I am in the same camp as Scott. I am not sure if the Braille input will work
effectively. The design of the screen will have to be universally flexible for
all hand sizes. On top of that you will not get the physical feedback that you
get on other Braille Input devices.
I am always willing to
How do you find out the status of Time machine.Hi all and what it is currently
backing up.
>From the status menu you can see the time machine showing it is prepping for a
>backup. But there is no time, file/directory being updated, etc?
Also, how do you verify what information is being backed
Hi All.
What is a good IDE for programming under Mac for:
Web editing is another area of interest as well. Something that use's templates
to complete the HTML tags.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" gro
Have you looked at Safari on the Oreilly.com site? If you join this site you
can access a lot of different computer books.
An actual accessible book on HTML I don't know of and would be interested for
On 03/03/2012, at 9:15 AM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was just w
I would also like to know if there is a mail list specific to Apple programmers
who are blind. There is a generic blind programming list. From memory it is
more focus towards Windows.
On 06/03/2012, at 11:01 PM, irid domnori wrote:
> Hi,
> As a developer, for submitting voiceover's o
I have asked a similar questions before. All IDE's I have looked at under the
MAC were not accessible. EMac at the shell level is and there is a learning
curve here.
So any info you find is more then welcomed at this end. If I do find one, I
will let the group know.
On 12/03/2012,
Hi Paul.
If Windows is booted. VMWare should prompt you if Mac or Windows should use the
USB Device. Jaws will not automatically detect it until you reload it. If you
have it already connected. Then you should see a Freedom Scientific Focus
button. This brings up a drop down menu where you can
Hi All.
I am seeking for a Budget program on the Mac. I have looked at IBank and the
table of transactions were not accessible. I have looked at savings and you
cannot edit transactions while everything else seems to be accessible. I am
ware of Envelopes Cash management web site. But I don't
e interested in
> printing checks, which I'm not, then I guess it won't work.
> Regards,
> Gigi
> Eugenia Firth
> gigifi...@sbcglobal.net
> On Mar 17, 2012, at 8:03 PM, Sean Murphy wrote:
>> Hi All.
ftware. It is very accessible.
> On Mar 17, 2012, at 8:03 PM, Sean Murphy wrote:
>> Hi All.
>> I am seeking for a Budget program on the Mac. I have looked at IBank and the
>> table of transactions were not accessible. I have looked at savings and you
need to run
> the setup program as Administrator?
> Thanks so much.
> On Mar 12, 2012, at 5:43 AM, Sean Murphy wrote:
>> Hi Paul.
>> If Windows is booted. VMWare should prompt you if Mac or Windows should use
>> the USB Device. Jaws will not aut
I have looked at Ibank and I couldn't review the transactions in the table.
Savings is another app I have tried. But you cannot edit transactions. So I am
also looking for a app that is good for budget management.
On 13/03/2012, at 2:58 AM, Bob Boyd wrote:
> I’m very interested in th
Hi all.
What is the NFB, ACB, and other organisations who support print disable people
doing about this?
They have the funds and expertise to challenge it in a class action. I
In relation to the number of people who have been restricted from reading
Ebooks via this method is larger then Americ
The mail issue isn't isolated to Hot mail. I get it with Gmail and my ISP. Mail
now and then prompts for the password and refuses to send a message. Very
flakey program. Don't know if I should go through my passwords and remove all
the duplicate entries. This might be a part of the issue.
So how does your response helps others with strange behaviour? Stone the crows,
some people.
On 25/03/2012, at 8:52 AM, Simon Cavendish wrote:
> No problem here at all.
> On 24 Mar 2012, at 21:28, Sean Murphy wrote:
>> The mail issue isn't isolated to Hot mail. I get it w
All companies regardless if they are specialising in Assistive technology
introduce new features. The customer base drives the feature requests which is
the market base. If the company cannot reproduce a problem. Then how can they
fix it. Assuming this is the case with the issue you have ar
I use the Checkbook pro app as well. It is the first app I have found which is
accessible from a normal software vendor. Saved me trying to write my own
budget scripts.
