On Tue, 22 May 2018 06:04:57 +0300
IL Ka <kazakevichi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am definitely not an expert in this field, but here are some
> thoughts:
Exactly. There is always more than one way to skin a cat. I'm not
looking for a perfectly spelled out "solution" I must follow to the

> So, you can create "_fastcgi" group, add www to this group, and
> configure php-fpm
> to create socket with this group (it must be main group of user used
> by php-fpm).
I was thinking more the other way around: creating a "_fastcgi"
*user* and inviting that user into the "www" group. 

> See listen.group and listen.mode options.
These are a little odd because OpenBSD's httpd apparently refuses to
connect to the php fastcgi socket unless these are both set to "www"
in /etc/php-fpm.conf

> In PHP world maybe, but for Python/Django Postgres is default
> database.
Sure. There are plenty of good reasons to consider languages other than
PHP for the web.

> Again, you can add _postgres to some group, and give it permissions to
> create socket in this folder.
Very good observation.

> > although the chrooted user must specify the username together with a
> > dummy password (which is not used) to connect to the socket inside
> > the chroot, apparently because there is no access to /etc/passwd
> > or /etc/group inside the chroot.
> >  
> /etc/passwd must be accessed by postgres (which is not chrooted,
> right?) but not by client.
> Client (php) just opens socket file, and postgres uses openbsd API to
> get its user id.

The client (inside the chroot) has its numeric userid, but cannot
even look up its own username (in /etc/passwd) from inside the chroot to
supply to PostgreSQL for the connection. That's why it must be specified
manually from within the chroot.

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