-------- Original message --------From: Larry Hynes <la...@larryhynes.com>
Date: 5/23/18 10:03 AM (GMT-09:00) To: justina colmena <just...@colmena.biz>
Subject: Re: utf-8 support in OpenBSD's httpd
> I think the usual response to this is "use relayd to add headers".> There's a
> hack here, that works:
> https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-tech&m=150263245318202&w=2
> For personal stuff, I just add a byte order mark to the head of text files.
I like the relayd suggestion, as someone else also mentionedbecause you didn't
post to the list.
Technically you shouldn't be doing anything wrong by addingbyte order mark,
because anything that interprets utf-8 is reallysupposed to accept a BOM.
The thing to verify is that the BOM doesn't cause the PHPinterpreter to pass it
through as output before the opening "<?php" tag, forfeiting the opportunity to
declare headers, andpossibly causing the xml to be invalid by occurring before
theopening "<?xml" tag of the generated output.