Thanks for all tips. I didn't think about audio hijac, I'll give it a  
Have someone here any good suggestion for usb soundcards to use with  
the mac? I want 5.1 sound output so I can connect the mac mini I have  
to my reciever. That old thing doesn't have digital input so I have to  
use analog. I found a Asus xonar ua usb soundcard that sounds good  
when I red the discription but I couldn't find anything that said it  
works on mac. Any tips are welcome.
Regards Tony

16 okt 2009 kl. 20.54 skrev Thomas McMahan:

> Audio Highjack can do what you are wanting.  It costs, but not a lot,
> and the demo allows you a certain amount of time per cessionthen it
> emposes noise over it, but you can keep running cessions as many
> times as you like to get a feel for the aplication before deciding to
> purchase.
> On Oct 16, 2009, at 1:14 PM, Tony Bernedal wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> Does anyone know of any good software to use for recording lp or  
>> tapes
>> to the mac. I used audio grabber for windows to do that and I really
>> liked the features it have for splitting tracks etc. Is there  
>> anything
>> similar on the mac. Free or payed software. I have amadeus for a
>> testdrive but it looks very overkill just for recording tapes and lps
>> to the mac.
>> Any tips are welcome.
>> Regards
>> Tony
> >

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