no default httpd.conf?

2018-05-16 Thread justina colmena
I just recently installed OpenBSD 6.3, and I was looking for an example httpd.conf, but I did not find one. The manual page does document more or less how to create one, but there still appears to be some lack of ease and safety putting up a basic web page with dynamic content (I am most used to PH

Re: no default httpd.conf?

2018-05-17 Thread justina colmena
On Thu, 17 May 2018 11:26:54 + (UTC) Stuart Henderson wrote: > No need to run multiple copies of php-fpm yourself, it handles multi > uid itself. Various ways to handle chroot as well, you can chroot them > separately, or use a shared chroot and rely on permissions. This > should give you some

Re: Viewport for -- readability on phones

2018-05-18 Thread justina colmena
On Fri, 18 May 2018 23:50:24 +0300 Mihai Popescu wrote: > I have tested it on someone's Safari/iOS for iPhone, out of curiosity. > It takes the full screen. Looking at the font in the posted > screenshots i think it is Android in question. > > If it is not a secret, what runs behind man.openbsd.

Re: Viewport for -- readability on phones

2018-05-19 Thread justina colmena That's the css. You style it how you like it. That's the whole point of it. And I agree. It's very readable on my phone. Original message From: Mihai Popescu Date: 5/18/18 11:04 PM (GMT-09:00) To: Subject: Re: Viewport for m

multiple manpaths for man.cgi?

2018-05-19 Thread justina colmena
I was looking for more man pages, so I copied the ones in /usr/X11R6/man and /usr/local/man over to /var/www/man and listed them in manpath.conf as instructed. So now they are available here. Several issues here: 1.) The search is not falling through

Re: multiple manpaths for man.cgi?

2018-05-19 Thread justina colmena
On Sat, 19 May 2018 18:01:11 + justina colmena wrote: > 3.) The links are not generated in the "see also" section for pages on > the second and third manpaths. Okay. This looks like more of an issue with the man pages themselves... which just don't happen to be as fanc

Re: Intranet routing with dynamic IPs

2018-05-20 Thread justina colmena
What's this? Is there a giant email cock-up at 4:30am in the  ??? Or is someone trying to pass a certain proprietary networking IT training cert?      --> /var/www/cgi-bin/bgplg *They* do not exactly want the BSD freeloaders looking at this stuff. Somebody might need to tsl

socket permissions inside /var/www chroot

2018-05-21 Thread justina colmena
I am trying to tighten down some of the permissions for the listening sockets for various web applications which are chrooted to /var/www. It appears that httpd (which runs as user www and group www) refuses to connect to a fastcgi socket unless the socket's user and group are also www:www. (I do

Re: socket permissions inside /var/www chroot

2018-05-22 Thread justina colmena
On Tue, 22 May 2018 06:04:57 +0300 IL Ka wrote: > I am definitely not an expert in this field, but here are some > thoughts: Exactly. There is always more than one way to skin a cat. I'm not looking for a perfectly spelled out "solution" I must follow to the letter. > So, you can create "_fastcgi

Re: opensmtpd / ldap unreliable

2018-05-22 Thread justina colmena
On Tue, 22 May 2018 18:13:23 -0700 "Paul B. Henson" wrote: > If the ldap server isn't available when opensmtpd is started, it says > it started: > > # /etc/rc.d/smtpd start Then apparently you should have done # /etc/rc.d/ldapd start or preferably # rcctl start ldapd first. Are you enablin

utf-8 support in OpenBSD's httpd

2018-05-23 Thread justina colmena
My question is: How can I get OpenBSD's httpd to serve a particular file, or all files of a particular extension, as the case may be, with the following HTTP header? Content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 I have written a simple "hello-world" PHP script which creates a table and inserts some dat

Re: utf-8 support in OpenBSD's httpd

2018-05-23 Thread justina colmena
Original message From: Larry Hynes Date: 5/23/18 10:03 AM (GMT-09:00) To: justina colmena Subject: Re: utf-8 support in OpenBSD's httpd > I think the usual response to this is "use relayd to add headers".> There's a > hack here, that works: &

