Hi all
Just curious if anyone has recently requested Amazon peering and if they’ve
gotten a timely response. I know historically it was months and months but I
thought I had read where they had turned over a new leaf and were responding
promptly. I have a pending request but it was done over th
being processed by their automated system. The automated
> system takes 10 - 12 days to set up the session.
>> On Mon, 11 Jan 2021 at 18:14, JASON BOTHE via NANOG wrote:
>> Hi all
>> Just curious if anyone has recently requested Amazon peering and if
The professor has it right. Before the state privatized the grid and made
ERCOT, we never had these problems. Every few years, these private companies
complain they need a rate hike because they need a grant to ‘beef up’ the
infrastructure and it’s granted although we seem to keep having this is
Lots of amp sites down here currently and with travel impossible and severely
limited, they’re struggling to restore. It’s not a good situation currently.
> On Feb 16, 2021, at 14:18, David Hubbard
> wrote:
> Curious if anyone is seeing issues with 3356 cross country, particularly
> Or
I doubt that. You’ve been at it for months with requests all over the world. It
was only a matter of time before someone said something.
> On Mar 18, 2021, at 10:34, Rod Beck wrote:
> And by the way, it would not be making these requests if there was not a
> severe capacity shortage in
This is a rather interesting issue to see if anyone has ran across this with a
Curvature branded 10 or 100G LR optic in a Juniper QFX facing an Infinera wave.
What we’ve noticed is migrating from MX 204 to a new QFX 5120-YM that has an
Infinera as the handoff, the circuit just bounce
Hi guys
Something odd has happened and I’m not sure how to sort. One of our public
prefixes, issued from ARIN has suddenly had its geo changed and
now everyone accessing the internet from it is showing up as a UK IP, London
specifically. We announce this and every other prefix we
geo database providers first:
> http://thebrotherswisp.com/index.php/geo-and-vpn/
> --
> Patrick
>> Am 08.01.2020 um 18:53 schrieb JASON BOTHE via NANOG:
>> Hi guys
>> Something odd has happened and I’m not sure how to sort. One of our public
I’ve had good luck with PCCW operating as my China liaison since we terminate a
lot of circuits in Hong Kong and Singapore. It’s not cheap I’ll tell ya but
they can get the info and deliver.
> On Jan 16, 2020, at 10:21, Gabe Cole wrote:
> We are trying to design a physically diverse
Hi All, Happy NANOG78!
Just curious if anyone knows how the MACSec behaves on the Cisco NCS-55A1,
specifically the 24Q6H-S variant. I’m curious if you can still use MACSec
individually on the 6xQSFP+/QSFP28 ports if I break them out as 10G.
The enterprise as well. I’m certain many are blindly unaware as this could have
negative impacts beyond traditional control.
> On Mar 11, 2020, at 20:43, Owen DeLong wrote:
>> On Mar 11, 2020, at 18:31 , Rubens Kuhl wrote:
>>> On Tue, Mar 10, 2020 at 5:30 PM Owen DeLo
Excellent work. I’m curious to know how many of the big ASs are participating
to date. If you or anyone on the list knows if this is published please let me
> On Mar 25, 2020, at 21:03, Michel Py wrote:
> Hi Job,
>> Job Snijders wrote :
>> Exciting news! Today NTT's Gl
I just need my phone to have a warm transfer button with or without supervision
to Lenny https://toao.net/595-lenny
> On Apr 3, 2020, at 18:40, Grimes, Greg wrote:
> I was thinking the EXACT same thing!!
> --
> Greg Grimes
> Senior Network Analyst
> Information Technology Services
Does anyone have any recommendations for a database or IPAM platform that can
house IS-IS addressing? Can’t seem to find anything out there.
Hi all
Just curious if anyone on is using the ACX5448 and what their thoughts are on
Contact Jane Divis in NTT GIN
> On Jun 27, 2020, at 07:40, James Braunegg wrote:
> Dear Nanog
> I am looking for some NTT IP transit delivered in LA for our network AS38880,
> if you know a NTT sales rep could you please either pass on this email to
> them, and or provid
Anyone on using Corero? Thoughts around it?
