On 6 Mar, "Glen Walker" wrote in message <trinity-2838b205-cf49-4e34-8106-083bf8e23b11-1425627554320@3capp-mailcom-lxa09>:
> I'm away this weekend but hopefully next week I'll get some time to digest > what you have written and maybe even squash 2171 - if I do any bug fixing, > how would I submit the revisions? For now, you'll probably need to make the changes in your working copy then get git to create a patch file which you can post as an attachment to this list, or submit via one of the methods described here: http://www.netsurf-browser.org/developers/#SubmittingPatches I tend to mainly follow this mailing list, so posting things for the RISC OS front-end here might be best. Longer term, you should be able to get commit access to the git repository -- at least for /netsurf/riscos -- if you're contributing regularly. That's up to someone else, though. :-) -- Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England http://www.stevefryatt.org.uk/