[Mjpeg-users] Zoran drivers (Buz) + AMD chipsets

2003-08-15 Thread Matthew Caron
(Disclaimer - I am new to this list. If this should be on developers, yell at me and I will take it there) There seems to be lots of discussion about Via vs. Intel vs. SIS, but no one mentions AMD. Has anyone tried/gotten any of the Zoran cards to work with an AMD chipset board? Specifically, I

Re: [Mjpeg-users] Zoran drivers (Buz) + AMD chipsets

2003-08-15 Thread Matthew Caron
Bernhard Praschinger (<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) has a Tyan 2466-4M with two MP-2400 (if memory serves me correctly) cpus and TWO mjpeg capture cards plus two sound cards. The last I heard it was working very well. Then I wonder if it's just that the Buz is flaky (which

Re: [Mjpeg-users] Zoran drivers (Buz) + AMD chipsets - never mind

2003-08-15 Thread Matthew Caron
I've made progress with this enough that I can capture a few minutes of video with Lavrec. I'm still dropping frames all over and it dies after a few minutes, but I remember seeing a whole bunch of stuff about this in the archives, so I will go look there. Thanks for the help, folks

Re: [Mjpeg-users] Zoran drivers (Buz) + AMD chipsets

2003-08-16 Thread Matthew Caron
Hallo I was offline for about one day. It's okay. I appreciate the response. The AMD chipset was not known to have any issues until now. Usually the AMD chipsets work quite reliabel. I've discovered 2 issues with the 760MPX 1.) Depending on how nice your devices play on the 64bit/66MHz PC

Re: [Mjpeg-users] Zoran drivers (Buz) + AMD chipsets

2003-08-16 Thread Matthew Caron
No, I didn't. No one told me to :-) However, the same thing happens. At -d 4, lavrec only drops approx 500 frames/sec (as opposed to the 1000 it was doing before) and at -d 2 it does exactly what it did before. Ronald Bultje wrote: Hi Matthew, On Sat, 2003-08-16 at 16:50, Matthew Caron

Re: [Mjpeg-users] Zoran drivers (Buz) + AMD chipsets

2003-08-16 Thread Matthew Caron
Well, I guess the card cannot keep up then. CVS has some PCI optimizations for the Buz, as does 0.9.4. If it doesn't work with them, it unfortunately won't work at all, I'm affraid. Fair enough. Face it: the Buz is picky. :-(. Which is why it was discontinued, from what I gather. I don't know how

Re: [Mjpeg-users] Zoran drivers (Buz) + AMD chipsets

2003-08-17 Thread Matthew Caron
My MPX board only has a 10/100 3Com 905C Ethernet Adapter. And I use the 64Bit version of the Adaptec SCIS Controller. I have not noticed any problems because of that (or at least I think so) The 10/100 controller is slaved to the 32bit/33Mhz bus. So, you only have one thing on the 64/66, which,

Re: [Mjpeg-users] Zoran drivers (Buz) + AMD chipsets

2003-08-17 Thread Matthew Caron
For some strange reason the on my TYAN MPX Baord the SB-Life always has own interrupt. While the BUZ always shares it's interrupt with the 3Com 905 and es1371 devices. I've found that it depends on the slot you put it in. Counting from top PCI slot, I've got the Buz in slot 3 (first 32/33 slot),

Re: [Mjpeg-users] Zoran drivers (Buz) + AMD chipsets

2003-08-17 Thread Matthew Caron
64Bit PCI devices are hard to find. I don't have a other device. I can't test it, sorry. Oh, I'm not asking you to test anything like that - I was just telling you for future reference. We've already done that at work. I've taken a look at that datasheet. I guess you reffer to the topic: Southbri

Re: [Mjpeg-users] mjpegtools cvs module ?

2003-08-17 Thread Matthew Caron
mjpeg_play is what I checked out and seems to work. Also, if you're using the zoran driver, you need the ZORAN_VIDEODEV_2 branch of driver-zoran. Steffen Barszus wrote: Hi! I just thought that I want to try mjpegtools in th eCVS version. It seems I'm a bit blind, so if anyone would tell me whi

Re: [Mjpeg-users] Zoran drivers (Buz) + AMD chipsets

2003-08-17 Thread Matthew Caron
I know. It's very strange. I will try it in another slot. I tried it in all other slots, with varying degrees of success. Starting from slot 3 (top PCI slot Sound card is in slot 5 (one from bottom) 3 - as described before - lots of dropped frames at -d 4, nothing at -d 2 4 - Better - got

Re: [Mjpeg-users] Zoran drivers (Buz) + AMD chipsets

2003-08-17 Thread Matthew Caron
Slot 4 sounds to have some optional possibility of luck. Could you try disabling ACPI in your BIOS? Tried it; no difference. -- Writing a network stack from scratch is quite fun. ~~ Matt Caron ~~ --- This SF.Net email sponsored by: Free pre-bui

Re: [Mjpeg-users] mirovideo DRX]

2003-08-19 Thread Matthew Caron
Then, insmod zoran.o gives: zoran.o: unresolved symbol videocodec_attach zoran.o: unresolved symbol videocodec_detach It seems like the videocodec module is not being loaded. Do modprobe zoran. It will automagically load dependant modules. -- Don't let the magic smoke out!!! http://www.catb.org/~es

Re: [Mjpeg-users] JVC switcher & Intel vs AMD

2003-09-17 Thread Matthew Caron
My first question is just whether there are any strong reasons to get AMD vs. Intel CPUs? Yes. AMD gives you more bang for your buck. I'll probably be getting a dual-CPU system if that has a bearing on this question. This is an even better reason to get an AMD system. caveat: This was true for a

Re: [Mjpeg-users] Re: JVC switcher & Intel vs AMD

2003-09-18 Thread Matthew Caron
Thanks. That's what I'd heard in the past (which is why my desktop system is a Dual 2000+ system, but I wasn't sure whether this was still considered to be true. I'd say that it is still considered to be true. Supports all current Athlon MP CPU's, and has a separate 64bit/66Mhz PCI bus, which is

Re: [Mjpeg-users] Re: IDE RAID for vid capture

2003-09-18 Thread Matthew Caron
However, the 3ware cards, unless 3ware has introduced a cheap version (I've not heard of it) are true real hardware raid. I've got one in my pvr right now, it's an older 2 port model that isn't anywhere near as fast as it's more modern cousins, but it's true full hardware RAID, and only cost me ab

Re: [Mjpeg-users] Re: JVC switcher & Intel vs AMD

2003-09-23 Thread Matthew Caron
on the new system. So, I'm willing to adapt my thinking if it's a waste of effort to do a RAID-0. Would a Raid-3, or Raid-1 setup be beneficial? Assuming real hardware control, a RAID-1 won't impose additional load, but (aside from the improved performance of a higher quality caching disk contr

Re: [Mjpeg-users] Re: JVC switcher & Intel vs AMD

2003-09-23 Thread Matthew Caron
Ah, ok - I thought that might be the case but wasn't sure (it doesn't make a lot of sense to do RAID-5 for video capture that I can see ;)). - speed (okay, simple striping can do that) - space (ditto for simple striping) - redundancy - Sure, you might not need it for video capture, but there's

Re: [Mjpeg-users] Re: JVC switcher & Intel vs AMD

2003-09-23 Thread Matthew Caron
For _that_ I just burn the iso/udf image out to a DVD+RW ;) But then you have to re-rip it. Boooring. :-) Do I NEED seven computers? Heck no. But, I still have them. :-) Nor do I (well, a couple of 'em are PDP-11s so video encoding is, uh, just slightly out of the question :)). :-