Re: [Mjpeg-users] Without the hardware....

2004-10-26 Thread Robert Kesterson
. Capture with whatever you like, and use the mjpegtools for encoding. -- Robert Kesterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- This email is sponsored by: IT Product Guide on ITManagersJournal Use IT products in your business? Tell us what you thi

Re: [Mjpeg-users] howto copy my own dvd?

2004-11-01 Thread Robert Kesterson
e resulting iso with your favorite burning software. That's what I do to copy mine, anyway. (Substitute whatever your device node is for /dev/dvd. -- Robert Kesterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- This SF.Net email is sponsored by: Syba

Re: [Mjpeg-users] SMILUtils patches

2006-04-27 Thread Robert Kesterson
uild the latest CVS of smilutils just fine on my system, which has gcc 4.0.3 on it (system is Ubuntu dapper, if that matters). If you're sure it's all the latest, maybe post the error message you're getting? -- R

Re: [Mjpeg-users] Converting from various files to DVD files?

2006-08-22 Thread Robert Kesterson
le framerate for DVD (either 24 or 29.97), so you won't be able to convert directly from those files. -- Robert Kesterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Using Tomcat but need to do more? Need to support web services, securi

Re: [Mjpeg-users] Expectations, Doubts, Basic Concepts

2002-12-10 Thread Robert Kesterson
analog sources did (probably due to the denoising and cropping out the "tape noise" at the edges). I wouldn't trade my Canopus box for anything right now. (OK, well, maybe ... :-) -- Robert Kesterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: [Mjpeg-users] Expectations, Doubts, Basic Concepts

2002-12-11 Thread Robert Kesterson
h one of the external units. > And I take it that you would recommend the canopus product with > linux then? Absolutely. It took me a bit of work to get it going because my motherboard was faulty, but once I got a good motherboard in here, it was just plug and play. Works great. I lo

Re: [Mjpeg-users] Expectations, Doubts, Basic Concepts

2002-12-11 Thread Robert Kesterson
t; any otherformat. And you could do it without having to run your primary display through a TV-Out. -- Robert Kesterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- This email is sponsored by: With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility Learn to us

Re: [Mjpeg-users] Authoring SVCDs or DVDs from an MPEG4 source

2002-12-14 Thread Robert Kesterson
On Sat, 14 Dec 2002, Laurent Pinchart wrote: > > I'm trying to author an SVCD or DVD from an MPEG4 avi file. > ... > I thus ended doing something like this: > > mkfifo yuvfifo > transcode -i myavifile -x ffmpeg,null -y yuv4mpeg -z -o yuvfifo & > cat yuvfifo | yuvscale -O SVCD | mpeg2enc -f 4 [...]

Re: [Mjpeg-users] PAL to NTSC

2002-12-22 Thread Robert Kesterson
On 21 Dec 2002, Jay Bloodworth wrote: > > I need to convert some PAL high-quality divx AVIs to SCVD mpeg. I've not done SVCD, but here's a script that I use for converting PAL DivX to NTSC VCD. Change flags as needed to get SVCD instead and you should be off and running. Uses mplayer. This will

[Mjpeg-users] Encoding to DVD: Two questions

2002-12-22 Thread Robert Kesterson
16 -g 6 -G 18 \ -P -I 1 -o "${1%.smil}.m2v" -v 1 mplex -f 8 -o "${1%.smil}_%02d.mpeg" "${1%.smil}.mp2" "${1%.smil}.m2v" end of --- -- Robert Kesterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Re: [Mjpeg-users] any mpeg2 encoder faster than mpeg2enc?

2002-12-31 Thread Robert Kesterson
rategic points Andrew mentioned and you're > all set. Or you can just use "dd obs=10m" where "obs" is the buffer size you want. I think "dd" is standard on most distros. Works for me, anyway (Debian unstable). -- Robert Kesterson [EMAIL

Re: [Mjpeg-users] Video-encoding questions (mostly DVD related)

2003-01-18 Thread Robert Kesterson
tch to the developer mailing list? > It seems to me that most people would want > that sort of control over where chapter marks get inserted. No? Indeed that would be handy. If nothing else, post your patch here and I'll use it. :-) -- Robert Kesterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Re: [Mjpeg-users] Video-encoding questions (mostly DVD related)

