Re: registration

2002-12-19 Thread Johan Vromans
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Name:John Eichler > Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > UserID: CERTIFYIT I'd prefer a user-based ID, e.g., 'EICHLER'. -- Johan

Re: Registration Request

2002-12-21 Thread Johan Vromans
Håkon Nessjøen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Please register me: > > Name: Håkon Nessjøen > Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Preferred author id: lunatic > > Intended contribution: > I have developed a module I have named ASCII:Table. It draws a table with in > "ASCII art". Very nice if you want to o

Re: PAUSE ID request

2002-12-26 Thread Johan Vromans
"Perl Authors Upload Server" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Testing new "Request PAUSE account" interface courtesy brian d foy. > This new interface should work like the module registration, i.e. a > mail is sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with two URLs, one for > one-click-registration,

Re: MITEL PAUSE account creation request

2002-12-28 Thread Johan Vromans
Gordon Rowell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > your name:Mitel SME Server Developers > your email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > your homepage if you have one : > your preferred user-ID on CPAN: MITEL We prefer C

Re: MITEL PAUSE account creation request

2002-12-28 Thread Johan Vromans
Gordon Rowell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > There are already a number of CPAN ids which are company/organisation > accounts, Yes, we are aware of that. They shouldn't have slipped through, however. There are advantages of company/organisation accounts, but the major disadvantage (for us) is th

Re: PAUSE ID request (DL; Didier Ladner)

2003-01-12 Thread Johan Vromans
"Perl Authors Upload Server" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Request to register new user > > fullname: Didier Ladner > userid: DL Would DLADNER be okay? -- Johan

Re: PAUSE ID request (JA0340; Jaglarz A)

2003-01-14 Thread Johan Vromans
"Perl Authors Upload Server" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Request to register new user > > fullname: Jaglarz A > userid: JA0340 > mail: CENSORED > homepage: > why: > Hmm. Suspicious? -- Johan

forwarded message from Ron Savage

2003-01-15 Thread Johan Vromans
--- Begin Message --- On Wed, 15 Jan 2003 09:40:22 +0100, Johan Vromans wrote: Hi Johan >Ron Savage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > >>Please consider adding these modules to the list. >>Because of line wrap, I've attached a text file rather than insert &g

Re: PAUSE ID request (CARCUS88; Mark Mitchell)

2003-01-16 Thread Johan Vromans
"Perl Authors Upload Server" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Request to register new user > > fullname: Mark Mitchell > userid: CARCUS88 Maybe we need to change the registration page to clearly require only letters in the CPAN Id? -- Johan

userid BENSCHMAUS not a legal username

2003-01-17 Thread Johan Vromans

Re: userid BENSCHMAUS not a legal username

2003-01-17 Thread Johan Vromans
[Quoting Andreas J. Koenig, on January 17 2003, 15:09, in "Re: userid BENSCHMAU"] > >>>>> On Fri, 17 Jan 2003 11:55:49 +0100, Johan Vromans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: > > > Why? > > 10 characters. We only support 9. Shall I print out the regu

Automatic processing of submissions

2003-01-20 Thread Johan Vromans
Hi all, Now we have the forms for namespace requests I'd like to propose that submissions for namespace requests will be accepted one week after they have been submitted, UNLESS the particular submission triggered a discussion of some sort. For the time being this cannot be handled automatically,

Re: Module submission User::Identity

2003-01-20 Thread Johan Vromans
"Perl Authors Upload Server" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Planned classes: User::Identity Contains general info (defaults) > for the user, like name etc. When you specify a fullname only, it > tries to be smart and derived firstname, etc. Mail::Address does > things like that. Use

Re: Module submission User::Identity

2003-01-20 Thread Johan Vromans
[Quoting Mark Overmeer, on January 20 2003, 19:16, in "Re: Module submissio"] > The proposed User::Identity with respect to address books has about the > same relation as e-mail addresses to mail-folders. There are somewhat > related, but have a wider use. Sorry if I have been unclear: My remark

