks.
Once the poll loop exits (riscos_done gets set true on receipt of a
Message_Quit from the OS in gui.c, or by the user choosing Quit from the
iconbar menu in iconbar.c), netsurf_exit() is called to allow the core to
tidy up. As part of this, the core will call gui_quit() back in the RO
front-end, to let us tidy up.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
On 3 Feb, Daniel Silverstone wrote in message
> On Tue, Feb 03, 2015 at 00:43:40 +0000, Steve Fryatt wrote:
> > NetSurf certainly can be built on RISC OS, but I'm not sure if there are
> > any active developers who actuall
idea that the process may have changed
recently, however, so it might be best for me to hang fire on digging those
out until others more knowledgeable have had a chance to comment.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
On 9 Jun, Vincent Sanders wrote in message
> On Mon, Jun 09, 2014 at 06:32:47PM +0100, Steve Fryatt wrote:
> > It was more that it started creating negative sizes in the GUI.
> > Although on reflection that will need fixing
On 9 Jun, Vincent Sanders wrote in message
> On Sun, Jun 08, 2014 at 05:45:17PM +0100, Steve Fryatt wrote:
> Indeed, although disc_cache_age is not implemented right now, there is
> provision within the new system to allow for it. It
On 8 Jun, Steve Fryatt wrote in message
> On 5 Jun, Vincent Sanders wrote in message
> <>:
> > The amount of disc used for this cache is selected using the
> > disc_cache_size option in the choices file. The RISC OS fron
thing, but does disc_cache_size really want to
be a signed int? It goes negative before you get to a 2GB cache (on RISC OS,
at least), which seems a little close to the 1GB default.
I don't know if this upsets the underlying cache, but I've limited the
RISC OS GUI to 2047MB for now.
unds as if it should help differentiate between the core and front-end
functionality, which might even make the code more understandable long-term.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
nt it on RISC OS. The main reason for re-writing
the toolbar code was to make it easier to add stuff like this (and tabs, of
I'll have another look, time permitting.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
On 31 Jan, Vincent Sanders wrote in message
> On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 11:51:34PM +0000, Steve Fryatt wrote:
> > On 30 Jan, Daniel Silverstone wrote in message
> > <20140130120127.GK26047@somnambulist.local>:
> >
On 30 Jan, Daniel Silverstone wrote in message
> On Sun, Jan 26, 2014 at 15:44:17 +0000, Steve Fryatt wrote:
> > PS: Should I be deleting my branches once they're merged? If so, what's
> > the preferred way
forms translating into appropriate languages: is the warning
the user gets of URLs which are too long to display.
PS: Should I be deleting my branches once they're merged? If so, what's the
preferred way to do it?
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
setting them as "resolved"?
> We are using resolved to mean the separate resolution field has been set
> correctly and the issue was real and is now delt with whereas closed is
> for situations where the issue was not actually resolved (duplicates, not
> actually a bug
closing tickets when resolved, or just setting
them as "resolved"?
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
The three confirmation texts are currently set to 'all' to match all the
other similar entries in the file; they could be made 'ro' specific if
that's considered better, although in theory they would apply to other
front-ends implementing this functi
27;all' to match all the
other similar entries in the file; they could be made 'ro' specific if
that's considered better, although in theory they would apply to other
front-ends implementing this functionality in the future.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
rly not spotted that. Thanks!
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
On 10 Jan, Michael Drake wrote in message
> In article ,
>Steve Fryatt wrote:
> > That shouldn't be too tricky to sort. I'm a little busy at present with
> > non-computery stuff, but will try to take a look
non-computery stuff, but will try to take a look in the next couple of weeks
if no-one else gets there first.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
On 16 Dec, Steve Fryatt wrote in message
> I've just recreated my cross-compilation setup for NetSurf (currently on
> Ubuntu 10.04, although that's likely to be changing soon), and have been
> reading the BUILDING-ROcross documentation supplied in the Docs folder of
r aspect of the new build structure that
expects the files to also be in workspace/inst?
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England Wakefield Acorn & RISC OS Show
Saturday 20 April 2013
bar, because getting the RISC OS
Window Manager to put a 'real' bar into a NetSurf window and only show the
bits that are needed would probably undo a lot of the benefits of the frames
changes. If other frontends would find it easier to delegate the whole
sorted out as soon as we can.
They were sent on 13th March, but I never had chance to follow them up and
confirm that the mail had arrived. I discovered yesterday that my ISP seems
to have got its SMTP relay blacklisted for spam again recently so there's a
chance it got swallowed somewhere on the
> says its Sat 28 April.
