> ("it's one in a billion to crack it! beyond a > reasonable doubt! we dont have anyone anywhere in our IT who could possibly > crack it!")
A billion iterations takes what fraction of a second using a high-end multi-card gamer rig and CUDA? (or for the cheap/lazy, a S3/Tesla instance). Even for brute-force, although WPA2 is salted with the SSID, 95% of the time it's still "Linksys". Rainbow tables for the ~140 most common SSIDs are already available. I once used GPS and a wifi analyizer to show a map of how large the possible "cloud" around a standard WRT54G and 2nd floor installation of the accused's router really was. To make it dumb enough, I used the pringle's cantenna (literally) instead of a commercial antenna. The "CSI effect" works when the defense does it too. Juries love to hear techie stuff these days, it's just that the defense usually can't afford it. If a sizable community of technical folks were to pro-bono as expert witnesses, the "presumption of innocence" would return pretty fast. Cheers, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University