On 20/04/2012, at 3:43 AM, Steve Holmes wrote:
> Thanks for the first relevant answer to my thread. Oh and I'm
Hi Christine
Why don't you initiate a class action against the Authors gill so to level the
playing ground for accessible books. Your not the first or only person I have
seen on different lists complain about the Author gill. I just don't see anyone
in the USA doing anything about it. So they
Hi all.
AGain, how can education departments in the USA buy products when they are not
508 rehab accessible? I thought all governments department in the USa had to
ensure the product is accessible based upon this rehab act or does this only
apply for federal?
There is 3 ways to change the t
Hi all.
How do you stop the Mac from locking the screen? I cannot see the option in
the preferences. If I don't use the computer for about 5 to 15 minutes. The
screen locks requiring the password again.
Also, how do you put it into screen lock when you want too?
You received this
Hi all.
AGain, how can education departments in the USA buy products when they are not
508 rehab accessible? I thought all governments department in the USa had to
ensure the product is accessible based upon this rehab act or does this only
apply for federal?
There is 3 ways to change the t
I would raise a different slant on the whole discussion. No one took this up
before in one of my prior posts. This is a concept and please treat it as an
idea. If people want to discuss this off line to see if it could be actually
adopted. Then please let me know. I am more then happy to d
activate the screen
saver when you want.
On 30/04/2012, at 5:26 AM, Allison Mervis wrote:
> You can change that in energy saver preferences.
> Allison
> On Apr 29, 2012, at 5:46 AM, Sean Murphy wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> How do you stop the Mac from l
Hi all.
Is it possible on the Mac to have Voice-over going across the head phone and
all system sound going across the internal speakers?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to macvisionar
n the vo utility, select the sound tab, and select the sound
> device vo should use.
> On 5/3/12, Sean Murphy wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> Is it possible on the Mac to have Voice-over going across the head phone and
>> all system sound going across the internal speakers?
Apparently this does work but there could be files left behind. Go to the
triple click home web site they have an article on maintaining your Mac and the
article talks about removing apps.
On 07/05/2012, at 2:34 AM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
> Hi,
> You got it. Just find the applicatio
Hi Mike,
To disable the screen saver you have to make sure your screen saver icon is
showing in the preference. If you open the menu, then go to view. Select custom
and make sure everything here is selected.
Then go to screen savers. Change the period of the screen saver to what you
want. I ha
Hello to all.
I wish to clear up some possible misunderstandings that people have with the
virtualisation route.
Depending on available resources on your Mac will determine how to configure
the VMWare. If you have a Mac with 8gb of physical memory. VMWare states only
to use a maximum of 50% o
If anyone wants to reach me off line that is fine. Another tip related to
keyboard remapping.
There is a program for the Mac that allows you to remap your keys. I have
played with this and it gives you more flexibility on assigning the right
options or command keys. Since these keys are
Give her a set of examples when to use the interaction feature. Such as text
pad since it is a simple app. Break it down in steps and give this to her. More
then one example would be useful from different apps.
On 05/06/2012, at 11:30 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
> Being
VMWare is a great tool to use. There is a a lot of tips and tricks in the
archive of this mail list.
Under windows you will have to remap keys with sharp key and the Mac you can
also remap keys with remapper an app for the mac.
Ensuring you have done your homework, you should not have
Hi Maria,
When you load VMWare, you will get options where you can tell VMWare to attach
the external keyboard to the Host. This is seen when you have VMWare in the
standard window mode, not full screen. Everytime you load VMWare, you will have
to connect the USB key.
Modify the file and you w
I really get tied of seeing these bashing threads on different OS's and screen
reader. This isn't productive at all and shows quite a negative outlook.
Each model has positive and negative components which they range beyond what
has been discussed thus far. If you believe there is improvem
don't know.
> Thanks!
