On Thu, 9 Jun 2016 13:49:37 +0000
Matt S Trout <m...@shadowcat.co.uk> wrote:

> Yes, it should. Poor phrasing on my part, by "don't need to index" I meant
> "don't need to go through the dist looking for files" - at which point
> having no_index at all is unnecessary, and no_index-ing lib/ is just
> weird, and therefore downstream didn't handle it right.

That makes sense. But what means "being indexed"?

In the case of App-Music-ChordPro, there is only one module that
is of public interest (e.g., findable via search). All other modules are
private helpers, so to speak.
However, one of these private modules contains documentation that is
referred to from the public module.

As I understand, "being indexed" means both findable and referrable. And
that is because a documentation link to another module is processed via the

Is it possible to have a module that is referrable but not publicly

-- Johan

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