It is. I can get details/booking forms sent over if you let me know who is
the best person to direct them at.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England Wakefield Acorn & RISC OS Show
rson for Chris H to send booking
forms and the like to?
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England Wakefield Acorn & RISC OS Show
Saturday 28 April 2012
On 15 May, John-Mark Bell wrote in message
> On Sun, 2011-05-15 at 19:11 +0100, Steve Fryatt wrote:
> > I had an email from Chris Martin last month, suggesting that it was no
> > longer possible to build LibCSS on RISC OS due to the chan
+ if xtndcl then
+ xtndcl = ("-o %s '%s'"):format(arg[1], xtndcl)
+ r[0] = 1 + #xtndcl
+ !"DDEUtils_SetCLSize"
+ r[0] = xtndcl
+ !"DDEUtils_SetCL"
+ r[0] = "run build-riscos-riscos-release-lib-static.gen_parser"
+ !"OS_CLI"
+ end
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
ur earliest convenience stating:
Yes - I will come
No- I will not be coming
Maybe - I am not able to decide yet
If the answer is yes, would you also say how many tables
you might like.
Many thanks,
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
On 6 Mar, John-Mark Bell wrote in message
> On Fri, 2011-03-04 at 19:56 +0000, Steve Fryatt wrote:
> > And the web guide entry read:
> >
> > The NetSurf project will be showing off their latest developments.
> >
On 4 Mar, Rob Kendrick wrote in message
> On Fri, Mar 04, 2011 at 01:23:28PM -0000, Steve Fryatt wrote:
> > I'll sort it: the details would end up with me in the end for putting on
> > the web and into the printed guide, an
ugh the cracks. In the meantime, can I suggest at least CCing
me on any Wakefield correspondence, and I'll make sure it gets through to
someone who can deal with it (assuming the emails reach me, of course, as
I use the same email host as WROCC)?
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
, however...
> I'd rather check out each module individually and avoid wasting time
> downloading (sometimes large) updates for things that are of no use to me.
> I keep an eye on the SVN list anyway, so I know when I need to manually
> update libcss etc.
...this is basica
ire serious work, it seemed daft not to bring the remaining menus in
line with the new code used in the treeveiws, and then remove the messy
hacks that I'd made to the menu handling within the menus module to allow
the old and new systems to co-exist.
On 21 Dec, Steve Fryatt wrote in message
> On 21 Dec, John Tytgat wrote in message
> <>:
> > svnmerge was in use when svn itself didn't have any merge capabilities
> > (pre v1.5 I believe) and shouldn't be us
#x27;t essential, and by the time I had looked into it the
need had passed anyway. I'll have another read of the manual now I know it
/should/ work, and will come back with more useful requests for help should
it not behave again if/when I actually need to use it.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds,
but I wasn't sure if it was taking me in the
right direction or not.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England Wakefield Acorn & RISC OS Show
Saturday 16 April 2011
x27;re working towards producing a stable
release, however, making big changes to the way that key bits of the RO GUI
work might not be such a good idea just now.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England Wakefield Acorn & RISC OS Show
choosy about this or not.
> Or is it supposed to do that (seems a bit weird)?
I don't /think/ so.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England Wakefield Acorn & RISC OS Show
Saturday 16 April 2011
On 17 Dec, Michael Drake wrote in message
> In article ,
>Steve Fryatt wrote:
> > Is there a way for the core to ask a front-end to plot a caret? I
> > couldn't see one, but may have been looking in the wrong plac
1090; hopefully the change hasn't broken anything else,
given my limited grasp of the core mouse stuff.
I'll look into RISC OS2 when I get chance.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England Wakefield Acorn & RISC OS Show
ues I was aware of with the RO treeview code are
present. The front-end is still mostly functional, however, so it's
probably best to get the merge done and then finish up the outstanding
issues -- I would be happy with that route, at least.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
> It'd be nice if these flags were an enum too.
In addition to which, I've got a note from when I looked at this code last,
wondering whether that shouldn't in fact be
so as not to clash with TREE_MOVABLE?
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
cause of
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
y other frontends, or should this be
done by disabling the use of the library in the Makefile since the menu
entry is conditional on that being enabled?
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
claimed (I don't know if they
are or not). Too small, and you may limit the ability to render complex
pages; too big, and you wave goodbye to the memory map.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
On 26 Apr, Chris Young wrote in message
> On Mon, 26 Apr 2010 22:47:01 +0100, Steve Fryatt wrote:
> >
> A couple of those need implementing in the Amiga frontend code too IIRC:
> --8<--
> Drags
lan for the branch and is there
any firm timescale set for when it will be merged?