2003-01-19 Thread Robert Kesterson
-a "${1%.smil}.mp2" "$1" >stream.yuv & cat stream.yuv | yuvdenoise -S 0 -b 4,4,696,468 | y4mshift -n 8 >video.yuv & cat video.yuv | mpeg2enc -S 400 -B 384 -q 4 -b 1 -f 8 -r 16 \ -4 4 -2 4 -N -I 1 -o "${1%.smil}.m2v" -v 1 mplex -f 8 -o

Re: [Mjpeg-users] DivX to VCD

2003-01-19 Thread Robert Kesterson
list for "mplayer -vo yuv4mpeg" (use the "require all words" option on the search results) and you'll find a lot of info, including this url with a script that you can use for SVCD, and with minor mods to VCD:

Re: [Mjpeg-users] Video-encoding questions (mostly DVD related)

2003-01-20 Thread Robert Kesterson
ct undeclared, predict_ref.h not found, etc.) > Andrew -- Robert Kesterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- This SF.NET email is sponsored by: FREE SSL Guide from Thawte are you planning your Web Server Security? Click here to get a FREE Th

Re: [Mjpeg-users] Compiling CVS

2003-01-21 Thread Robert Kesterson
? > > regards > Markus I don't know about "normal", but if it's any comfort, I get the same error. I think there's some files not checked in or something. (There were some very large changes recently in CVS.) -- Robert Kesterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: [Mjpeg-developer] Re: [Mjpeg-users] Compiling CVS

2003-01-21 Thread Robert Kesterson
lp. The problem is that (as Markus noted) there are files being included that just aren't there. -- Robert Kesterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- This email is sponsored by: Scholarships for Techies! Can't afford IT training? All

Re: [Mjpeg-users] MPEG2 encoder comparison

2003-01-25 Thread Robert Kesterson
in one pass. (Gotta hand it to CCE, though -- it was faster overall using three pases than mpeg2enc was in one.) Considering CCE is $large and closed source, I'll take mpeg2enc -- especially since I hear good things (like multipass encoding) are planned for future development. :-) --

Re: [Mjpeg-users] MPEG2 encoder comparison

2003-01-31 Thread Robert Kesterson
ird the time it takes mpeg2enc to make a single pass. (Though there might be lots of other reasons for that, since I didn't run their test encode that gave that time on my machine, as I don't have CCE.) -- Robert Kesterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: RE: [Mjpeg-users] denoise -> green?

2003-01-31 Thread Robert Kesterson
ay that there just isn't any, but certainly not enough that I've noticed it, if there is any.) -- Robert Kesterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- This SF.NET email is sponsored by: SourceForge Enterprise Edition + IBM +

Re: [Mjpeg-users] DV standard / more

2003-02-04 Thread Robert Kesterson
SECAM ? DV is different for PAL vs NTSC, just like analog video (resolution and frame rate). There are software tools out there that will convert from one to the other in DV (Canopus has one, for example). -- Robert Kesterson [EMA

RE: [Mjpeg-users] DV standard / more (fwd)

2003-02-04 Thread Robert Kesterson
it done. If all he wants to do is make something watchable, he can probably just lie about the frame rate and encode it at 24fps instead of 25. I've done that to convert PAL stuff before, and it worked fine on my NTSC DVD player. The speedup wasn't enough that I noticed much differenc

Re: [Mjpeg-users] Quality from my old video camera and the -d setting

2003-02-05 Thread Robert Kesterson
On Wed, 5 Feb 2003, Selva Nair wrote: > > I too have often wondered about moving all my dvd tapes into DVD-R in > dv format. For archiving, which medium is more reliable? DVD or > tape? You're kidding, right? -- Robert Kesterson

Re: [Mjpeg-users] Quality from my old video camera and the -d setting

2003-02-05 Thread Robert Kesterson
At least with DVD I know I've got something that's already digital, so if some new storage technology comes along that obsoletes DVD, all I have to do is copy them over. Plus as long as I don't scratch them up, their shelf life is very long

Re: [Mjpeg-users] Looking for editting tool (was Re: using dv withthe mjpegtools)

2003-02-06 Thread Robert Kesterson
the resulting Kino edit list through smilutils, the audio can be split out and processed however you like before mplexing it back together into MPEG. -- Robert Kesterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- This SF.NET email is sponsored by: SourceForge

Re: [Mjpeg-users] Looking for editting tool (was Re: using dv withthe mjpegtools)