Re: Automatic processing of submissions

2003-01-20 Thread Johan Vromans
[Quoting Kurt Starsinic, on January 20 2003, 16:51, in "Re: Automatic proces"] > To put it bluntly, and only in my humble opinion, we have a > worsening problem of too much mislabelled crap on CPAN, You're very right. > not on too long a backlog on module registations. My main concern is that t

Problem with indexing

2016-06-06 Thread Johan Vromans
Hi y'all, I've uploaded a new package, App-Music-ChordPro. It has gone through several uploads for the last couple of days. The first version was 0.51, the most recent upload is 0.52.2. The packages appears in the CPAN collection ( a couple of hours after each upload, but they still

Re: Problem with indexing

2016-06-07 Thread Johan Vromans
On Tue, 07 Jun 2016 00:16:48 +0200 Andreas Koenig wrote: > I would suggest to bring this issue to > This issue is already known to MetaCPAN, as Neil writes in his reply. > I cannot see anything wrong with your packages, but I do see 0.52.4 at > ht

Re: Problem with indexing

2016-06-08 Thread Johan Vromans
On Tue, 7 Jun 2016 17:02:03 + Matt S Trout wrote: > provides means "you don't need to index this dist at all", With all respect, according to CPAN:::Meta::Spec: "you shouldn't be indexing anything in the first place - just use that" ^

Re: Problem with indexing

2016-06-11 Thread Johan Vromans
On Thu, 9 Jun 2016 13:49:37 + Matt S Trout wrote: > Yes, it should. Poor phrasing on my part, by "don't need to index" I meant > "don't need to go through the dist looking for files" - at which point > having no_index at all is unnecessary, and no_index-ing lib/ is just > weird, and therefore


2016-06-27 Thread Johan Vromans
Hi, Some time ago I stepped back from being a PAUSE volunteer. Since a couple of weeks I suddenly get mails again, and the PAUSE administrative interface seems accessible to me (I didn't really try, I don't want to mess up). Was my PAUSE status restored from an old snapshot or som

App::Packager missing in metacpan index

2017-08-07 Thread Johan Vromans
Hi, App::Packager is on CPAN an can be found via, but it is missing from MetaCPAN. -- Johan

Re: Module submission User::Identity

2003-01-23 Thread Johan Vromans
I suggest to go ahead with User::Identity and Mail::Identity and see how it works out. I'm convinced that Mark has done a lot of thinking about it, and I don't see any better names coming up anyway. -- Johan

forwarded message from _brian_d_foy

2003-01-23 Thread Johan Vromans
--- Begin Message --- In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Johan Vromans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I suggest to go ahead with User::Identity and Mail::Identity and see > how it works out. I'm convinced that Mark has done a lot of thinking > about it, and I don't


2003-01-24 Thread Johan Vromans
Nice submission, but there's a problem: In the Netherlands we also have a Postbank, which is quite different from the German Postbank. Would it be desirable/necessary to indicate that it is the German Postbank the module is for? E.g., Finance::Bank::DE::Postbank. -- Johan

Re: New module MP3::IDLib

2003-01-28 Thread Johan Vromans
Leon Brocard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Ooops. Did I mistype this? Yes. > I meant MP3::ID3Lib. Andreas? -- Johan

Re: PAUSE ID request (TEOHCL; teohcl)

2003-02-13 Thread Johan Vromans
"Perl Authors Upload Server" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Request to register new user > > fullname: teohcl > userid: TEOHCL > mail: CENSORED > homepage: > why: > Suspect? -- Johan

Re: PAUSE ID request (INCOMING; Michal Ratajsky)

2003-02-17 Thread Johan Vromans
"Perl Authors Upload Server" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Request to register new user > > fullname: Michal Ratajsky > userid: INCOMING Would you settle for "MRATA" or something like that? -- Johan