> EN TWITTER: @macneticos
> www.macneticus.blogspot.com
> http://macneticos.libsyn.com
> El 26/06/2012, a la
Hello Paul,
This is wrong. I can use Focus 40 FS braille display in VMWare fusion with no
problems. How are you connecting? The issue could be related to the method of
if you are successfully connecting to the Mac and then you need check your
Fusion setup. The hardware is still con
> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Sean Murphy
> Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 3:41 AM
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: Two questions about virtual machines and a brief intro
> Hello Paul,
> This is wrong.
Remember that Mac does not have a insert key. If you require this key, then you
will have to modify the keyboard within Windows, VMWare or on the Mac to permit
this to occur. There have been many posts on this on different lists discussing
On 17/08/2012, at 9:48 PM, Jesus Garcia
> running windows?
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Sean Murphy
> Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 20:40
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: V M Ware Question
> Hi,
> Reme
Hi All.
If everyone having such problems and are based within the USA. Why don't you
initiate a class action against FaceBook for ADA. Assuming they do not
listen or try and make changes. Facebook is regarded as a tool used by
businesses, not only for personal use.
I cannot initiate it becau
Apple script might be able to interract with the Terminal app itself. But it
really depends on what you are trying to achieve. If Terminal has a
dictionary, then you can use those objects, methods, properties to work with
Terminal. Since I am not on my MAC. I cannot tell you straight away
Hi Chris,
Why is talking about the CLI off topic since the MAC is based upon Unix and
is the core of the OS.
- Original Message -
From: "Chris Blouch"
Sent: Friday, December 02, 2011 8:00 AM
Subject: Re: where to start i I want to automate terminal commands
In your utili
What version of Fusion?
Since I do not have this problem.
I am using Lion and Fusion 3.1x.
My configuration is that I make the VM guess OS window a full screen by
pressing control + option + enter. Then the control arrows plus the normal
arrows work fine. In fact, I do not recall if havi
Make sure the external drive is mounted first. All mounted volumes are in
/volumes directory.
On 02/01/2012, at 10:46 AM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
> Hi all.
> Can anybody tell me why neither my Air nor my MBP will believe me when I tell
> them I want my libraries in iTunes locate
t, not to mention what to do if
> the external server drive is not mounted.
> Reach within you, find the beauty of you, then share your light with the
> world!
> Marlaina Lieberg
> 1guide...@gmail.com
> On Jan 1, 2012, at 6:43 PM, Sean Mur
Hi Donna,
You might want to investigate into Apple Script. This can modify default
behaviours for applications. You can introduce your own save as. This is a work
around I know.
But even better. You could create a template using apple script. activate the
script fill in the bits you want. Sav
The blogger is correct in relation to OS on smart phones. If an app reports
straight away it doesn't have enough memory. Then either there is a memory leak
in that app or some other problem in relation to the app not reporting
correctly to the OS.
You are hitting a bug, not a miss explanat
o learn to use Apple
> Script for a long time, but I just never seem to have time. Can you suggest
> any tutorials or podcast on learning to use it?
> TIA,
> Donna
> On Jan 5, 2012, at 5:58 AM, Sean Murphy wrote:
>> Hi Donna,
>> You might want to inve
Hi chuck,
I think people have missed the main point of your message and have gone on a
tangent which isn't what you were asking.
Large (magnification) on the Mac is very good from my understanding. You can
quickly change the size of the font. But I do not know what the feature
differences betw
Have they reviewed the W3c guidelines in relation to web accessibility?
On 31/01/2012, at 9:39 AM, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:
> Hello, Temple Rodef Shalom in NOrther Virginia just updated their web site
> and it has a mouse over type of menu that uses a "menu.js" I can with some
> fina
Hi Mike,
Why do you want to mask your IP address?
Don't you have a router between you and the Internet?
Natting is the simplest method to hide your PC IP address.
On 31/01/2012, at 2:00 AM, Michael Busboom wrote:
> Hi.
> I am looking for a low-cost solution for masking my Mac's IP ad
some NAS devices have a iTunes Server. Qnap does have this. But I haven't used
it yet.
This is a interesting thread since it is what I wanted to do myself as well. I
want to access all the movies, audiobooks, music, etc via the NAS on the ITv.
