I believe Tim draegan from DMARCian would probably have all of them covered
in between his clients and so will Agari and Returnpath. They might be
willing to share.
On Jun 8, 2017 21:24, "Laura Atkins" wrote:
Thank you to everyone who responded!
On Jun 8, 2017, at 10:33 AM, John Levine wrote:
I am trying to report a phishing incident (someone spoofing docusign with a
cousin domain docusgn.com, malicious link also hosted on godaddy) and your
web interface fails to accept the report. please contact me off-list.
Gil Bahat,
Magisto Ltd
One of my clients experiences a mutual drop from proofpoint (both sending
to proofpoint and receiving from proofpoint to gapps). Please contact me
Gil Bahat
mailop mailing list
mage: Powered by Sigstr]
> <https://inboxpros.sigstr.net/uc/57bde77d825be96f3e8e5be5/watermark>
> On Mon, Jan 30, 2017 at 11:32 AM, Gil Bahat wrote:
>> I had good luck by subscribing to naver and opening a ticket. You may
>> need to pass a Korean captcha, which you
I had good luck by subscribing to naver and opening a ticket. You may need
to pass a Korean captcha, which you can do by redrawing characters in any
draw-based input method
On Jan 30, 2017 5:57 PM, "Zack Aab" wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm working with a very high volume sender who sends to Korea and
I would email TWNIC and ask them whether they are aware what is the right
abuse contact for HINET. it's pretty obvious that a NIC cannot conduct
investigations in registered networks, but it is likely that they do have a
valid contact.
You're right that it's silly to advertise a pointless IRT recor
virustotal flags these as
suspect. I believe the repercussions for sending purported malware on
deliverability can be very bad, but I suspect that no inbound spam
filtering will prevent the problem.
thoughts/suggestions welcome.
Gil Bahat,
Director of Online Operations,
crap" about any blacklist -- and you could even be correct some of the time
-- but somebody does use it somewhere, so it exists and one has to deal
with it sometimes.
Al Iverson
(312)725-0130 <(312)%20725-0130>
On Fri, Dec 9, 2016 at 10:44 AM
+1 unreasonable for an indiscriminate block on all of Amazon SES. Why would
anyone want to use such a BL is beyond me given that there are many, much
better alternatives.
On Dec 9, 2016 5:30 PM, "Vladimir Dubrovin via mailop"
25.11.2016 22:50, Al Iverson пишет:
Hi Otto,
Long time no tal
ed by it.
6. Deriving from 4+5, the practice attests to lazyness or apathy to false
positives by the operator deploying it.
On Wed, Jun 15, 2016 at 12:36 PM, Michelle Sullivan
> Gil Bahat via mailop wrote:
>> public PBL registry. Do you see any big recipients
>> (gmail/ho
email ground rules and some of the heat senders receive will
fall back at them, then we'll see some progress around that.
On Wed, Jun 15, 2016 at 10:30 AM, Noel Butler
> On 15/06/2016 16:59, Gil Bahat via mailop wrote:
> I beg to differ. Spamhaus offers the PBL in rsyn
on't, and their performance requirements are much more stringent than
yours. That could be a good indication you're cutting corners and having
someone else pay the price for it.
On Wed, Jun 15, 2016 at 9:48 AM, Noel Butler wrote:
> On 15/06/2016 16:09, Gil Bahat via mailop wro
Prudency aside, this is one of the things wrong in the email world. I don't
get it why recipients do something which is patently lax (having a naive
regex) when a more appropriate solutions exist (spamhaus PBL) with a 'screw
the sender, it's their problem, they'll bear the wrath of their users' -
I wouldn't recommend this approach. If your email carries high business
value, even a relatively small ISP could justify the time investment needed
to resolve the situation. when we had issues with spamcannibal BL and the
operator was unyielding, I went the time to research which of the providers
happy if anyone from a
large recipient can comment on that - not sure what would happen if it
didn't indeed function like this, or if there are separate streams and this
shuts off only a specific stream or what happens if the users regrets
unsubscribing and re-activates it.
Gil Ba
It's called bounceio 'domain monetization' and it's not new at all. They
will send bounces specifically back to the sender address and not the
return path address. Like any spam operation, it's UCE. Unlike any other
spam operation, not enough people mark them as spam, so their email still
gets acce
We've been GL'ed by yahoo for over a year now and I pretty much gave up all
hope of ever getting it fixed, despite the fact that we send time-sensitive
emails. We get a mix of the postmaster-21 notice and another notice with a
vague/generic text.
