[Quoting Autrijus Tang, on March 28 2003, 16:14, in "Re: Module submissio"] > Well in fact, sure: > > =for docbook > <method name="clone" type="instance"> > <parameters> > </parameters> > </method>
Technically, this is true. But is this POD? Would you call this C: int foo(int bar) { _asm("..."); _asm("..."); _asm("..."); _asm("..."); } The =begin, =end and =for directives as recognized by POD parsers[1] are designed to add specific extensions to POD. However, when you only use the extensions then POD reduces to the bare mechanism to embed non-perl information in perl programs. The 'danger zone' for Mark's idea is to use POD-like stuctures, which may people trick into thinking they're dealing with POD while in fact they're not. If running OODF through a POD processor produces anything useful, people will think it _is_ POD. Mark writes (http://www.xray.mpe.mpg.de/mailing-lists/modules/2003-03/msg00503.html): > POD is a visual markup language, and therefore information is lost > about what is being documented. Along the same lines, the embedded directives like B<>, I<> are wrong (or at least dangerous) and should be replaced with more descriptive directives. So, I think the bottom line is: either use 100% POD, or make a small POD-compliant extension to POD, or do not try to POD at all. If I were Mark, I would leave POD completely and go for something new. =begin oudf @FILE Java Call In Implementation | This file contains functions of Configuration Manager BeanInfo. @IN_MODULE FF @LOCAL Function Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @FUNC | @COPYRIGHT ACME Corporation <cp> 1998 @OWNER URB @HISTORY Seq Date RefNum Version Who Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @PR 0 | 981001 | e03371 | 7.2.04 | wwo | Initial version taken from the prototype @COMMENTS Sync with '$Id: ConfigManagerBeanBeanInfo.java,v 1.7 1998-12-02 15:31:01+01 jv Exp $' (TAB = 8, INDENT SIZE = 2) @XREF =cut Why not? -- Johan [1] I want to emphasize "as recognized by POD parsers", since perl itself does nothing with any directive.