But if I cannot control what is seen by who
If you want a major challenge. Then something that I feel would be excellent on
the IOS device is a program that will allow someone to review organisation
charts, network diagrams, and the like.
How would this work?
1. every graphical picture is an object.
2. When you move to the object it
The requirements you have in relation to office application is related to your
skill level or what features you require to use.
Tables within Pages o not work. I am aware of many discussions on work arounds.
But pages doesn't work with tables. There are other text based Unix
Thanks for the post. Ignore what others say unless the moderator states
otherwise. this is very informative.
On 11 Jun 2014, at 1:16 am, Christopher Hallsworth
> Christopher Hallsworth
> Student at the Hadley School for the Blind
> www.hadley.edu
How do you find this option?
On 1 Jul 2014, at 5:49 pm, David Chittenden wrote:
> Correct, speak screen already exists in iOS 7. It is a little harder to find.
> I have a client who sees perfectly well, but has dyslexia. I am training him
> to use speak screen for long screens of text that he b
Not yet for accessablity.
My experience is the part
> On 5 Mar 2015, at 10:30 am, Juan Hernandez wrote:
> Has anyone tried the new office 2016 preview released today?
> I’m going to try and install it in a few minutes.
> Best,
> Juan M. Hernandez
> Access technology Specialist
There is a difference between VPN and hiding your IP address. Unblocks is a
service that you can use to hide your address. You point your DNs to their
server and this is all you have to do. It is about $5.00 per month USA. This is
how I gain access to information on the net that blocks my
I am very interested in finding out more about your RPD solution. If you are
running this on the Mac platform. I assume you are running Jaws or like screen
reader on the other end? If so, how successful is the controlling of windows
and the screen reader? Can you copy things from the wi
How am i not surprised that the email bug is not fix. Now another bug with
something that was working.
My experience is the part
> On 11 Apr 2015, at 8:43 pm, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
> Using an iPhone 6 Plus, there is the same bug.
> Another problem, which has not been fixed yet, is the
Right to the company and make them aware.
My experience is the part
> On 11 Apr 2015, at 10:44 am, Jenine Stanley wrote:
> Thanks. Discouraging but thanks and glad you were able to figure this out.
> Jenine Stanley
> dragonwalke...@gmail.com
>> On Apr 10, 2015, at 6:58 PM, Brett C.
e Criticism to Apple's
>>>> Accessibility Department
>>>> Is Apple "slipping as it pertains to accessibility...only time will tell
>>>> the true story
>>>> At 05:06 AM 4/11/2015, you wrote:
>>>>> When companies s
Hi all.
Can you mute VO when you open a specific app? I could not find any option in
accessibility settings. also how do you map a key to the mute speech?
Ideally, I would like to mute the text for a window only. But this is a tall
You received this message because you are sub
is. I do not use activities so someone
> more knowledgeable will can chime in here. But I know it can be done.
>> On 12/04/2015 07:25, Sean Murphy wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> Can you mute VO when you open a specific app? I could not find any option in
Flash is on the way out, HTML5 is replacing it.
> On 15 Apr 2015, at 2:10 pm, 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries
> wrote:
> Interesting twist. Of course I would guess you would have to show that you
> really did experience harm from their problematic updater rather than just
> the potential
Go to the ribbon bar and select the Help to improve office menu bar. This is
the method to feedback to MS.
The ribbon bar is the top level of objects that are available.
Example steps when in Excel:
> On 17 Apr 2015, at 2:20 am, Christopher-Mark Gilland
> wrote:
> Youngs? Um, I
If you come across bugs, I think it would be excellent to share with everyone
so we can confirm the bugs. If more people report the same bugs to MS, then
they can prioritise the bugs accordingly.
Excel Navigation
Excel does not scroll correctly in normal or full screen mode. If you use
this is a bug. Word does not detect styles yet. Log it to MS.
> On 21 Apr 2015, at 2:15 am, Eileen Misrahi h...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Jamie,
> I was successful in adding a heading 1 level in a doc, but what is missing is
> having VO announce what type of style one has used. This is
There are many people on this list who have got it to work. What version are
you using? Make sure you are using the latest before bashing their first beta
release. It isn’t bug free but at least MS is stepping up to the plate to
address the accessibility issues.