2003-02-09 Thread Robert Kesterson
s, you get the edited video. You can then mplex that back together with the original audio and you're all set. > Thanks again, > Bill No problem. I am a relative newcomer to all this stuff myself, so there may be easier way, but so far I can make it do what I need without mu

[Mjpeg-users] Some (simple but handy) tools available

2003-02-09 Thread Robert Kesterson
overnight actually encoded all the way without errors. You can find all of them plus links to related tools and a more detailed readme and overview at I hope somebody else finds them useful. :-) -- Robert Kesterson [EMAIL

Re: [Mjpeg-users] Questions (catching up after 1 1/2 weeks)

2003-02-11 Thread Robert Kesterson
t the case with mjpeg video, but > that is my experience with DV. It helps a great deal on stuff coming off VHS tape, though. :-) > I hesitate to call *anything* perfect, but for my money, the Canopus, > dvgrab, kino and mjpegtools is it for me. Yep. I'm a happy camper with tha

Re: [Mjpeg-users] How to extract 1 frame from MPEG file to JPEG file

2003-02-11 Thread Robert Kesterson
mtoppm or pipe the output y4mtoppm through pnmsplit and > select the required frame. Or you could do: mplayer -vo png -frames 1 movie.mpg to save the first frame as a png, or mplayer -vo png -ss 60 -frames 10 movie.png to seek 60 seconds into the movie, then dump 10 frames as

Re: [Mjpeg-users] How to extract 1 frame from MPEG file to JPEG file

2003-02-11 Thread Robert Kesterson
On Tue, 11 Feb 2003, Selva Nair wrote: > On Tue, 11 Feb 2003, Robert Kesterson wrote: > > > > Or you could do: > >mplayer -vo png -ss 60 -frames 10 movie.png > > to seek 60 seconds into the movie, then dump 10 frames as png images. > > Does that really work for

Re: [Mjpeg-users] yuvdenoise -l

2003-02-12 Thread Robert Kesterson
On Wed, 12 Feb 2003, Edouard Chalaron wrote: > > Hi all, > What the -l stands for in yuvdenoise ? low-pass threshold. See "yuvdenoise --help". -- Robert Kesterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- This SF.NET email is sponso

Re: [Mjpeg-users] transcoding from avi to divx (miro dc30+)

2003-02-12 Thread Robert Kesterson
(and does a pretty good job of it, too). -- Robert Kesterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- This SF.NET email is sponsored by: SourceForge Enterprise Edition + IBM + LinuxWorld = Something 2 See!

Re: [Mjpeg-users] CVS status

2003-02-18 Thread Robert Kesterson
atest at the moment, but it's not more than a month old or so and works great as far as I can tell.) -- Robert Kesterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- This email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven.

[Mjpeg-users] Mpeg2enc segfaulting, I'm stumped.

2003-02-20 Thread Robert Kesterson
Still no go. Does anyone have any ideas on how to track this down? The one thing I *haven't* done yet that I suppose would be a good idea is run it inside GDB, so at least I could see *where* it's segfaulting. (Will go try that...) If it matters : Gigabyte GA7DXR motherboard, Athlo

Re: [Mjpeg-users] Mpeg2enc segfaulting, I'm stumped.

2003-02-20 Thread Robert Kesterson
The odd thing, though, is that it's only these three smil files that consistently segfault. It ran fine on all the others from the same capture session. -- Robert Kesterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- This email is sponsored by: Slic

Re: [Mjpeg-users] Mpeg2enc segfaulting, I'm stumped.

2003-02-21 Thread Robert Kesterson
have caused this, but it definitely work now where it didn't before. Very strange, but I'm just glad it works! -- Robert Kesterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- This email is sponsored by: SlickEdit Inc. Develop an edge. The most co

Re: [Mjpeg-users] Need help with script

2003-02-24 Thread Robert Kesterson
On Mon, 24 Feb 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > > Plus maybe a way to get rid of the need for a stream.yuv file since it > is big and I have been unable to pipe straight from mplayer-mpeg2enc. Make stream.yuv a fifo, then pipe from that. For example: mkfifo stream.yuv mplayer -nosound -benc

Re: [Mjpeg-users] Need help with script

2003-02-24 Thread Robert Kesterson
of buffer sizes. Trust me, if you're using -vo yuv4mpeg, there isn't any video data coming out of mplayer's stdout, so there's nothing meaningful going into mpeg2enc. -- Robert Kesterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- This s

Re: [Mjpeg-users] difficulty appending, encoding

2003-03-21 Thread Robert Kesterson
for my VHS to DVD conversions -- splitting it into several smaller jobs (about 10 minutes each) and burning them all as chapters. Works like a charm, and I never have any file size issues anywhere along the way. -- Robert Kesterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: [Mjpeg-users] Filter out TV-Logos ?

