Re: Cell sites

2010-10-26 Thread Michael Holstein Regards, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University

Re: Mastercard problems

2010-12-09 Thread Michael Holstein
onal effort it takes to negotiate a DH key exchange. For bonus points, call the voice auth service simultaneously and just sit on hold. Cheers, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University

Re: [Operational] Internet Police

2010-12-09 Thread Michael Holstein
t could also work on a larger scale, but it becomes a matter of trust (as has been discussed many times before .. "just because *you* say it's bad, doesn't make it so"). Cheers, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University

Re: Windows Encryption Software

2010-12-10 Thread Michael Holstein
debatable if key escrow and multikey methods mitigate the risk or compound it. Regards, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University

Re: anyone running GPS clocks in Southeastern Georgia?

2011-01-21 Thread Michael Holstein
> I'd be curious to see what effects (if any) those who use > GPS-disciplined NTP references in Southeastern Georgia see from this > experiment. > Aren't CDMA BTS clocked off GPS? NTP isn't going to be the only "ripple". Regards, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University

Re: Hello List, a easy Cisco question.

2011-07-11 Thread Michael Holstein
/US/products/ps6120/products_configuration_example09186a008046f31a.shtml#t10 Are you familiar with the CLI or do you strictly use the GUI? .. you'll find the former is much more common. Cheers, Michael Holstein Cleveland State Unviersity

Re: iCloud - Is it going to hurt access providers?

2011-09-07 Thread Michael Holstein
width, we just need to build (x) new towers at this map of locations, based on our usage patterns". Michael Holstein Cleveland State University

Re: Speed Test Results

2011-12-23 Thread Michael Holstein
dvice from gamer mags of old). (my $0.02) Michael Holstein Cleveland State University

spammers trying to "lease" IP space?

2012-03-21 Thread Michael Holstein
I know this tactic isn't exactly new .. just thought I'd pass this along. Text below is exact with exception of our ARIN information and ranges (which any of you could figure out anyway). Cheers, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University --snip-- Description: ABC Widgets *Greetin

Re: BGP hijack from 23724 -> 4134 China?

2010-04-09 Thread Michael Holstein
>> Is it possible for you to share that filter list you have for china? >> im getting bogged down by those ssh-bruts as well coming in from >> china. >> >> Good ones available here : in several notations (including Cisco ACL) :

CIDR blocks, by country

2010-05-12 Thread Michael Holstein
gards, Michael Holstein Cleveland State Unviersity

Re: Off-Topic: use laptop only as USB power supply

2010-05-21 Thread Michael Holstein
, this is a fun project to do what you need : There are also any number of commercial devices that can do universal voltage (100-250v 50/60hz) to 5v USB that are barely larger than a matchbook. Cheers, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University


2010-06-18 Thread Michael Holstein Cheers, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University

Re: U.S. Plans Cyber Shield for Utilities, Companies

2010-07-08 Thread Michael Holstein
ad for several years. Cheers, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University

Re: On another security note... (of sorts)

2010-07-15 Thread Michael Holstein
> Why is it that network operators can't work together > on instances like this and have a "botnet killswitch" Trust (or lack thereof). Cheers, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University

Re: (cisco, or any) acl *reducers* out there?

2010-08-19 Thread Michael Holstein
o look at, change, and test .. then recompile back into ACL syntax. Also works on IPtables, PF, and a few other things. Cheers, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University


2010-09-22 Thread Michael Holstein
> What is ISS > > It's a hole in space into which governments pour money. See also, IBM. ~Mike.

Re: Fiber cut - response in seconds?