On Apr 27, 2016 1:23 AM, "Renaud Allard via mai
you know, I think that's one of the highly undesirable unintended
consequences of DMARC ATM - the habit it's forming to dig out messages from
spam. I keep thinking to myself how I need not make a mistake about
something patently spammy or risky when digging out these from spam. so I
spend a lot mor
Also bounce.io , but these are very bad services. They bounce to the reply
to, not bounce address: former is likely monitored, latter is likely
automated removal.
On Dec 11, 2015 10:40 AM, "Franck Martin" wrote:
> There a whole business, https://betterbounces.net, based on rewriting the
> NDR int
y has
contacts there or at least access to some inmails, they'd be doing everyone
a big favour.
Gil Bahat,
Magisto Ltd.
On Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 7:59 PM, Brandon Long wrote:
> It goes to spam because we think it's phishy. It sometimes doesn't go to
On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 8:57 PM, Jay Hennigan
> I've been getting an increasing amount of spam to various of my addresses
> some of which have not been been actively used for some time. The amount of
> spam received is kicking upward fairly rapidly.
> All of this spam is sent by a third-
t have been impacted by this. so that's worth settling once and
for all, our time-sensitive emails notwithstanding...
If reply includes contact please reply off-list.
Gil Bahat,
Magisto Ltd.
On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 11:43 AM, Gil Bahat wrote:
> Hi,
pid policy...
has anyone else encountered this too? can anyone help?
Gil Bahat,
Magisto Ltd.
mailop mailing list
> --
> *Michael J Wise* | Microsoft | Spam Analysis | "Your Spam Specimen Has
> Been Processed." | Got the Junk Mail Reporting Tool
> <http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=18275> ?
> *From:* mailop [mailto:mailop-boun...
Responses Inline
On Thu, Sep 24, 2015 at 9:07 PM, Jay Hennigan
> On 9/24/15 8:04 AM, Gil Bahat wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Carefully observing our FBL complaints one by one, I see a disturbing
>> phenomena: users marking swaths of email, sometimes receiv
these are counted to full effect as much as any other spam
complaint (e.g. from sources like return path senderscore).
Feedback (outside the loop, snicker snicker) would be most welcome.
Gil Bahat,
Magisto Ltd.
I am looking for a contact at Ziggo Netherlands (ziggo.nl/home.nl/as9143.net)
to clear up some flagging of our emails as spam. Please contact me offlist,
help would be welcome.
Gil Bahat,
Magisto Ltd.
mailop mailing
As a sidenote, I'm nowhere near surprised by the angst level of senders and
recipients alike, created by distrust between mailbox operators and
senders. IMHO If the industry would work on better communication
facilities, things should gradually cool down, on a long term scale.
> to read documentation.
> Cheers,
> Steve
> >
> > Aloha,
> > Michael.
> > --
> > Michael J Wise | Microsoft | Spam Analysis | "Your Spam Specimen Has
> Been Processed." | Got the Junk Mail Reporting Tool ?
> >
> >
That brings up a very good point: can anyone make this link at least mildly
more prominent than a 'here' anchor in the middle of a large body of text
under an unassuming header?
Almost makes you feel unwanted.
On Sep 15, 2015 12:16 AM, "Michael Wise" wrote:
> If it has anything to do with Hotmai
), I haven't seen any ill effects to it and the
support benefit is extremely handy. It would also allow third party MUAs to
parse and display this data.
Are there any good reasons not do so? I am trying to think of the cons and
I can't come up with anything really good.
> ___
> mailop mailing list
> mailop@mailop.org
> http://chilli.nosignal.org/mailman/listinfo/mailop
Gil Bahat,
Magisto Ltd.
mailop mailing list
Perhaps they are suggesting that the process itself needs improvement,
rather than the immediate problem being solved up until the next one.
my personal experience has been somewhat of a toss: At times I have been
able to escalate a noticeable problem to qualified engineers (which happen
to be fam
This looks like the format for FBL complaints and not DMARC complaints.
Note the IP however is in the private use block, which means
something is not correct with the setup.
when you get an FBL complaint, you also get a redacted copy of the email.
can you trace back and see if these are
I wish I had an error message other than the regular/occasional 550 mailbox
I do have one gun that has a wisp of smoke to it: when analyzing FBL
complaints, an overwhelmingly large amount of them (~70% ballpark or so I
believe) are ex post factum FBL complaints coming in bulk: a given
from the independent anti-spam testing corpus at intra2net, which is (imho)
a great resource.
Gil Bahat,
Magisto Ltd.
On Thu, Sep 3, 2015 at 8:57 PM, Marc P
Microsoft is also an engagement outlier for us compared to other major
providers, for the same traffic. We have not finished investigation into
the matter yet but I am really interested in your results / resolution.
