> To be clear: because the legitimate mailserver with a proper non-generic > reverse was in a block with other generic reverses, they blacklisted you? >
Their initial email said : [snip] Trend Micro Notification: added to DUL [snip] and then went on to say : [snip] To work with us, please generate the following three lists: 1) TOTAL ALLOCATED SPACE – in CIDR format Please include all information for the space you announce. The total of Static and Dynamic space must equal the Total Allocated Space. 2) DYNAMIC SPACE LIST - in CIDR format 3) STATIC SPACE LIST - in CIDR Format [snip] Which was, of course, impossible .. since trunking a VLAN across the core just to have all the printers in the same /22 would be silly. After some arguing back-and-forth .. they (Trend) said : [snip] Also we don't see the IP address as static as we see the generic naming convention of *csuohio.edu* as dynamic and the WHOIS information doesn't indicate that the space is static. [snip] Seriously .. we're a college campus, not a colo. Org-Abuse roles is defined (and valid) and real people read the RFC2142 required addresses. What more do these people want? (Note: they did eventually say "okay, we see the MXs as static so those aren't listed" .. but not without some discussion). Cheers, Michael Holstein Cleveland State University