PCCW / HKT are the main networks for eyeball  HKT ASs feed into AS3491 which is 
the international arm, PCCW global if you will. 

> On Dec 17, 2021, at 14:05, nanoguser99 via NANOG <> wrote:
> Looking glass pings from Lumen to my gear behind PCCW = 1ms, immediate 
> handoff.   Looking glass pings from Lumen -> Google (, 
> immediate handoff.  Some CDNs\cloud are 30 ms away, like you said Tokyo or 
> Singapore.
> My main concern is the eyeball networks.  Is PCCW the main carrier for the 
> eyeball networks there or do they all peer in country for the most part. 
> Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
>> On Friday, December 17th, 2021 at 7:12 PM, Eric Dugas 
>> <> wrote:
>> I am in no way an expert in APAC but all of the IP carriers I have in NA are 
>> present in HK: Cogent, Tata, Telia, Zayo.
>> My guess is a good portion of the interconnections with other IP carriers, 
>> CDNs and such will be either in Singapore or Tokyo.
>>> On Fri, Dec 17, 2021 at 1:56 PM nanoguser99 via NANOG <> 
>>> wrote:
>>> Nanog,
>>> Currently my organization uses PCCW which we pay through the nose for and 
>>> I'm looking to cut them. This was put in place before me. I was informed 
>>> that PCCW is "the carrier" in Hong Kong but based on my analysis I'm not 
>>> sure that's the case. My analysis of carriers such as Lumen and Cogent put 
>>> them on par with PCCW. Pings to random IPs in HK are reasonable fast on all 
>>> of them, same with pings to cloud providers. Access to mainland is not a 
>>> hard requirement but just to check they all had 300+ ms latency to known 
>>> IPs in Shanghai and Tanjin.
>>> I know some regions such as Korea or Dubai are monopolized where the wrong 
>>> carrier takes you on a far away path to get a few blocks down the street. 
>>> I don't need anything special, just general DIA and good access to eyeballs 
>>> and internet. I just wanted to see people's opinions here as APAC 
>>> connectivity can be tricky.
>>> - Nanoguser99
>>> Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

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