The version Version 15.
There are some minor issues with navigation by word. That is if you have a word
with a punctuation at the end. VO reads it twice when moving by opt left or
right arrow. If the word is at the end of the line. VO will read out the word
twice and then the punctuation when using opt left or right ar
That is good. But I would like MS Office to announce it for you when you press
vo t or some other method then setting up hot keys.
> On 24 Apr 2015, at 5:45 pm, Anne Robertson wrote:
> Hello,
> Here is how to identify the current style in Word.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> • Make su
A new release of Microsoft Office 2016 is now available via the automatic
update if you have already downloaded it before.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails
for the MAC?
>>> For example is it part of office 365?
>>> Thanks.
>>>> On May 17, 2015, at 3:22 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Sean,
>>>> Perfect! Thank you so m
I have already reported this as a bug to Ms. Tables are worse in the latest
release. I need to try Andy suggestion but you shouldn’t have to do this.
Also there is navigation problems with documents if you scroll up by line by
line when in print view mode. Sometimes you cannot move to the next p
The option to send feedback in relation to improvements or bugs is found on the
ribbon bar. Not on the menu. I am not on my Mac, so I cannot give you step by
step instructions.
In relation to bug reporting, everyone should post them here so other's can
test them and also report them.
bbon and I am not at my mac at
>> this moment either or I would look.
>> -Original Message-
>> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Sean Murphy
>> Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2015 15:42
>> To
Comments on Word you can insert with no problems. I have not yet tested it, but
I suspect you could set up a hot spot to monitor the tab that is open for
comments to detect the presence of a comment in the document.
I have not tested track changes in word. As you have already posted that
I would also like to know and also do you have to use Apple script?
> On 11 Jun 2015, at 7:57 pm, Devin Prater wrote:
> Hi all. Does anyone know if it is possible to script voiceover to work better
> with applications like one would make app modules or add ons for NVDA or
> scripts for Jaws?
How do you get the keyboard into VMWare? I thought it was cmd g.
Also do you know how you can permanently assign a bluetooth keyboard to the
VMWare? I managed to get it paired. But cannot work out how to tell the Mac not
to use it. It is not a Mac keyboard, it is a logitech keyboard.
> On
of accessing scripting objects in other applications.
> Jonathan Cohn
>> On Jun 11, 2015, at 6:12 AM, Sean Murphy wrote:
>> I would also like to know and also do you have to use Apple script?
>>> On 11 Jun 2015, at 7:57 pm, Devin Prater wrote:
The two options I can see:
1. Remap the Mac host keystroke to something else, if this can be done under
keyboard prefence.
2. Use another keyboard and modify the VMWare config file so the 2nd keyboard
is fully controlled by the guess OS (your Test Mac os). This is what I do for
Windows in the
want to see
what VMWare says since Apple states it is a VMware issue.
Under windows you do not have the issues where eVoice-over is still
intersecting keystrokes. If it is at a very low level then this could end up
being an Apple issue after all.
> On 16 Jun 2015, at 8:10 pm, Sean Mur
On either platform, a developer can use their own controls still. They do not
have to use the provided objects in the Coco library or Windows development
tool. This occurs equally on both platforms for the reasons that have already
been raised. The struggle anyone has even if you work within the
I would be interested to know about this as well.
VNC does not have a audio stream from the last time I used it which was over 2
years ago.
> On 22 Jun 2015, at 2:15 pm, Alex Hall wrote:
> That doesn't do audio, though, does it? If it were me, I'd need to hear
> VoiceOver speech from
Is, provided they are rendered
> accessible.
> I’m not sure what happens on the windows side, but I’ve taken it to myself to
> do everything a coder would do on the mac, and so far it’s getting smoother
> everytime. And much much faster too. Can’t say more.
> Cheers,
So Mac does not have a one software solution. Using face time and other methods
defeat the purpose of VNC. You may as well not use a remote control and tell
the person what to do.
