On 3 Feb, Daniel Silverstone wrote in message

> On Tue, Feb 03, 2015 at 00:43:40 +0000, Steve Fryatt wrote:
> > NetSurf certainly can be built on RISC OS, but I'm not sure if there are
> > any active developers who actually do it on a regular basis. I build on
> > Linux using the GCCSDK cross compiler, as it's a lot faster and comes
> > with better support for source control and the like.
> We make no effort at all to keep it buildable on RISC OS -- for example we
> use perl in various places and our makefiles assume a proper POSIX style
> shell.

I stand corrected.  It certainly used to be possible, as I did it a few
times back when I started looking at the RISC OS front-end; I stopped very
quickly because it was slow, and never bothered to look again because cross
compilation worked much better.

Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England


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