2009-06-02 Thread Michael Holstein
/wiki/Operation_Ivy_Bells Of course these days, it doesn't require nearly as much effort .. just a friendly phone call to AT&T (who, ironically, also built the devices used in the above). Cheers, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University

Re: 3fn shutdown

2009-06-04 Thread Michael Holstein
or the provider." Cheers, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University

Re: ICSI Netalyzr launch

2009-06-12 Thread Michael Holstein
m for you, but do you really need to be obtuse about who owns the domain? Also .. the Netalyzr project isn't even listed on the "projects" page at Cheers, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University

Re: Using twitter as an outage notification (was: Fire, Power loss at Fisher Plaza in Seattle)

2009-07-06 Thread Michael Holstein
However it doesn't scale Anyone who's seen the "fail whale" might argue the same about Twitter. Cheers, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University

Re: FCCs RFC for the Definition of Broadband

2009-08-28 Thread Michael Holstein
Oh, that's easy. If the government pays for 90% of the plant cost There have been countless times where a local government wanted to install the fiber *themselves*, only to have the ILEC file a lawsuit and/or petition (bribe) the State Legislature to prevent installation. Cheers, Mi

Re: Google Pagerank and "Class-C Addresses"

2009-09-22 Thread Michael Holstein
t really fault Google for taking the attitude "do it right, then spend your money on advertising (with us). If you do it half-ass and spend your money on SEO instead, we might smite you". Cheers, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University

Re: Gmail Down?

2009-09-24 Thread Michael Holstein Cheers, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University

Re: Google/Yahoo - Geo-Location Issues

2008-11-21 Thread Michael Holstein
they should just forget about this geolocation crap and just do it in english, unless specificed otherwise (for example, by going to instead of, They do, albeit not directly ... Regards, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University

Re: recommendation for SIP integration

2009-01-12 Thread Michael Holstein
calls to most international destinations. Here's a link to a bunch of others : Cheers, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University

Re: google logo

2009-01-28 Thread Michael Holstein
Anyone else noticing Google's logo has been scrambled? Did you notice what happens when you mouse-over it (same thing that happens anytime they do a "doodle", btw).

Re: ISP Unbundling circuits

2009-01-29 Thread Michael Holstein
Is it common for an ISP to install a lased line (circuit) and when the service ends, the service is not unbundled again but all the cabling is left where it is? I have even seen that a circuit is still active on there exchanges after years and no one at the ISP seems to care that they are wasti

Re: The Confiker Virus.

2009-04-01 Thread Michael Holstein
nge quickly .. I didn't query SOA info) .. ping me off-list. Regards, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University

Re: The Confiker Virus.

2009-04-01 Thread Michael Holstein
-INC -, Inc. So you can tell the "good guys" are still at it pre-registering the bulk of the conflickr-related domain names. Cheers, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University

Re: The Confiker Virus.

2009-04-01 Thread Michael Holstein
e of them will be registered at some point (if not already) by the worm authors. Read up on the specifics at one of the (many) sites where research is being done on it : ~Mike. On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 8:38 AM, Michael Holstein wrote: Of the 50,000 DNS names

Re: Fiber cut in SF area

2009-04-09 Thread Michael Holstein
nd one is along railroad tracks. Google Earth's imagray of both areas is quite good (~.5m maybe) .. but not quite good enough to make out manholes. Also interesting to note .. from one of the news articles .. "AT&T's contract with the Communication Workers of America e

Re: Cogent latency / congestion [NEW INFO]

2007-08-23 Thread Michael Holstein
bstation -- with interesting results) : Cheers, Michael Holstein CISSP GCIA Cleveland State University

Re: [Nanog] Anyone know how I can contact abuse?

2008-04-22 Thread Michael Holstein
Try the voice route .. their helpdesk is (859) 257-1300 Cheers, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University > I've tried from 4-5 different mail providers to send something to > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Can't figure out what's wrong, as I've never seen AuthRequired an

Re: [NANOG] [Nanog] P2P traffic optimization Was: Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics [Was: Re: ATT VP: Internet to hit capacity by 2010]

2008-04-24 Thread Michael Holstein
imately end up being co-opted by the lawyers for the various industry "interest groups" and thus be ignored by the p2p users? Cheers, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University ___ NANOG mailing list

Re: [NANOG] [Nanog] P2P traffic optimization Was: Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics [Was: Re: ATT VP: Internet to hit capacity by 2010]