Remote desktop and Citrix on Windows provide the remote desktop control on
windows. If Mac has Citrix then
This sound like a comms issue between Voice-over, the API and the browser. I
assume you are using safari. The question is safari sending the information to
Voice-over from this open source editor?
If not, then that is the issue. I mention this because you are entering
information into the edito
What packages do you need to install these editors?
> On 11 Jul 2015, at 5:45 pm, Yuma Decaux wrote:
> Hey Juan,
> That’s great news. I’ll stick to using eclim as I like my vim commands, but
> this will definetely be a nice addition for everyone who wants to use eclipse
> for
Use ms outlook
Do not know about thunderbird.
My experience is the part
> On 13 Jul 2015, at 2:50 pm, Sabahattin Gucukoglu wrote:
> MailMate? That came close, last time I looked …
> Nah, you’re right—this is one area where it sucks to be a Mac user, bigtime.
> --
> You received this
Anyone tested it in a VMWare session the latest beta? Since I am finding
strange volume issues. Wondering if it is a VMWare issue.
> On 13 Jul 2015, at 5:08 AM, Shaf wrote:
> Using a Macbook Pro 13 inch Retina mid 2012 if that's any help. Not tested on
> the 2015 15 inch retina as it is
With the current technology level for speech recognition it is true. With the
improvements being done, I don’t think this will be the case in the future.
> On 2 Aug 2015, at 2:04 am, Devin Prater wrote:
> People keep thinking Apple should put Siri in os X. I'll say this. Have any
> of
I have all the necessary settings for the deleting option set and I find the
messages delete from Mac Mail. But still appear on the iPhone. If you do it the
other way, it seems to work. This is Gmail of course. Also sending Gmail
messages take for ever to be send. When I look at the sent fo
You need a remap program within Windows to change the behaviour. Voice-Over
doesn't release keys when VMWare is running. Something I raised ages ago with
Apple and they blame VMWare. Of course VMWare blame Apple.
On 01/11/2013, at 9:32 AM, Scott Erichsen wrote:
> Hi all,
> I upgrade
Hi all.
I have just started to use Crome with CromeVox and Voice-Over working at the
same time. The latest version is far more impressive then the previous
versions. Anyone else on the list using Crome?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
How do you permit your braille cursor to navigate the app without moving the
keyboard or voice-over cursor, or is the voice-over cursor the Brialle cursor?
On 13/11/2013, at 4:41 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
> Hi, Kristeen,
> This is the sort of thing that I meant when I mentioned customi
k with Chromevox and Voiceover on at the same time, or did i
> misunderstand anything? Don’t voices or commands clash or have they changed
> commands for Chromevox recently?
> /Krister
> 13 nov 2013 kl. 11:49 skrev Sean Murphy :
>> Hi all.
>> I have just st
Why don't you post a question.
On 01/01/2014, at 12:05 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
> Same here - I'm on, but the list is silent. I think it is simply that no one
> has yet said anything.
> On Dec 31, 2013, at 7:53 PM, Pete Nalda wrote:
>> I seemed to get on ok. Got approved, but haven't seen any
Are you aware that the app can import files? It depends on the format of the
file. If you look at the documentation you will find the info. I am in the
process of importing over 10,000 recipes that have collected over the years.
On 03/01/2014, at 11:26 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli
If I understand what you are trying to do. You just have to make sure the album
name is different. The file will be in both locations. For example.
Song name: hello world
Artist: The best band
album: classical
Song name: hello world
Artist: The best band
album: Jazz
The above shoul
e the iTunes-like interface that MacGourmet has.
> Jim
> On Jan 2, 2014, at 10:10 PM, Sean Murphy wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Are you aware that the app can import files? It depends on the format of the
>> file. If you look at the documentation you will find the
Below is the extract from the user manual.
YAML is a simple, plain text file with sections delimited by key-value pairs.
To indicate a block of text, use an initial pipe character, as shown in
and ingredients. Consistent indenting should be used, but the order of the
fields does
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