Re: New feature on PAUSE - messages to authors without email

2003-02-25 Thread Johan Vromans
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andreas J. Koenig) writes: > Since today (rev. 241) PAUSE has a new feature: Good job! -- Johan

Re: PAUSE ID request (MADBAT; madbat28)

2003-02-27 Thread Johan Vromans
"Perl Authors Upload Server" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Request to register new user > > fullname: madbat28 > userid: MADBAT Just curious: What contributions do you have in mind? -- Johan

Re: PAUSE ID request (SKYBLUE; shirley colter)

2003-03-03 Thread Johan Vromans
"Perl Authors Upload Server" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Request to register new user > > fullname: shirley colter > userid: SKYBLUE > mail: CENSORED > homepage: > why: > > Interesting in see whay your site has to offer. Hi Shirley, You do not need a CPAN id to see what our s

Filtering SPAM

2003-03-03 Thread Johan Vromans
E.g., reject mails of over 500 lines? -- Johan

Re: Please change the e-mail address for the NIKC account

2003-03-09 Thread Johan Vromans
Nik Clayton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Without getting in to a debate about the pros/cons of this, could the > e-mail address on the NIKC account please be set to > [EMAIL PROTECTED], which is less aggressive about these > things. You should have a confirmation by now. -- Johan

Re: PAUSE ID request (OVZZ; Oleg Zolochevsky)

2003-03-11 Thread Johan Vromans
"Perl Authors Upload Server" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Request to register new user > > fullname: Oleg Zolochevsky > userid: OVZZ Just curious: what contributions do you have in mind? -- Johan

Re: This is getting ridiculous. . .

2003-03-21 Thread Johan Vromans
"Philip Newton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > But the fact that [EMAIL PROTECTED] appears like a black hole fairly > often is not new. Does anyone have any idea how many module requests are still unfulfilled after, say, three weeks? -- Johan

Re: Module submission OODoc

2003-03-27 Thread Johan Vromans
Autrijus Tang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > and it seems to me that this implies that OODoc is an extension that > inherits the POD syntax, instead of something entirely different. Hmm. Slightly simplified, perl ignores everything between (and including) a line that starts with '=', and a line th

Re: Module submission OODoc

2003-03-28 Thread Johan Vromans
[Quoting Autrijus Tang, on March 28 2003, 16:14, in "Re: Module submissio"] > Well in fact, sure: > > =for docbook > > > > Technically, this is true. But is this POD? Would you call this C: int foo(int bar) { _asm("..."); _asm("..."); _asm("...");

Re: Module submission OODoc

2003-03-28 Thread Johan Vromans
> Other suggestions? MDI (Mark's Document Information). XDI (Extended/Extensible Document Information). -- Johan

Re: Module submission OODoc

2003-03-28 Thread Johan Vromans
[Quoting Mark Overmeer, on March 28 2003, 12:25, in "Re: Module submissio"] > > MDI (Mark's Document Information). > > XDI (Extended/Extensible Document Information). > > "Information" does not cover the processing, which the module does. Right, I was confusing the information with the processing

Re: Module submission OODoc

2003-03-28 Thread Johan Vromans
[Quoting Autrijus Tang, on March 28 2003, 20:16, in "Re: Module submissio"] > After your remarks that raised your module to the 'software framework' > level required by a top-level CPAN name, I see that OODoc is an adequate > name and am willing to approve it, if no better suggestions comes up in >

Re: PAUSE ID request (NGRAHAM; Nathaniel Graham)

2003-04-03 Thread Johan Vromans
"Perl Authors Upload Server" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > fullname: Nathaniel Graham > userid: NGRAHAM > homepage: > > I signed up for PAUSE before, but I accidentally gave and invalid > email address. I have a CPAN id for BROOM (Nathaniel J. Graham). Is that the one th

Re: PAUSE ID request (NGRAHAM; Nathaniel Graham)

2003-04-03 Thread Johan Vromans
[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: > Yeah, BROOM is my CPAN id too, but the the email address associated > with it became invalid when I switched domain registrars. I'm > trying to resolve the issue now. So to answer your question, yes, > please change the password and email for BROOM. Use > [EMAIL PR