2008-04-24 Thread Michael Holstein
e "optimization" strategy is content-agnostic. p2p users want their content netops want efficient utilization lawyers want logfiles You can have 2 out of 3. Cheers, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University ___ NANOG mailing list

Re: Hughes Network

2008-05-22 Thread Michael Holstein
(FreeBSD)) (envelope-from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) id 1JzEFp-0006tP-1S for; Thu, 22 May 2008 17:07:01 + Cheers, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University


2008-05-27 Thread Michael Holstein
pe .. they're run-of-the-mill pill and watch adverts. The original "verify your account" stuff comes in from various botnet PCs. Cheers, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University

Re: interger to I P address

2008-08-27 Thread Michael Holstein
ls it possible t convert the interger to ip #!/usr/local/bin/perl # Perl script to convert between numeric and dotted quad IPs. # give credit to Paul Gregg for this one while () { chomp; $input = $_; if (/\./) { ($a, $b, $c, $d) = split(/\./); $decimal = $d + ($c * 256) + ($b * 256*

Re: interger to I P address

2008-08-27 Thread Michael Holstein
In MySQL : mysql> SELECT INET_NTOA(ip_in_decimal) AS ipa; .. or the reverse : mysql> SELECT INET_ATON('dotted.quad') AS ipn;

Re: FTTH Active vs Passive

2009-12-01 Thread Michael Holstein
> I wonder how much bandwidth homes will be using 10 years from now... 100% of it (if you let us). Cheers, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University

Re: FTTH Active vs Passive

2009-12-02 Thread Michael Holstein
ttp:// Regards, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University

Re: SPF Configurations

2009-12-07 Thread Michael Holstein
f them go off to Yahoo .. our spam filters catch most of it, but then they miss a batch, we always have problems because of the forwards.) Regards, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University

Re: news from Google

2009-12-07 Thread Michael Holstein
es the problem with some of the "net neturality" arguments .. there's a big difference between "doing it because it causes a problem for others", and "doing it because it robs me of revenue opportunities". Cheers, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University

Re: Linux shaping packet loss

2009-12-08 Thread Michael Holstein
TP, etc.) appeared to work. Set both sides auto/auto : bam. problem solved. The app was Sonicwall Email Security (on the off-chance someone else is fighting that same issue). Cheers, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University

Re: SPF Configurations

2009-12-08 Thread Michael Holstein
onnections. > > Anyone know how to do this in Domino off-hand? (without sending IBM a fat check) .. if so, I'd love to hear about it so I can tell our Lotus admins. Cheers, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University

Re: Arrogant RBL list maintainers

2009-12-09 Thread Michael Holstein
> we've basically told them to go to hell and we advise everyone who uses > their RBL lists to remove their RBLs from their configs, as what we have > here is a mismanaged list. > Same thing we told them (snippit of my response below). Cheers, Michael Holstein Cleveland

Re: Arrogant RBL list maintainers

2009-12-09 Thread Michael Holstein domain name pointer Cheers, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University

Re: Arrogant RBL list maintainers

2009-12-09 Thread Michael Holstein
espite the mail part (the one that matters) being technically correct by most everyone else's standards. Personally, I think this is just so they can have a "big list" when they sell it (.. our DNSBL has $x million more entries than $competitor..). Cheers, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University

Re: Arrogant RBL list maintainers

2009-12-09 Thread Michael Holstein
at more do these people want? (Note: they did eventually say "okay, we see the MXs as static so those aren't listed" .. but not without some discussion). Cheers, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University

Re: Arrogant RBL list maintainers

2009-12-10 Thread Michael Holstein
part correctly .. there are exactly 4 IPs that are permitted to send mail to the Internet .. FOUR of them, all of which have proper A=PTR, SPFv1 records, abuse@ contacts, etc. /thread Regards, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University

Re: Linux shaping packet loss

2009-12-10 Thread Michael Holstein
sed these in a MDU setting, but certainly not at gigabit speeds : They claim models are available up to 5gbps ($11k). 1gbps is ~$9k. Cheers, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University