If you have to have connectivity to them, you could always just instruct them
not to announce your routes beyond their AS; paid peering, and announce through
more reliable ASs such as 2914 and 1299. Many people do this. Otherwise, cut
ties with them and save yourself the headaches.
> On Aug 3
My concern is what will happen with ILA sites that traverse through the Orleans
parish and others that are going to be without electricity for many weeks to
come. Eight transmission circuits went into cascading failure last eve. While
not all physically damaged, it will time to assess and begin
Colt is a good option if you’re seeking wavelengths. For transit we use a mix
of the other carriers, pccw included but we go through the wholesale side and
not hkt which is the domestic arm of pccw and they are ridiculously expensive.
> On Dec 17, 2021, at 13:13, Eric Dugas via NANOG wrote:
PCCW / HKT are the main networks for eyeball HKT ASs feed into AS3491 which is
the international arm, PCCW global if you will.
> On Dec 17, 2021, at 14:05, nanoguser99 via NANOG wrote:
> Looking glass pings from Lumen to my gear behind PCCW = 1ms, immediate
> handoff. Looking glass p
Not sure how I feel about this. My thoughts have always been to leave
government out of Internet operations or otherwise they get comfortable and
will want to make decisions that we may not be comfortable with.
During wartime, I would think the desire would be to have them connected in
order t
Saw this coming a mile away. With chips and technology progressing despite
ability to manufacture, I’m certain many are going to do this.
> On Jun 14, 2022, at 11:53, Raymond Burkholder wrote:
> On 2022-06-14 09:46, Saku Ytti wrote:
>> These EOLd are HMC devices, Micron EOLd HMC back in 201
I see the point you’re trying to make but using the word retarded in this
context is not only dumb in itself but offense. Please be more respectful on
this list.
> On Jul 9, 2022, at 10:48, Keith Medcalf wrote:
>> I can't either, but the reality right now seems to be that 911
If someone from Google peering is on, would you kindly contact me?
Does anyone know what’s happening at Zayo? Tickets are taking weeks and months
to get resolved, much less get a tech assigned to them.
The folks answering the noc phone are mere order takers and are only reading
from a script, manager on duty/escalation lines go to voicemail.
If anyone can he
It’s taking over a year to get waves turned up in EU. I’m currently willing to
wager on what comes up first, them or amazon peering (that’s taking just as
long). After the merger, we have seen Level3 slide into the CL abyss becoming a
pain to deal with. Pricing and ordering has been outsourced w
Hi all
Just curious if you know of any fiber providers other than CL or Zayo in the
Englewood/Centennial area. Having a really tough time finding routes that avoid
the Solarium at Quebec / E Orchard as well as 910 15th St. Seems there are so
many single points of failure and collapsed routes t
Windstream, Crown Castle, UPN, and XO. They're all in that Englewood -
> Centennial area in different ways with different capabilities.
> -
> Mike Hammett
> Intelligent Computing Solutions
> Midwest Internet Exchange
> The Brothers WISP
Are the Opengear boxes good gear? We currently have some boxes with a high
failure rate and I’ve been on the hunt for something we can leverage globally
that support LTE.
> On Jul 31, 2019, at 21:19, Mehmet Akcin wrote:
> Google Fi
>> On Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 18:35 Ryan Gelobter wro
Oddly enough, I created a Z Org for legacy resources and got hit up on
linked-in by IPv4 brokers as well as some spam from Cogent.
> On Aug 4, 2019, at 09:29, Tim Burke wrote:
> Done, Sir. Thanks.
> Tim Burke
> t...@burke.us
>> On Sat, Aug 3, 2019, at 10:42 PM, John Curran
Hi all
I realize this might not be the right list but I have a request to peer on the
Chicago Equinix IX to a 206.223.119 IP but we and many others are on the
208.115.137 network. While I await a response from the peering partner, I’d
curious to know if this is an error, perhaps there was a ren
nd new address on our interface.. The 208.x is the new range
> (aka bigger)
> ip address
> ip address
> -James
>> On Tue, Oct 8, 2019 at 2:47 PM JASON BOTHE via NANOG wrote:
>> Hi all
>> I realize this m
Hi folks
Does anyone have any experience with NimbusDDOS mitigation testing? If so, what
are your thoughts?