Re: PAUSE ID request (KAFKA; Nicolas Herry)

2003-04-05 Thread Johan Vromans
"Sean M. Burke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Why are these email addresses censored? To avoid them being exposed on the mailing list. -- Johan

I am away from my mail

2003-06-03 Thread Johan Vromans
. Geef me a.u.b. een paar dagen gelegenheid om de achterstand weg te werken. Voor wijkraad aangelegenheden: bel Ans Jenner, 023-5320289 Johan Vromans, Squirrel Consultancy

Re: Fw: PAUSE indexer report EDALY/Text-GenderFromName-0.32.tar.gz

2003-07-31 Thread Johan Vromans
"Eamon Daly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > I was of the understanding that because Text::GenderFromName > was never registered, it has no owner and would become mine. > Is this not the case? It should be okay now. -- Johan

Re: Text::Capitalize has only a co-maintainer in PAUSE db, needs a maintainer

2003-07-31 Thread Johan Vromans
Joseph Brenner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > SYP was trying to hand over maintainership of Text::Capitalize > to me (DOOM), but made a mistake and turned himself into the > co-maintainer, and now he can't make further changes. The module > only has a "co-maintainer" now, it has no "maintainer".

Re: traffic

2003-08-04 Thread Johan Vromans
"Sean M. Burke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Subject: User update for * > Subject: Welcome new user * > Subject: PAUSE ID request * > Subject: Module submission * I track the PAUSE ID requests, handle them, and verify the Welcome messages. -- Johan

Re: PAUSE ID request (PBOURNIVA; Paul Bournival)

2003-08-14 Thread Johan Vromans
"Perl Authors Upload Server" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Request to register new user > > fullname: Paul Bournival > userid: PBOURNIVA > mail: CENSORED > homepage: > why: > > Resend - please ignore previous request. I think a user-id that has > less chance of collisions wou

Re: Module submission Mail::Box::Procmail

2003-08-21 Thread Johan Vromans
Tim Bunce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > But, having said that, the Mail::Procmail is only "like" procmail > and doesn't read procmail files so perhaps a precedent has been set: I think Mail::Sendmail doesn't read files either... -- Johan


2003-08-29 Thread Johan Vromans
Hi y'all, I'll be on vacation from august 30 - september 13. It would be nice if someone keeps an eye on the user ID requests. Happy hacking! -- Johan

Re: PAUSE ID request (REW; Matt LeBlanc)

2003-08-29 Thread Johan Vromans
"Perl Authors Upload Server" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Request to register new user > > fullname: Matt LeBlanc > userid: REW You are already registered under MLEBLANC. -- Johan

Re: PAUSE ID request (TPEDERSEN; Ted Pedersen)

2003-09-27 Thread Johan Vromans
"Perl Authors Upload Server" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Request to register new user > > fullname: Ted Pedersen > userid: TPEDERSEN > mail: CENSORED > homepage: According to our files this has been your CPAN id since June 2000. -- Johan

Fw: Failed: PAUSE indexer report JV/Comics-1.18.tar.gz

2020-11-10 Thread Johan Vromans
--- Begin Message --- The following report has been written by the PAUSE namespace indexer. Please contact if there are any open questions. User: JV () Distribution file: Comics-1.18.tar.gz Number of files: 114 *.pm files: 105 README: Comics-1.18/ META-File: C

Re: Your Data-Properties releases

2021-09-07 Thread Johan Vromans
Hi, Allow me to chime in... On Tue, 7 Sep 2021 11:07:40 +0200, "Kiss, Gábor" wrote: > However I think the > current situation cannot be solved correctly. We cannot know if anybody > already relies on Johan's Data::Properties 1.05+. So switching back to > Brian's original code can shock someone e

Re: Module DBIx::XMLMessage

2001-04-08 Thread Johan Vromans
[Quoting Andrei Nossov, on March 27 2001, 15:28, in "Module DBIx::XMLMess"] > Hi, > > I am having trouble accessing my module information > through PAUSE "Edit Module Metadata". My user name is > ANDREIN, the module is DBIx::XMLMEssage. Can you help? Please supply the necessary DLSI information,

Re: Namespace for Splash?