Re: Arrogant RBL list maintainers

2009-12-10 Thread Michael Holstein
n the webform that says "external?" .. and if you check it, the same entry gets put in the outward-facing DNS (both A and PTR). Otherwise it stays the default, regardless of what it is on the inside. Regards, Michael Holstein Cleveland State Unviersity

Re: news from Google

2009-12-11 Thread Michael Holstein
s and the nasty companies that offer "services" to "replace" your cookies if they're deleted. FF has "BetterPrivacy" for that. Only caveat is it drives websites like BoA and eBay bonkers .. they want to "verify" you every time you re-visit. Cheers, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University

Re: Arrogant RBL list maintainers

2009-12-17 Thread Michael Holstein
illic, Swahili, etc. Cheers, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University

Re: wifi hotspot software needed

2009-12-21 Thread Michael Holstein
reasonable fee their way. Regards, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University

Re: about udp 80,8080,0

2010-02-09 Thread Michael Holstein
>What does application use 8.8080,0 port for the proper purpose? > > I've seen newer BitTorrent clients do this (UDP is supported, and the port can be arbitrary). Cheers, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University

Re: Security Guideance

2010-02-23 Thread Michael Holstein
uched what right before it started... Cheers, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University

Re: Spamcop Blocks Facebook?

2010-03-04 Thread Michael Holstein
mented on a photo of you on Facebook.. Cheers, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University

Re: Spamcop Blocks Facebook?

2010-03-04 Thread Michael Holstein
gathers these statistics, and actually includes the "good/bad" percentage on every junk summary that goes to the end users. Oh .. and what's up with this ? : Cheers, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University PS: I *am* ab...@.

Re: Spamcop Blocks Facebook?

2010-03-05 Thread Michael Holstein
e was one more from a misspelling of facebook that had to be a spam probe. For @*myspace* it was 17 messages. For @*linkedin* it was 20 messages. Not too big of an issue, IMHO. Cheers, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University

ethernet to serial converters with ACLs

2010-03-10 Thread Michael Holstein
the COM port on the other side of the IP device. It needs to work like the Lantronics ones do (take tcp/(port) and spit it out as rs232). Thanks, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University

Re: Need some info about "Clean pipe"

2010-03-15 Thread Michael Holstein No, it's not cheap. But neither are circuits of sufficient capacity to absorb a 100k botnet type of DDOS and the accompanying RTBH gear (Arbor, Cheers, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University

Re: Using private APNIC range in US

2010-03-18 Thread Michael Holstein
houldn't be hard to renumber them into the appropriate RFC1918 space. Cheers, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University

Re: Latency quesstion

2010-03-18 Thread Michael Holstein
both Cox and TWC here in Cleveland) when investigating wrongly-placed blame for "missing" or "delayed" emails. One server at TWC (which still has an * name) in particular seemed to hold messages for the default retry interval 100% of the time (misconfigured gre

Re: New Linksys CPE, IPv6 ?

2010-03-31 Thread Michael Holstein
;pass-the-buck" support calls that start at $isp and get bounced back saying "we don't support that yet, call whoever makes your router". My $0.02. Cheers, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University

Re: Raised floor, Solid floor... or carpet?

2010-04-01 Thread Michael Holstein
> Adding to the recent debate over raised v's solid floor, seem there's > another option that wasn't discussed... > > > Nice to see smaller companies take the time to put up a good April fool's joke as well.