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
due to the aforementioned stuff), does the RISC OS
front end work need some assistance?
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
On 22 Mar, James Bursa wrote in message
> On Sunday 21 March 2010, Steve Fryatt wrote:
> > Given that I don't fully understand the browser core yet, does this
> > explanation sound vaguely sane or have I
On 22 Mar, Michael Drake wrote in message
> In article ,
>Steve Fryatt wrote:
> > On 9 Mar, Michael Drake wrote in message
> > <>:
> > > The recent URL thing was
On 22 Feb, John-Mark Bell wrote in message
> On Mon, 2010-02-22 at 23:30 +0000, Steve Fryatt wrote:
> > What's the correct format for specifying filenames to the core? I'm
> > assuming it should be as a local U
f:/Resources/Icons/directory.png (0x259eeac8), user 0x3a3e8
0x0 0x0
content/fetchcache.c fetchcache_go 260: url
file:///NetSurf:/Resources/Icons/directory.png, status TYPE_UNKNOWN
but no images in the treeview itself. If I put one of the URLs into the
address bar of the browser, the image displays fine.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
On 22 Feb, Michael Drake wrote in message
> In article ,
>Steve Fryatt wrote:
> > (There aren't any node icons in the trees yet. This is because I
> > haven't got around to working out where to put the gr
and corrupts wildly, so it is broken here. I'm surprised I didn't
> pick that up before. I'll check it with Steve's change but I trust it's
> the same thing.
In that case, I'll probably include the change in the next set of files I
commit, which will most likely b
t any node icons in the trees yet. This is because I haven't
got around to working out where to put the graphics files and how to point
the treeview to them -- it is on the to-do list. :-)
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
, if I change it to
textarea_redraw(tree->textarea, x, y, absolute_x, absolute_y,
absolute_x + clip_width, absolute_y + clip_height);
then the RISC OS redraw code works correctly, and the gtk version (which I
think draws the tree at (0,0)) isn't broken as far as I can tell.
On 13 Feb, John-Mark Bell wrote in message
> On Sat, 2010-02-13 at 11:37 +0000, Steve Fryatt wrote:
> > I still can't spot where the original code was doing this, mind --
> > although I think I'll probably let that pas
can't spot where the original code was doing this, mind -- although
I think I'll probably let that pass as "one of those things" for now.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
ains and how big they are.
Is there any more info on how to use the RISC OS toolbars? If not, I'll
take a copy of the current RISC OS trunk and try to trace how things get set
up and initialised; I suspect it's a lot of work that I'd rather avoid if
anyone happens to know the answer, though.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
On 8 Feb, John-Mark Bell wrote in message
> On Mon, 2010-02-08 at 01:17 +0000, Steve Fryatt wrote:
> > And does that mean that when things like treeview's tree_draw() ask for
> > x and y coordinates, they do so relative
ly in window coordinates thereafter?
And does that mean that when things like treeview's tree_draw() ask for x
and y coordinates, they do so relative to the window origin and not the
desktop graphics origin?
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
27;s a shame, but if there are not enough people
left now to do everything that needs to be done for the RISC OS platform,
that isn't going to change at any time soon.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
On 7 Jan, Rob Kendrick wrote in message
> On Thu, 7 Jan 2010 23:28:14 +0000 Steve Fryatt
> wrote:
> The typesetting is often right somewhere, and always wrong somewhere else.
> I think it's been the exhibit
he entry has
always appeared as "NetSurf" in the Wakefield Show Guides (at least in the
past three years, as I usually check several times for this kind of thing
before anything is printed; I don't know what happened before I produced
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
On 16 Nov, Rob Kendrick wrote in message
> Yay or nay? I can probably go. Anybody want to provide emotional
> support?
It looks as if I'll be there in my own right again, if that's any help.
Steve Fryatt
plicating work that
others are doing. I have already contacted the people I'm aware of who were
also thinking about taking a look, but has anyone else been considering the
RISC OS bits of NetSurf since August?
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
you and others posted here have been very helpful with that, BTW, so
thanks for them).
I'll need some spare time to spend at the computer when I don't have other
deadlines looming to do anything more concrete. All things being equal, I
might get some of that next week -- unless something else comes up in the
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
from the source,
armed with the info from this thread.
[snip lots]
> I hope that's of some use.
It is -- thanks. I suspect it will take a while to digest fully, however. :-)
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
be some (possibly longish) periods when I can't spend any
time on NetSurf.
I have some experience of the RISC OS wimp (and other aspects of the system),
although none of developing as part of a team. My main language (on RISC OS)
these days is C, using OSLib and compiling on GCC.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
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