On June 7, 2018 3:27:30 PM AKDT, Johannes Krottmayer <krj...@gmail.com> wrote: >Hallo, > >Thanks! I have read over that. > >Best regards, >Johannes Krottmayer > >On Thu, Jun 07, 2018 At 18:23:31 -0500, Constantine A. Murenin wrote: >> On 7 June 2018 at 17:36, Johannes Krottmayer <krj...@gmail.com> >wrote: >>> Can I use the OpenBSD logo on my homepage? It is allowed? >>> I can't find any information about this plan. >> >> http://www.openbsd.org/art1.html has all the details. >> >> C. >>
" ... it is our intent that anyone be able to use these images to represent OpenBSD in a positive light -- but do not make profit from them.... " The no-profit clause is new. Sounds like I'd better dump OpenBSD entirely if I want to make a profit at any sort of business or keep any of my private information private or retain any of MY intellectual property for my own use. There's a giant hole in my pocket that needs to be sewn up. Not sure where to go. The lawyers are coming out like alligators from the Florida swamps. This is as bad as SCO and groklaw. OpenBSD is for non-profit use only. Thank you for bringing that to my attention. -- https://www.colmena.biz/~justina/contacto.php