I got the same issue with my iPad in swedish.
I have reported it to apple accessibility so I think the best thing you can do
is to email them and explain the problem.
Regards Tony
Med vänlig hälsning
Tony Bernedal
Twitter @sm5xgp
Blogg samt tips och trix om it
this is also reported to apple but no confirmation from them yet.
Regards Tony
Med vänlig hälsning
Tony Bernedal
Blogg samt tips och trix om it, datorer och andra tekniska prylar för synskadade
29 jul 2011 kl. 14:39 skrev Krister Ekstrom:
> Yes, i do
can adjust it with left and right
Hope this helps.
Regards Tony
Med vänlig hälsning
Tony Bernedal
Blogg samt tips och trix om it, datorer och andra tekniska prylar för synskadade
7 okt 2010 kl. 19.51 skrev Annie Skov Nielsen:
> Hi Rob
Hi music lovers.
What is the right version to get of protools.
I saw a lot of options on the site but I guess it's the protools software I
should get.
Do you know the cost for the software.
regards Tony
Med vänlig hälsning
Tony Bernedal
Blogg samt tips och trix
from this year so I think it'll
work for som home studio enviroment.
again, thanks for the answer..
Regards Tony
Med vänlig hälsning
Tony Bernedal
Blogg samt tips och trix om it, datorer och andra tekniska prylar för synskadade
16 okt 2010 kl. 1
Go to
www.webkit.org if my memory tells me right.
Regards Tony
Med vänlig hälsning
Tony Bernedal
Blogg samt tips och trix om it, datorer och andra tekniska prylar för synskadade
16 okt 2010 kl. 21.39 skrev Jeff Berwick:
> Hi all,
> I m
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Hi all.
Does anyone know of any good software to use for recording lp or tapes
to the mac. I used audio grabber for windows to do that and I really
liked the features it have for splitting tracks etc. Is there anything
similar on the mac. Free or payed software. I have amadeus for a
re wanting. It costs, but not a lot,
> and the demo allows you a certain amount of time per cessionthen it
> emposes noise over it, but you can keep running cessions as many
> times as you like to get a feel for the aplication before deciding to
> purchase.
> On Oct 16, 2009, at
HI all.
Have anyone get readiris 12 pro to work? I have it downloaded and I
tried to run it from the applications folder but it looks like it
hangs completely.
I have so far only red the readme file and can't see anything there.
Maybe I have to go in the manual but I ask here if anyone else
Hi Anne.
Thanks for the answer. I'll try it later.
I have been away from the list a month due to moving so I missed your
earlier post.
Thanks again.
Regards Tony
20 okt 2009 kl. 23.24 skrev Anne Robertson:
> Hello Tony,
> Here are the instructions I posted to MacVisionaries a few weeks ago
Hi Anouk.
I have also used my mac for around 3 months now, and like you I still
use windows for a couple of things. I trying to get the scanning and
ocr to work on the mac but for now windows and omnipage have to do the
jobb. I had a license for windows xp lying on the shelf from a no
longer worki
e) and I
> guess even less that are available in Europe. Which do you use? I guess as
> long as I get one with a remote things will be ok (if it indeed can find the
> channels).
> I too LOVE the sleep features of the mac, i never turn mine off, just close
> the lid and thats it.
> Gr
Hi all
Is there any tips on how to speed up finder or is it any better file
manager out there. I try to go to my music folder that contains about
4 songs and finder go to the folder and almost sitting on the
first item and saying busy for about 20 minutes or so. If I move the
vo cursor
er of the songs
> you have, my Mac speeds along just fine and dandy. Are you using
> iTunes? You wouldn't, perhaps, be using a Mac Mini without a monitor,
> would you? (If so, I know what's holding things up.)
> Please do tell more.
> -- Howard
> Tony Bernedal wrote:
Spottify is completely useless on the mac platform. the only thing you
see with v o is the searchfield. They don't answer mail to the support.
Xmarks works fine. the installation is no problem and it syncs your
bookmarks fine. The only problem I have with it is the menu in the
menubar th
I think you have to contact the support for xmarks to get them fix the
links. Almost all download links for xmarks for s l points to the old
version. I finally found the right link.
If you have trouble finding it let me know off list and I can send you
the correct dmg file.
