On 8 Jun, Steve Fryatt wrote in message

> On 5 Jun, Vincent Sanders wrote in message
>     <20140605150105.gl27...@kyllikki.org>:
> > The amount of disc used for this cache is selected using the
> > disc_cache_size option in the choices file. The RISC OS frontend does
> > not currently have a user interface to set this value.
> It does now (or it will soon; I've just spotted disc_cache_age, which
> probably needs a field as well).

I've just realised there are FatMessages changes, so the updates are in
stevef/cconfig if anyone wishes to give them the once over, merge them into
master and delete the branch afterwards.

Also, if there's anyone with the necessary translation skills reading this,
the con_cache template and the ro.HelpCacheConfig** tokens in FatMessages
now need some attention on the new options.

Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England


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