On Sep 3, 2015 5:29 PM, "Brian Curry" wrote:
> Is anyone from Microsoft/Hotmail a
auth stats - we've been
wanting to clear our mail streams from unencrypted senders and to deploy a
p=reject DMARC record, this helps a lot and I hope other consoles follow
All in all this makes a great addition to our toolset and we'll definitely
make use and recommend it.
Gil Bah
if you are running another RBL or DNSBL, I think whitelisting schema.org
and its IP is also a prudent thing.
Gil Bahat,
Magisto Ltd.
mailop mailing list
The core of the problem is still poor mailing practices which we're working
on rectifying. Thanks to everybody who assisted with this.
Gil Bahat,
Magisto LTd.
On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 9:05 PM, Gil Bahat wrote:
> Thanks Brandon, We actually just got to that
ks just to push through undesired/problematic e-mails.
>From a technical standpoint, I'd imagine any of these headers could
possibly trigger it but I'd assume that list-id is a solid choice for a
silo differentiator.
I'll follow-up off-list from here.
Gil Bahat,
f x20 more silent rejections and search for a
systematic problem.
(as an aside, I do have to say it's contradictory to the devops mindset of
(tongue-in-cheek) 'monitoring/log entry or it didn't happen' and it's a bit
jarring to try and maintain the two together).
oolset has yet to be migrated or
but at least we know we have a significant problem needs pursing, so we
have that going for us which is nice. sorts of.
Gil Bahat,
Magisto Ltd.
On Sun, May 31, 2015 at 6:27 PM, Al Iverson
> Well, I think
for more
this is baffling. has anyone else ever encountered this situation? why
would adding any of these have such a dramatic impact on whether a given
e-mail is spam or not?
Gil Bahat,
Magisto Ltd.
mailop mai
guys you only get unlisted:
> Happens way too often).
> David Hofstee
> Deliverability Management
> MailPlus B.V. Netherlands (ESP)
> *Van:* mailop [mailto:mailop-boun...@mailop.org] *Namens *Gil Bahat
> *Verzonden:* Friday, May
of victory.
Gil Bahat,
Magisto Ltd.
mailop mailing list
The only thing RSG would understand is if you start blacklisting their IPs
with a vocal message. IMHO, they should be getting treated worse than
Amazon (which is constantly dissed on this list). There is no pole long
enough to touch an RSG product.
On Fri, May 15, 2015 at 8:17 AM, Robert Mueller
integrate other "blocklists and bot
> detection mechanisms?"
> What orders of magnitude are you seeing for signups on your service? Seems
> like an interesting problem to solve.
> On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 2:00 AM, Gil Bahat wrote:
>> Excellent stuff, comprehen
akismet to outgoing UGC a great one, because
'standard' outbound spam filters don't aim UGC sharing systems, rather they
aim at ISPs, ESPs and big webmail providers.
Thanks a lot, extremely useful.
Gil Bahat,
Magisto Ltd.
On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 11:20 AM, Paul Kinca
I don't think I have ever seen a message with the Auto-Submitted header. I
will try to run checks whether providers actually do support this, or
that's dead letter, like half of the RFCs out there...
As for outlook.com and office 365, I've seen that they actually do
implement outlook-specific featu
ng prudent transactional senders. funny thing is, this
is a microsoft-specific (well, outlook-specific) standard and yet not
supported by office online or outlook.com. if anyone is willing to submit
it as RFC, it would be greatly appreciated.
Gil Bahat,
additional blocklists which can suit this usage
(blocking users/registrations), I'd appreciate a tipoff (considering
Spamhaus DROP/EDROP, too)
Gil Bahat,
Magisto Ltd.
mailop mailing list
n the
ezweb.ne.jp - KDD japan, a popular telco.
Gil Bahat,
Magisto Ltd.
mailop mailing list
We've had this occurrence when we promoted DMARC to p=quarantine. Some
non-compliant emails were gone entirely while others made it to the spam
folder. not sure it applies to your situation, but I figured it's worth
On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 6:56 PM, Lyle Giese wrote:
> I have discover
22 PM, Jay Hennigan
> On 1/19/15 5:18, Gil Bahat wrote:
> >
> > I am the postmaster for magisto, an app centered around user generated
> > content (UGC). we enjoy some popularity, and with popularity comes
> > abuse. There are users who utilize magisto to gen
to map properly, but
I suspect it's happening already as i'm seeing a tad higher rejection rate on
invites to watch content.
Gil Bahat,
Magisto Ltd.
mailop mailing list
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