Regards Tony
I have both programs but I can't try them out due to the bad interface program
that was shipped with canon lide 100. Do you folks out there think that wuscan
should help me or do I still have to use windows to make the OCR jobb done? Or
is there any other solution to bypass scangear softwa
Hi Anne.
Thanks for the answer. I'll give vuescan a try later.
Regards Tony
10 nov 2009 kl. 20.48 skrev Anne Robertson:
> Hello Tony,
> VueScan should solve your problems.
> A big plus with FineReader is that it isn't limited to 50 pages as Readiris
> is. I don't know what its limit i
Hi all
How on earth can I create groups in adressbook? The problem I have is when I
created the group from the file menu the name is untitled and I can not get it
to change to for example Work.
Any Idea?
Regards Tony
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> AIM: cincinster
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> On Nov 24, 2009, at 10:37 AM, Tony Bernedal wrote:
>> Hi all
>> How on earth can I create groups in adressbook? The problem I have is when I
>> created the gro
Hi all.
I use speech profile in growl for the growl-messages. It works perfect but I
wonder if anyone knows how to change the speed of the speech. It doesn't use
the systemsetting or vo setting so it talking very slow.
Any ideas?
Regards Tony
You received this message because you are subscr
Hi all.
I had the same issue with a complete original windows 7 disc and
serial number. It doesn't install at all from the disc. It spins the
disc for a while and then do nothing. So I thought it was due to the
w7 copy was a upgrade version of w7 so I installed it on my old hp
laptop instead. There
Hi all.
I tried baum supervario 40 with bluetooth and the mac says that the driver
can't be loaded. I think supervario 40 is the same as brailleant 40 but baum
has their own firmware in it. Also supervario works fine on usb. Maybe thats my
device having problems so i'm going to try another one w
I use alva 544 on my mac and it works perfect. only plug it in. My version is
the traveler so it doesn't have the two other usb ports, wich is a usb 1 hub.
Sometimes the mac lose connection with the display but if I switch it off and
on again it works.
Regards Tony
5 jun 2010 kl. 17.56 skre
Hi Krister.
I think your displays work on your other mac and you try them on the mb pro? is
this correct?
Did you transfer your settings from the older machine to the mb pro?
And, did you use the swedish braille table?
I have the same problem then transfering the content from a macbook to a Imac
Hi Krister.
Nice to hear it's working now.
I'm glad I can help you.
Regards Tony
6 jun 2010 kl. 14.04 skrev Krister Ekstrom:
> 6 jun 2010 kl. 13.36 skrev Tony Bernedal:
>> I have the same problem then transfering the content from a macbook to a
>> Imac a
I had the same experience with xp and fusion. I added more ram to my m b so it
now have 4 gb and both fusion and all other tasks on the mac runs like a charm.
Fast and very responsive.
So my recomendation is to add more ram ta your machine.
I haven't tried w7 due to I can't get the thing to i
Hi Folks.
I'm thinking of creating a new website for a little project. I tried iweb but
it wasn't very accessible to start with. I can't for example not see wich
design to select at the first stage when crating a new site. Have anyone out
there any tips for using iweb, or recommendation for sof
Hi all.
I'm new to this world of mac, and I like it a lot. Have played with my
macbook for a week now and so far I'm happy with it.
There are a few things I want to ask about regarding safari and vo.
1 I went to apple online shop to order upgrade program for snow
leopard. Everything went ok until
Hi all.
Does anyone here know if there is a swedish braille table available
somewhere? And can I disable contracted braille forever? I don't like
that I have to switch it off all times I start vo. I don't understand
u s contracted braille very good.
All the best.
de French and Norwegian, and Danish is in the
> pipeline. I can't give you a time line, but we'll do what we can.
> Please send the codes, preferably 8-point dot patterns with their
> corresponding print symbols and Unicode codes, to:
> Cheers,
> Anne
Hi Anne.
I can se what I can get together when I'm back from holliday. We have
some documentation at work. We have made swedish braille tables for
Baum and there products so I guess I can find something.
All the best
2009/7/31, Anne Robertson :
> Hello Tony,
> We can get started with the
Hi all.
Comming from the world of viruses, wich means windows, I wonder if I
need antivirus software on macs and if so, wich one do you recommend
out there? I know that linux is very safe itself from viruses and
other bad stuff and I also think mac is the same.