2001-04-08 Thread Johan Vromans
[Quoting Ben Laurie, on March 21 2001, 14:56, in "Namespace for Splash"] > I'd like to reserve some namespace for Splash, initially there are two > modules, a distributed database and distributed logging, which I'd like > to call Splash::DB and Splash::Logging. Seems okay. Please apply for regist

Re: kadm5 Perl module

2001-04-08 Thread Johan Vromans
[Quoting Andrew J. Korty, on March 22 2001, 09:29, in "kadm5 Perl module"] > Has any work been done on an XS interface to the Kerberos 5 > kadmin interface? I'm willing to implement it, but I'm not sure > where it would fit in the namespace. Should it go under > Authen::Krb5 and be distributed w

Re: Proposed: Win32::API::OutputdebugString

2001-04-08 Thread Johan Vromans
[Quoting Alessandro Forghieri, on March 23 2001, 14:49, in "Proposed: Win32::API"] > > Greetings. > A truly trivial (XS) extension, yet nobody appears to have included > in any Win32 package. > > I will upload it next week, unless somebody objects. > Namespace issues, anybody? Don't think so.

Re: transferring module ownership

2001-04-08 Thread Johan Vromans
[Quoting Abhijit Menon-Sen, on March 24 2001, 22:28, in "transferring module "] > Greetings. How should one go about transferring ownership of a module to > somebody else on the CPAN? Communicate with the other party. Edit the module metadata, and change to CPAN User-ID. -- Johan

Re: ExceptionHandling module

2001-04-08 Thread Johan Vromans
[Quoting Jim Flanagan, on March 25 2001, 11:07, in "ExceptionHandling mo"] > Hi, > > I am preparing to upload a module called ExceptionHandling which also > creates two other namespaces: Exception and PerlException, in addition to > exporting the names qw(try catch throw finally) into main::. >


2001-04-08 Thread Johan Vromans
[Quoting Armin Obersteiner, on March 28 2001, 18:53, in ""] > hi! > > i have written a module: or > > it reads the TOC from an audio cd, then it reads the CDDB entry > from it can use a dircet socket mode, a http mode > with proxy if needed. >

POLICY: forwarded message from Matt Sergeant

2001-04-08 Thread Johan Vromans
What is our policy? Hi, We at would like to have an "AXKIT" PAUSE ID, if possible. Thanks. -- /||** Founder and CTO ** ** ** //||** Ltd ** ** XML Application Serving ** // ||** ** ** XSLT, XPathScript

forwarded message from Miko O'Sullivan

2001-04-09 Thread Johan Vromans
I noticed that my module Math::BooleanEval is now listed in the Perl5 Module list (, but when I click on the link (which is to the resulting page says "Module 'Math::BooleanEval' not found"

Re: forwarded message from Miko O'Sullivan

2001-04-09 Thread Johan Vromans
On Mon, Apr 09, 2001 at 09:25:30AM +0100, Graham Barr wrote: > only indexes distributions that unpack to a single top-level > directory. Looking in yours I see Thanks for the explanation. Would this be something to add to the FAQ? -- Johan

Re: Namespace Registration Proposal

2001-04-09 Thread Johan Vromans
[Quoting Dan Winchester, on March 29 2001, 21:51, in "Namespace Registrati"] > Hi, > > I'd like to propose registering the following namespace under Geo: > > Grid2LatLon Sounds okay. Please upload your modules, and the sumbit a DSLI entry for registration. -- Johan

