Hi Anne.
The only table I have by hand right now is the one thats in jaws for
windows. Can you use that one or do you need something else.
All the best Tony

2009/7/31, Anne Robertson <a...@anarchie.org.uk>:
> Hello Tony,
> Unfortunately, there is a bug in Leopard that prevents uncontracted
> Braille remaining set. I have configured a Router Key on my PAC Mate
> 20 to turn contracted Braille off.
> As for Swedish Braille tables, we haven't done them yet, but if you
> would care to send us the code, we'll make one for you as soon as we
> can. We've already made French and Norwegian, and Danish is in the
> pipeline. I can't give you a time line, but we'll do what we can.
> Please send the codes, preferably 8-point dot patterns with their
> corresponding print symbols and Unicode codes, to:
> <cons...@anarchie.org.uk>
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On Jul 31, 2009, at 5:41 PM, Tony Bernedal wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> Does anyone here know if there is a swedish braille table available
>> somewhere? And can I disable contracted braille forever? I don't like
>> that I have to switch it off all times I start vo. I don't understand
>> u s contracted braille very good.
>> All the best.
>> Tony.
>> >
> >

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