Re: FCC dealt major blow in net neutrality ruling favoring Comcast

2010-04-06 Thread Michael Holstein
> <> > > Seems on-topic, even though policy related. > Between that and the ACTA foolishness .. seems to be a good time to get into the VPN busines

Re: Wire-rate Packet Capture on 10gbE

2011-04-29 Thread Michael Holstein
ly do what was represented in the CCC slides somebody else posted (FPGA with own logic), but on a PCIe card. Once you've got the ethernet -> interface problem addressed, you need to examine bottlenecks in interface->bus and particularly bus->disk. Regards, Michael Holstein Cleveland State Unversity > --Kyle > >

Re: OT: Server Cabinet

2011-05-05 Thread Michael Holstein
l (also harder than it looks) the costs associated with hiring out either of your two choices will easily equal just buying one that'd fit. Also, as someone else mentioned .. what happens next time it needs to move? Regards, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University

Re: Cent OS migration

2011-05-09 Thread Michael Holstein
These are also the people I trust when they come back and say "won't work, need to buy $x". My $0.02. Michael Holstein Cleveland State University PS: I'm not making a business judgment on going either route .. there's a case to be made for "free, but takes 3 weeks to c

Re: 23,000 IP addresses

2011-05-10 Thread Michael Holstein
> > The dates in the timestamps are back in February. We deleted those logs " the regular course of business.." a LONG TIME AGO. If you didn't do that, you really ought to ask yourself wh

Re: Fwd: 23,000 IP addresses

2011-05-10 Thread Michael Holstein
> In the EU you have Directive 2006/24/EC: > But I'm not, and neither are most of the ISPs in the linked document. Regards, Michael Holstein Information Security Administrator Cleveland State University

Re: 23,000 IP addresses

2011-05-10 Thread Michael Holstein
works.* There are various legislative attempts afoot to create one here in the US .. but none have passed. Regards, Michael Holstein Information Security Administrator Cleveland State Unviersity (*): US Court of Appeals, District of Columbia, 50-1504.

Re: 23,000 IP addresses

2011-05-11 Thread Michael Holstein
think that whole "penalty of perjury" thing would have some weight behind it. Stanford (in)famously managed to get DMCA notices for all the printers on campus, just by faking a client into putting the printer's IP into the tracker as a seed. Cheers, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University

Re: 23,000 IP addresses

2011-05-11 Thread Michael Holstein
ays, it's just that the defense usually can't afford it. If a sizable community of technical folks were to pro-bono as expert witnesses, the "presumption of innocence" would return pretty fast. Cheers, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University

Re: Pirate Bay suffering unreachable errors

2011-05-12 Thread Michael Holstein
come [..] free speech and lulz." My guess would be routing problems, probably Comcast's. If some of the whiners would post traceroutes maybe help could be had. Cheers, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University

Re: Pirate Bay suffering unreachable errors

2011-05-12 Thread Michael Holstein
> Confirmed on 3 VPS servers in California, Chicago and Scranton: > > All the packets die at > You're assuming that the webserver permits ICMP. Try "traceroute -T -p 80" 10 ( 97.411 ms 97.049 ms 97.207 m

Re: Pirate Bay suffering unreachable errors

2011-05-12 Thread Michael Holstein
> 11 ( 197.033 ms 199.376 > ms 197.917 ms > 12 * * * > At this point, my guess would be that they're doing some sort of DDOS protection in there somewhere, and haven't gotten it tuned up quite right. > 13 * * * > ~Mike.

Re: Netflix Is Eating Up More Of North America's Bandwidth Than Any Other Company

2011-05-18 Thread Michael Holstein
> > Somebody should invent a a way to stream groups of shows simultaneously and just arrange for people to watch the desired stream at a particular time. Heck, maybe even do it wireless. problem solved, right? Cheers, Michael Holstein Cleveland

Re: Had an idea - looking for a math buff to tell me if it's possible with today's technology.

2011-05-18 Thread Michael Holstein
> Just a weird idea I had. If it's a good idea then please consider this > intellectual property. > It's easy .. the zeros are fatter than the ones. ~Mike.

Re: IT Survey Request: Win an iPad2 or Kindle!

2011-05-27 Thread Michael Holstein
n is worth to vendors of the "solutions" to the challenges you ask about. Regards, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University

Re: IT Survey Request: Win an iPad2 or Kindle!

2011-05-27 Thread Michael Holstein
hat in the game. Not exactly objective, and wasn't disclosed up-front. Cheers, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University