FINAL CALL: Policy request

2001-04-09 Thread Johan Vromans
To many of these requests are currently in the queue. Do we provide CPAN id's for companies/groups/etc? -- Johan Hi. I'd like to request the CPAN ID REEFKNOT. I'm a team representative for the Reefknot project, which is planning enough releases that we'd like an ID for the project. I submitte

Re: Renaming Net::SNMP::Interfaces

2001-04-09 Thread Johan Vromans
[Quoting Jonathan Stowe, on March 31 2001, 11:50, in "Renaming Net::SNMP::"] > I'd like to kick off a discussion of what the above module should be > renamed to :) I'd suggest to take this discussion to comp.lang.perl.modules. -- Johan

Re: Acceptation modules?

2001-04-09 Thread Johan Vromans
[Quoting Cathelijne en Jeroen Elassaiss-Schaap, on April 2 1901, 23:29, in "Acceptation modules?"] > Nearly four weeks ago I posted an author request with a description of > two modules. From the docs I understand you aim to reply within a week to > 3 weeks. I received an authorID, but no decis

Re: Netscape::Bookmarks

2001-04-09 Thread Johan Vromans
[Quoting Kirrily Skud Robert, on April 2 2001, 20:06, in "Netscape::Bookmarks"] > I wrote a module called Netscape::Bookmarks and never listed it in the > modules list. Then brian d foy came along and wrote another one, and > did list it. I'm fine with that -- brian's got my wholehearted approva

Re: Module Questions

2001-04-10 Thread Johan Vromans
[Quoting Sweth Chandramouli, on April 5 2001, 01:15, in "Module Questions"] > * The first is one that I have been calling Parse::Syslog; > it's a fairly simple OO module that defines some methods for parsing > syslog files by converting each syslog record into a data object with > vaguely ca

Re: What do you think for BO module name ?

2001-04-10 Thread Johan Vromans
[Quoting Jean-Christophe Kermagoret, on April 5 2001, 11:02, in "What do you think fo"] > I suggest the name 'BO' for the module (BO = BabelObjects, it is the > project's name), and I'd like to categorize it in Data_Type_Utilities, > like POE is. Somehow I'd prefer 'BabelObjects'. Can you agree?

Re: Simple Unix::Login module

2001-04-10 Thread Johan Vromans
[Quoting Nathan Wiger, on April 5 2001, 14:25, in "Simple Unix::Login m"] > I just wrote a simple Unix::Login module that simulates a Unix login > prompt and does password validation/optional shell exec, etc. Synopsis: Cute. How 'bout uploading and submitting a DSLI entry? -- Johan

Re: Help!

2001-04-10 Thread Johan Vromans
[Quoting Darren Duncan, on April 6 2001, 20:24, in "re: Help!"] > Therefore I retract my April 4th request for the 3 module Thanks. > Furthermore, I won't make any more registration requests until I have > uploaded the module in question to CPAN (or another public server) in > its finished or

Re: PAUSE Process Changes

2001-04-14 Thread Johan Vromans
Hello Steve, [Quoting Steve Traugott, on April 13 2001, 22:46, in "PAUSE Process Change"] > Your expectations are sensible, I think, and I'd like to propose (or > maybe you've proposed but I haven't seen it?) that the documentation > be revised to match them. Yes, this, and some tactical web

Re: I wanna be an author, I have a package ....

2001-04-15 Thread Johan Vromans
Hi DH, You can find the necessary information in -- Johan

Re: Repost: metadata for my modules

2001-04-15 Thread Johan Vromans
Hi Mike, [Quoting Mike Blazer, on April 8 2001, 02:44, in "Repost: metadata for"] > Win32-perl-shellext bdhnWin32 shell extensions for perl files MBLAZ Is this a module? If so, it should be something like Win32:: -- Johan

Re: PAUSE ID request

2001-04-15 Thread Johan Vromans
[Quoting Matt Sergeant, on March 28 2001, 19:44, in "PAUSE ID request"] > Hi, > > We at would like to have an "AXKIT" PAUSE ID, if possible. Sorry, we do not provide IDs for companies and organisations. -- Johan