2003-03-27 Thread Robert Kesterson
for that area and setting the whole "block" to that color. Works great for me, YMMV. It won't remove a logo, but it will blur and blend it into the surrounding enough that it's not so obnoxious. -- Robert Kesterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: [Mjpeg-users] [OT] DVD Writer recommendation

2003-03-31 Thread Robert Kesterson
DVD+R and DVD-R equally well, and they both play fine in my DVD player. The fun part is tweaking mjpegtools command chains to get everything "just right". :-) -- Robert Kesterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- This email

Re: [Mjpeg-users] FollowUp: Compile problems RH 9.0 system

2003-04-09 Thread Robert Kesterson
On 9 Apr 2003, Ed Weinberg wrote: > > Will mjpegtools compile on an Athlon system? My two Athlon systems love mjpegtools. :-) -- Robert Kesterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- This email is sponsored by: Etnus, makers of TotalVie

Re: [Mjpeg-users] Converting ASF to a format usable by MJPEGtools

2003-06-10 Thread Robert Kesterson
for one, frame rate adjustment for another). -- Robert Kesterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- This email is sponsored by: Etnus, makers of TotalView, The best thread debugger on the planet. Designed with thread debugging features you'v

Re: [Mjpeg-users] spam on the list (was boasts)

2003-08-14 Thread Robert Kesterson
I'll only get 99! :-) :-) :-) -- Robert Kesterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- This SF.Net email sponsored by: Free pre-built ASP.NET sites including Data Reports, E-commerce, Portals, and Forums are available now. Download today and enter to

Re: [Mjpeg-users] Help urgently needed

2003-09-15 Thread Robert Kesterson
ey, I'd buy the software version of Studio 8 and get a capture card seperately. At least here locally, you'd save a few bucks that way. Thank you very much in advance for your support. Best regards Guido Markus Maier -- Robert Kesterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: [Mjpeg-users] Help urgently needed

2003-09-15 Thread Robert Kesterson
+ Firewire card work for both - analog camcorder and digital camcorder. Yes. Firewire does DV. ADVC-100 converts analog to DV. So you could do both. -- Robert Kesterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- This email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek W

Re: [Mjpeg-users] VCD 2500vbr better quality than SVCD

2003-10-09 Thread Robert Kesterson
the whole issue will disappear ;-) No it won't. You'll have more bitrate and capacity to play with, but you'll still be looking for ways to get the most out of it. At least I do. For a lot of things, 4.7GB seems awfully small. -- Robe

Re: [Mjpeg-users] DVDAuthor and mpeg2's generated with -f 9

2003-10-22 Thread Robert Kesterson
. Bit-rate defaults to 7500kbps, buffer sizes to the maximum permitted by the DVD specification. -- Robert Kesterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- This email is sponsored by OSDN developer relations Here's your chance to sh

Re: [Mjpeg-users] DVDAuthor and mpeg2's generated with -f 9

2003-10-22 Thread Robert Kesterson
I do recall this changing, but I don't recall when. It's been a while. I'm using the CVS version, but I thought those options were in the release version the same way? -- Robert Kesterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- This SF.

[Mjpeg-users] Confused about DVD bitrates

2003-12-11 Thread Robert Kesterson
uch* smaller file (roughly half)! Don't misunderstand, I'm thrilled if this is expected behaviour -- I'm just concerned that something is horribly wrong somewhere. Any thoughts? -- Robert Kesterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- This

Re: [Mjpeg-users] Remuxing split VCD-files

2004-01-04 Thread Robert Kesterson
On Mon, 05 Jan 2004 00:05:50 +0100, Lehmeier Michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On Sat, 2004-01-03 at 18:13, Robert Kesterson wrote: On Sat, 03 Jan 2004 16:01:28 +0100, Lehmeier Michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > My problem: They have been split at a later time without care,