But I ask anyway if anyone know abou
personally, but my father
> uses iantivirus, and I set it up for him so it is accessible. I did a
> google search to find it and don't have the link off hand.
> On 3-Aug-09, at 8:54 AM, Tony Bernedal wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> Comming from the world of viruses, wich me
My stream shows it self like a external drive in windows, mac os x and
ubuntu just fine. Haven't tried windows with fusion under os x. I have
firmware 3.0 of the stream. I can copy files to and from the stream
just fine on all thre os-versions. The only thing I can see is that it
take a very lo
It was also an article about this network here in sweden in the
swedish version of idg.se.
Very nice that mainstream media covers mac and accessibility and not
only microsoft products.
Good job Josh!
Regards Tony
2009/8/17, Dan Eickmeier :
> Just want to echo Anna's comments, what a wonder
Hi all.
I have sucessfully installed a copy of windows xp on my mac with vm
fusion and it work fine. I tried to install ubuntu but I can't figure
out how to start a manual install of ubuntu. I can use the automatic
one and it worked ok, but screenreading doesn't work great with a
normal in
I have tried vmware fusion with windows xp as a virtual machine with
jaws 9 and it works very well. I can use jaws in widnows and voice
over together but voice over takes control over some keys so to get
most commands out of jaws I focused on the virtual machine and when it
is running and jaws
Hi all
Just upgrading to s l. I noticed that vo saying the letters k l
instaed of at when I type the @ Maybe thats a bug in the swedish
translation of s l but can I fix that? On the braille display the @-
sigen is corect.
Hi all.
Spending yesterday evening with snow leopard and I must say that I'm
not very impressed.
Here is my observations so far.
- VO gets stuck in submenus and also jumps over menu items. This have
been discussed here before.
- In swedish translation vo says k l instad of at for the @-symbol.
- S
>>> /Krister
>>> 4 sep 2009 kl. 10.55 skrev John André Netland:
>>>> Hi Tony,
>>>> To avoid getting stuck in menus etc., go to VO Utilities, enter the
>>>> navigation category a
I don't think it worth trying. it is completely not accessible on the
mac and windows so I think it is not accessible for iphone too. I have
tried mailing them about it but no answer.
Regards Tony
2009/9/14, Esther :
> Hi,
> David Hole wrote:
>> Have anyone of you out there tried Spoti
Hi all.
I have looked around the webb but can't find answer to my ipone question.
I have used the iphone for a couple of days and so far no problem.
But a question. How do I activate voice over during a call? I red
somewhere that you can flick two fingers upwards to get v o speaking
but that didn'
ou will then be able to press the keypad button to actifvate the keypad.
> If you have the latest upgrade on your phone, VO will remember the volume,
> and you will only have to do this once.
> Best,
> Donna
> -Original Message-
> From: Tony Bernedal
> Sen
Hi Ryan.
The same problem here and also with the interface for my readynas wich also
uses these boxes to alert for differnt things.
latest webkit solved it for me with the readynas.
Regards Tony
Med vänlig hälsning
Tony Bernedal
Blogg samt tips och trix om it, datorer och
Hi all
I'm looking for instructions how to set up hijack pro to record both microphone
and system audio. I can record mic and system audio separatly but not at same
Does anyone have any instructions how to do this or any link to any
descriptions. I have looked in the manual but there is o
> if you also highjack the microphone as a seperate session, this will work.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> facebook.com/ray.foretjr.1
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f you don't need other
features that a server can do. I earlier played a lot with linux server
software but now I only use the NAS device.
I forgot to say that the webbased controlpanel on the duo works fine with v o.
Regards Tony.
Med vänlig hälsning
Tony Bernedal
x27;t think that the
special characters dialog do something if you only look what it is.
Regards Tony
Med vänlig hälsning
Tony Bernedal
Blogg samt tips och trix om it, datorer och andra tekniska prylar för synskadade
Personlig blogg med tankar och fundering
r when I get more used to the device.
Regards Tony
Med vänlig hälsning
Tony Bernedal
Blogg samt tips och trix om it, datorer och andra tekniska prylar för synskadade
Personlig blogg med tankar och funderingar
You received thi
ore later.
So maybe it works better with the controler you are about to try.
Good luck with your new gadgets.
Regards Tony
Med vänlig hälsning
Tony Bernedal
Blogg samt tips och trix om it, datorer och andra tekniska prylar för synskadade
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