Re: httpd match pattern issue

2018-05-24 Thread justina colmena
On Thu, 24 May 2018 16:47:46 +0200 Thuban wrote: > Hello, > I need to redirect some URLS with httpd. As example : > > /test/?d=2018/05/02/13/14/50-some-title > > Must be redirected to /2018/05/02/some-title > > My problem is that "?" is never matched. > > Here is the pattern I use : >

Re: Viewport for -- readability on phones

2018-05-24 Thread justina colmena
On Wed, 23 May 2018 11:47:47 +0200 Marko Cupać wrote: > I am sure OpenBSD will correct their errors in html/css code, if any, Right now, fails html validation. There are several

Re: acme-client new cert error

2018-05-26 Thread justina colmena
On Sat, 26 May 2018 09:14:35 -0700 Scott Vanderbilt wrote: > On 5/26/2018 4:54 AM, Stuart Henderson wrote: > > > doesn't respond on port 80. (And if I can't > > fetch it, letsencrypt's checkers are also unlikely to be able to). > > > > Firewall issue? > > Oh, FFS. > > Y

Re: Limit CPU usage of a process?

2018-05-27 Thread justina colmena
On May 27, 2018 2:07:16 AM AKDT, Maximilian Pichler wrote: >Is it possible to limit the CPU usage of a given process to, say, 20%? > >I'd like to slow down the web browser since it is draining my laptop's >battery. With enough tabs open it's often consuming ~50% of CPU but >not doing anything pro

Re: acme-client new cert error

2018-05-27 Thread justina colmena
On May 27, 2018 2:21:13 PM AKDT, Stuart Henderson wrote: >certbot used to just be called "letsencrypt" and was some kind of joint >EFF/letsencrypt development, hence the close relationship. That's fine. If certbot may be used with other CAs, and if letsencrypt is willing to issue certs on reques

Re: Autocompletion with pass in ksh

2018-05-28 Thread justina colmena
On Sun, 6 May 2018 06:33:13 +0200 Niels Kobschaetzki wrote: > pass ( is a password manager Did you mean (no hyphen)? "the standard unix password manager" It depends on GnuPG, which is a GNU project. If this is part

Re: relayd(8) relay to unix domain socket

2018-06-02 Thread justina colmena
On Sun, 3 Jun 2018 00:57:11 +0300 IL Ka wrote: > Is it possible to relay to unix domain socket using relayd(8)? > It seems that relayd(8) only works with protocols on top of IP. That's a good question. A similar question I would have is whether it is able to relay connections arbitrarily between

Re: System crash freeze after patching OpenBSD 6.3

2018-06-02 Thread justina colmena
On June 2, 2018 5:44:01 PM AKDT, Joseph Olatt wrote: >Hi, > >My system started crashing and freezing after applying the latest >patch. >Only a hard reset by pressing the power button brings the system back. >The symptoms seem identical to that described in: > >

Re: Send public IP / Alias / Reported in Round Robin manner

2018-06-05 Thread justina colmena
On June 5, 2018 7:22:05 AM AKDT, Berry Wendermouth wrote: >When I check for the public ip [2] the original IP "A" is constantly >reported. This will likely be the case until the ttl on the original dns record expires. >When I check from a connected VPN client the public IP is returned in >a "Rou

Re: OpenBSD logo on my private hompage. It is allowed?

2018-06-07 Thread justina colmena
On June 7, 2018 3:27:30 PM AKDT, Johannes Krottmayer wrote: >Hallo, > >Thanks! I have read over that. > >Best regards, >Johannes Krottmayer > >On Thu, Jun 07, 2018 At 18:23:31 -0500, Constantine A. Murenin wrote: >> On 7 June 2018 at 17:36, Johannes Krottmayer >wrote: >>> Can I use the OpenBSD lo

Re: OpenBSD logo on my private hompage. It is allowed?

2018-06-07 Thread justina colmena
On June 7, 2018 4:44:21 PM AKDT, Edgar Pettijohn III wrote: > > >On 06/07/18 18:51, justina colmena wrote: >> On June 7, 2018 3:27:30 PM AKDT, Johannes Krottmayer > wrote: >>> Hallo, >>> >>> Thanks! I have read over that. >>> >>> Bes