Re: request CPAN id REEFKNOT

2001-04-15 Thread Johan Vromans
[Quoting srl, on March 30 2001, 11:45, in "request CPAN id REEF"] > Hi. I'd like to request the CPAN ID REEFKNOT. I'm a team > representative for the Reefknot project, We're sorry, but it is against our policy to provide CPAN ids for companies and organisations. -- Johan

Re: Netscape::Bookmarks

2001-04-15 Thread Johan Vromans
> However, mine keeps showing up in odd places. For instance, I just > received a report that although brian's shows up on, > perl -MCPAN -e 'install Netscape::Bookmarks' installs my version. The problem seems to be that brians Netscape-Bookmarks-0.92.tar.gz does not contain a mo

Re: New module: Devel::Cover

2001-04-15 Thread Johan Vromans
[Quoting Paul Johnson, on April 10 2001, 00:08, in "New module: Devel::C"] > I think the name Devel::Cover might be appropriate. It is a shame that > a certain amount of confusion will probably ensue, How about a specialisation of Devel::Coverage, e.g. Devel::Coverage::RunOps? -- Johan

Re: Namespace registration -

2001-04-15 Thread Johan Vromans
[Quoting [EMAIL PROTECTED], on April 10 2001, 13:03, in "Namespace registrati"] > Lazy Rdprprovides "lazy" scalars, arrays and hashes JENDA Nice. > Should I rename the module and how? Yes, please. I'd suggest to discuss this at comp.lang.perl.modules. -- Johan

Re: Namespace/module list

2001-04-15 Thread Johan Vromans
[Quoting Douglas Sparling, on April 11 2001, 00:52, in "Namespace/module lis"] > Hello, > > When I originally requested a CPAN Id (Oct. 2000) I had listed the > namespace Lutherie::FretCalc. I uploaded this module to my CPAN directory > last month. If this namespace is OK (and the module itself

Re: Repost: metadata for my modules

2001-04-15 Thread Johan Vromans
[Quoting Mike Blazer, on April 15 2001, 21:09, in "Re: Repost: metadata"] > Hi Johan, > > > [Quoting Mike Blazer, on April 8 2001, 02:44, in "Repost: metadata for"] > > > Win32-perl-shellext bdhnWin32 shell extensions for perl files MBLAZ > > > > Is this a module? If so, it should be somet

Re: User update for SRL

2001-04-15 Thread Johan Vromans
Shane, [Quoting Perl Authors Upload Server, on April 10 2001, 21:58, in "User update for SRL"] > (This Mail was generated by the server >;ACTION=edit_cred > automatically) > > Record update in the PAUSE users database: > > userid: [SRL] >fullnam

Re: New author registration request.

2001-04-15 Thread Johan Vromans
Guido, [Quoting Guido Brugnara, on April 13 2001, 13:12, in "New author registrat"] > name: Leader.IT S.r.l. > e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > homepage: > user-ID: LEADER_IT We're sorry, but it is against our policy to provide CPAN ids for companies and organisat

Re: User ANDREWHO - never received password e-mail?

2001-04-15 Thread Johan Vromans
ROTECTED] > homepage: > enteredby: Johan Vromans > > Thanks, Johan! However, in the e-mail it says this: > > Once you've gone through the procedure of password approval (see the > separate mail you should receive about right no

Re: Change of module ownership

2001-11-30 Thread Johan Vromans
[Quoting Raphael Manfredi, on November 29 2001, 23:06, in "Change of module own"] > LockFile::Simple VJ Johan Vromans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ^^ JV :-) -- Johan

Config with properties

2002-03-04 Thread Johan Vromans
Hi, Config::Properties lets you make config files with properties like I have a module that lets you extend this like foo { bar = blech bar.boz = blah = bly } and so on. Nesting is unlimited. Main accessor