Hi all
Is there anyone on from Verizon that could contact me off list in regards to
provisioning for 701? Being here at NANOG77 and sorting face to face is a
Zayo, Consolidated and Crown Castle are my go-tos. They have the biggest
footprints in the DFW market.
> On Dec 17, 2019, at 14:20, Rod Beck wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to understand the Dallas dark fiber market. Who are the major players?
> Who has done recent builds (2010 onward)? W
If there is someone listening from NTT engineering, would you kindly write
The IP NOC is unable to locate anyone because it’s Sunday so I thought I might
try here.
Just curious if anyone uses Bell Canada for IP transit in a colo environment
and whether or not you were able to obtain a traditional cross-connect without
having Bell place a managed CPE device in your cage. I can’t seem to find
anyone intelligent enough to tell my any different other t
Correct. Behold the ‘active riser’. We started doing this years ago in our R&E
network after we were being nickeled and dimes to cross floors between our own
cages we leased from the same colo.
> On Sep 17, 2018, at 15:23, Ben Cannon wrote:
> fs.com has got this ready to go. Less than tha
Hi NOGers
If anyone from Rogers is on, could you please contact me offline?
Agreed, especially if they’re an active member of the organization and doesn’t
seem to be synonymous with NANOGs Charter.
On Sep 30, 2018, at 22:41, Brian Kantor wrote:
>> To ensure unimpeded information sharing and discussion, the
>> Security Track will not be broadcast or recorded.
If you love yourself and your organization just peer with Zayo and not look
> On Nov 9, 2018, at 14:19, Ca By wrote:
> Zayo will provide you all of the internet
> Cogent will provide you with something that is not all internet, it is
> missing HE and Google on ipv6.
>> On Fri,
This is a note I received on Oct18 when checking on a peering request submitted
on Aug7..
“Apologies for the delays here. We have temporarily frozen IX peering as we
revise some of our automation processes. I’m hopeful this will be unblocked by
early November. Thank you for your continued pati
Correct. Its called a grooming clause and you can most certainly ensure you
have language in your agreements with the vendor. Restrictions being it needs
to be for wavelength or an IRU path which is custom anyhow. Also, KMZs or no
business. Period.
> On 2, Jan 2019, at 2:14 PM, Tom Beeche
Hi Nathan
My current rtd from DA6 to SV1 is 38ms and from DRT Houston to LA1 is 30ms
> On Feb 1, 2019, at 04:40, Nathanael Catangay Cariaga
> wrote:
> thank you all for the responses. i guess i would have to discuss this with
> our provider.
>> On Fri, Feb 1, 2019, 1:39 AM Tom B
Assuming unknown encompasses no roa at all, im inclined to say most probably
haven’t because that would break a lot of things because a lot of folks don’t
have ROAs at all and some don’t seem to even have a plan around implementing
> On Oct 19, 2023, at 11:47, Owen DeLong via NANOG
Netbox for the win! You can not only use it for IPAM but for circuit inventory,
designs, cross connects, rack layouts and automate from there. It serves as a
true source of truth. I think you will be pleased.
> On Nov 16, 2023, at 15:03, Aaron Gould wrote:
> For years I've used an MS Exce
WIth merchant silicon getting faster and stronger everyday, and capacity and
transit in a freewill, I’m not sure what GPU optimization would buy you, not to
mention the ROI. The Internet routing table is not showing substantial signs of
growth and in some cases has experienced a plateau. Also, t
> Midwest-IX
> http://www.midwest-ix.com
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.midwest-ix.com__;!!CQl3mcHX2A!GFUnuA6qE7A0AePY8rTtMX8Ll2VP7FK-FJTDkvkdwhlRmzqhmEA7Dat58fBwUk9jdLbHKhdSYEAsGopkmw$>
I’m thinking there is not a a wide market for them, not to mention last mile support. Folks that need 100 or 400 ports typically want point to point and at that juncture, wavelength or IPoDWDM makes sense as more than likely these are going between data centers and not to your average enterprise pr
Quite a bit I’d say, particularly in WAN. It’s an easy and excellent go-to for line rate encryption along waves and some transparent layer 2 services state they support it but haven’t had an opportunity to test personally. Double check the implementation for continuation of rolling keys and so fort
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