> We have a door-way that said server cabinet must fit through, measuring up
> at 620mm.

A 24" door? .. dang, that's tiny. Did someone mix up OD and ID when
considering what a 19" rack meant?

> 1) Have you ever had to fit a cabinet through a doorway that's too small?

Yes. I will say up front that it's cheaper and easier to just buy one
that fits (a knockdown, etc.) .. unless you're doing it yourself and
don't assign value to your time, consider you'll be removing at least 1
stud, floor-to-ceiling, and any associated wiring that runs through it,
along with the drywall on both sides. Refitting that, taping, sanding,
painting, etc. If this is a commercial building and you're obligated to
use tradesman, you've got at least 2 (carpentry and electrical), plus
maybe a building permit, etc.

> 2) How did you do it? Cut cabinet, demolish wall ...?

The cabinet will be easier than the wall, but the wall will need less
specialized tools (drywall work is easier than welding).

> 3) If you cut the cabinet, any tips?

Anything that will produce a weldable edge will do (sawzall, etc.) but
consider that you will then have to grind the paint and fire up a mig
welder (EMI issues) in your data closet, then grind (and paint) the
results if you want it to look pretty. All I'll say about that is you'd
better be darn sure everything is grounded. Also .. wear a respirator.

Cutting/grinding the welds at the opposed corners top/bottom (to produce
two triangular pieces that can swivel around and in) will be the easiest
to weld back together (using a new triangular piece of steel as a brace
if needed).

If you don't know how to weld (and own a welder), or finish drywall
(also harder than it looks) the costs associated with hiring out either
of your two choices will easily equal just buying one that'd fit.

Also, as someone else mentioned .. what happens next time it needs to move?


Michael Holstein
Cleveland State University

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