Re: Application for CPAN ID

2002-04-15 Thread Johan Vromans
[Quoting Simon Whitaker, on April 14 2002, 21:49, in "Application for CPAN"] > Name: Simon Whitaker > > Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > Homepage: > > Preferred user-ID: SIMONW You already have a CPAN id: SWHITAKER. -- Johan

Re: registration

2002-05-14 Thread Johan Vromans
Hello Ivan, [Quoting Ivan Neulander, on May 14 2002, 10:19, in "registration"] > I've written a module that extends Getopt::Long to handle flags with > multiple sets of whitespace-separated arguments. I have a new version (no release dates, yet) of Getopt::Long in development that allows option


2000-08-09 Thread Johan Vromans
stic, whatever you prefer. Credits --- Mail::Procmail is inspired by Simon Cozen's Mail::Audit, that was inspired by Tom Christiansen's audit_mail and deliverlib programs. Disclaimer -- *** WARNING: THIS IS EXPERIMENTAL SOFTWARE. USE AT YOUR OWN

Re: Mail::Procmail

2000-08-17 Thread Johan Vromans
Any progress with the Mail::Procmail category? -- Johan [Quoting Johan Vromans, on August 9 2000, 11:02, in "Mail::Procmail"] > I've uploaded Mail-Procmail-0.02.tar.gz (module Mail::Procmail) to PAUSE. > ... -- Johan


2000-09-26 Thread Johan Vromans
Hello there... On August 9 I've requested registration of a new module: Mail::Procmail. I didn't get any response. On August 18 I've repeated the question[2] -- still no response. If anyone is at the other ens of this mail alias, please wake up! -- Johan [1]


2000-10-05 Thread Johan Vromans
[Quoting Joshua N Pritikin, on September 26 2000, 12:18, in "Re: RFC"] > On Tue, Sep 26, 2000 at 05:30:13PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > > On August 9 I've requested registration of a new module: > > Mail::Procmail. I didn't get any response. > > > > On August 18 I've repeated the question[2

Re: new category?

2000-10-22 Thread Johan Vromans
"Kurt D. Starsinic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > I agree that a module would be both feasible and useful. However, it seems that getting a module registered is almost impossible. I've been asking for registration of a particular module for several months now, and I either get no answer at

Re: new category?

2000-10-22 Thread Johan Vromans
[Quoting Andreas J. Koenig, on October 22 2000, 17:08, in "Re: new category?"] > You need not > wait for a response. Generally a lack of response can be taken as > acceptance of the module name being proposed. It still doesn't show up o

Re: ID Request

2000-11-27 Thread Johan Vromans
matt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Name: Matt Sanford > email : [EMAIL PROTECTED] > home page: none > preferred User ID: MZSanford Added. > planning to contribute: > -- Modules : > - cdpO - x25 communications in pure perl. Would a Net:: top level be appropriate instead?

Re: Developer registration request.

2000-11-27 Thread Johan Vromans
Hi James, I've created your CPAN id and registered FCGI::ProcManager. I'd like to here some other CPAN admin's opinion on the Stress and PSP top-levels before registering them. -- Johan

Re: ID Request

2000-11-28 Thread Johan Vromans
[Quoting matt, on November 27 2000, 15:44, in "Re: ID Request"] > The module has functions for getting the local system size of > various elements. In all, the module is used to get the byte size of a > pack format string for use with a read statement. The working name of > the module is sizeo

Discrepancies in lists

2000-12-07 Thread Johan Vromans
Hi y'all, I don't know what is going on here, but I cannot explain the following. The search for category Development Support on gives the following list: AutoSplit - Splits modules into files for AutoLoader Benchma

Re: Discrepancies in lists

2000-12-07 Thread Johan Vromans
On Thu, Dec 07, 2000 at 12:36:46PM +, Graham Barr wrote: > On Thu, Dec 07, 2000 at 12:57:49PM +0100, Johan Vromans wrote: > > Any ideas? > > Yes, needs to be updated. Hmm. I would have thought these were dynamically created. -- Johan

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