> we've basically told them to go to hell and we advise everyone who uses
> their RBL lists to remove their RBLs from their configs, as what we have
> here is a mismanaged list.

Same thing we told them (snippit of my response below).


Michael Holstein
Cleveland State University

> [Trend] : But we will maintain our list as we see appropriate to
> protect our customer from spam.

Suit yourself .. but you can't arbitrarily force the Internet as a whole
to adopt an unwritten standard just to make your lives easier. If we
encounter problems with our end-users and not being able to deliver
email reliably to one of your customers, we'll have them call you, since
we're complying with all the various SPAM prevention standards that
presently exist.

We hate SPAM as much as the next guy, but we're not going to install
"Bob's SPAM module" anymore than we're going to do some custom DNS
foolishness for Trend.

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