On 9 Mar, Glen Walker wrote in message <54fde1ce.8070...@mail.com>:
> I have tried creating a git patch with the command below so that I could > e-mail it to this mailing list but all I got was an empty file. > > > git format-patch master --stdout > bug2171.patch I think you need to commit the changes into your local git repository, and then create the patch from that. I find git a bit obscure, and haven't needed to create patches before, however -- so I could be completely wrong. > To progress things I have included the two files that I have modified to > fix Bug 2171 but I would like to know what the correct command that I'm > supposed to use to create a patch would be (the above command was all I > could find on several tutorial websites and I don't have time right now to > dig any deeper into git). > > Well I tried attaching the files I changed in a .zip format and .tar.gz > format and the mail server rejected both of them so this is what I > changed: [snip changes] > Hopefully this will be useful to someone who can properly apply the patch. Many thanks for these. I've added the changes (with a tweak to remove the old AppHelp tokens, as they're RISC OS only and were only in the iconbar to start with) to a branch stevef/ibarmenu, which you can see (and check out) here: http://source.netsurf-browser.org/netsurf.git/log/?h=stevef/ibarmenu (I can't commit them fully myself, as FatMessages is outside of riscos/). It might be wise for someone to try building it before moving it to the master, as although it compiles, I don't seem to be able to link using my setup at present. I might need to bite the bullet and install the full toolchain instead of using my own copy of GCCSDK, unless anyone can shed any light on LINK: !NetSurf/!RunImage,ff8 arm-unknown-riscos-g++: error: LIBRARIES: No such file or directory make: *** [!NetSurf/!RunImage,ff8] Error 1 -- Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England http://www.stevefryatt.org.uk/